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"What is this?" I ask "you lost" they say. Everything around me is blurry i dont know where i am. I can feel my heart pounding and i feel dizzy and out of place. "Lost?" I ask into the blurriness of the world.

What did i lose? Did i die? Where am i? Why do i feel like this?

"You died" they say. All of the sudden everything gets clear around me but my heart pouding and the im dizziness doesnt fade away.

I am sitting agaisnt a wall in a street. Its dark arounf and foggy. It looks like it just rained and everything looks broken down. The houses got leaves over them. The street got cracks in every stone. There is smoke coming out of the houses like it just been burned down.

"I died?" I ask. I still cant see the person clear. Everything around me is spinning and making my head hurt. I dont know what i did last or who this is.

Their voice doesnt seem to ring a bell. Is this death? A empty lost street. Maybe this is the after life if there is one.

Everything starts spinning more and more and the heartpounding and the headache gets worse. There dark spots floading around and a ring in my ear.

"Dont you remeber the accident?" The voice says. I look at the person trying to see who it is. I need to know who this is.

Their face changed from 1 person the next. It isnt 1 person? I recognize all these faces. There all people i know.

Dean comes up and then my parents and my old friends. Also the new ones come around. Xiever looks me dead in the eyes and apollo with question.

Is this a dream?
I think it is.

After staring at their faces long enough i see my girl. Her beautiful red hair flowing in the winds around here. Her warm smile again and her dimple on her left cheek. She looks just the same in my dream as real life.

A beautiful person switches into someone i dont know. And they smile at me. I assume its a guy. His hair is just 1 or 2 cm above his shoulders and huge eyebags and run down mascara.

He got blood shot eyes and grey skin. He looks dead and more like a corpse then a human.

I know him. I know him. I know him.

He takes out his hand to give it to me but i dont want to stand up. My head hurts and everything is spinning and the ringing in my ear and everything else.

I want to wake up.
Am i even asleep?
What if i am awake?
Did i really die?

When i dont take his hand he stands back up straight and smiles at me "do you remember the accident" he says again. What accident. Has there been a accident?

"What accident?" I ask him lowering my voice so i sound more intimidating. My breathing is still rapid like i have been running 8 kilometers.

"The accident where you died" the man says to me and smiles. Hes grey skin looks like its broken down. There many imperfections in it and the red shot eyes stare right through me. "You killed me in the accident, remeber?" He asks me. He looks down sad at me when he sees my puzzeld expression.

"I don't remeber" i tell him. I dont even know if i am in a dream or not. "The accident" he says again.

I close my eyes shot and cover my ears with my hands. I dont want to do this.

"Dash wake up please" I hear someone say. Her sweet voice is back again. My girl. Shes here shes with me. I open my eyes and see her.

Shes not alone.

Around her are the others. My friends now and my old friends and everyone i knew in my whole life. The man is standing in frond of me. He doesnt look grey anymore but he is covered in blood. His jet black hair is dull in this lighting.

alone again / Finished BxB /Where stories live. Discover now