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Im uncomfortable af but i could see that xiever is enjoying the attation his getting of the pretty girls. And i dont want to burst his bubble because im anti social as fuck and wanted to spend it with him only.

"Lets go somewhere and go picnic i got a blanket" keira says and smiles at me. "Yeah" i awnser shortly. I want to say no if im fully honest. But i dont wanna ruin xievers fun.

keira grabs my wrist and xiever and ruby follow after us. I could hear them talk abd laugh about something but i couldnt fully hear it. He isnt smiling at her fully tho. His eyes arent fully squinted and you cant see the rimpel that forms on his left cheek when he does fully smile.

We sat down at some open grass place where we walked by a hour or so ago. Its still crowded with people sitting all around the field. "Lets all sit here" keira says and gives me a huge friendly smile. She takes out the blanket and i help her lay it down.

We all sit down on the blanket together. I sit next to xiever and keira and ruby sits down next to xiever. Both of the girls are trying to get a little more touchy with us and try and touch our legs or hand whenever they had the tiny chance to do so.

We both know what they want from us. I dont know if i will give them what they want. But im not sure about xiever tough. He seems to be enjoying the attation and he definitely flirts back with her and also sometimes touches her. I dont want to touch keira to much but after a few minutes im more comfortable with her and its less hard to fake a smile when she tells me a joke or when dhe touches me again.

"We should do truth or dare" ruby says. Shes definitely the type to suggest it and then make the most daring dares there are or the hardest truths. Shes probably trying to know how far we would go in her little game.

" I'll start" xiever says and acts all confident "mhmm i will start off slow for you, whats your favourite drink" ruby says and smiles. Starting off slow!?! Like i said shes that type. "Mhm i think soda mixed of vodka" xiever says and smiles.

"Keira truth or dare" xiever says "dare" keira smiles proudly like she could do everything and like shes done everything too... "go up to those guys over there and ask if u could borrow their water and make sounds when u drink it  if you know what i mean" xiever says and looks my way and smiles a tiny bit.

I never knew he would be the type to ask this stuff in a truth or dare one. I am kinda scared what will happen when its my turn there making this game get more intense every question.

Keira gets offered the waterbottle and does what xiever is saying. The guys look a little confused but seem to weirdly be enjoying the weird show. She quickly comes back running to us and ruby squeals like shes proud of her friend and clals her hands a tiny bit.

"Ruby truth or dare" keira says with a cheeky smile "dare" ruby responds and she looks xievers way. "Put a bit of left over cake on your body where ever you want and let someone lick kt off you" keira says with a  cheeky smile. Ruby takes a bit of the cake on her finger and places it on her neck.

"Keira" she smiles and keira comes close to ruby and smiles at me. Ruby doesnt take her eyes of of xiever and xiever doesnt even look away 1 time. Its like his mesmerized by it.

"Isnt this enough for today?" I ask them. I dont think i can take a stupid dare like this or even worse. There probably going to think im a pussyor whatever the fuck. But im sober af and i am uncomfortable too.

"You have to do atlesst 1 dare or truth to quit" keira says and she touches my leg slowly moving her fingers more upwarts to the end of my shorts. "Fine i choose truth" i say half pissed off. "Would u fuck keira?" Ruby says and grins at me. I could see xiever looking my way and kinda mad or pissed off too, i cant really make out what his expression means at the moment.

"Depends" i say. I might would if i would get high on some drugs or really fucked up on alcohol.  "Good enough" keira says and smirks at me.

"I will do your truth kr dare because youre quietting anyways" ruby says to me kinda pissed off like i ruined her night "xiever truth or dare" she says to him. "Dare" he says and looks my way. "Kiss me" ruby says with a huge smirk.

Xiever doesnt really have any expression on his face. He looks my way and looks kind of guilty? He leans forward towards her face. And stops before kissing her. Strangely i am mad at ruby. Why? I dont know too. All i want to do is pull xiever back and tell them no. Wouldnt that be strange to do? But then again his my friend.

Xiever looks 1 more time at me and comes even closer to ruby. Instead of letting it happen i put my hand on xievers shoulder and pull him back before anything could happen. Xiever looks at me quickly and i kinda see a tiny smile appearing in his face.

I feel kind off guilty for ruining the fun and ruby and keira looks at me pissed off and like they wanna beat me up or something. "Let us have some fun lame ass bitch" ruby says and rolls her eyes at me "thats enough" xiever says and puts his hand kind off infront me so she cant come close to me.

"Where gonna go, it was nice to talk to you guys" xiever says polite. He probably doesnt want to get them mad or get beat up by some chicks with long acrylic nails that can poke your eyes out in a matter of seconds. 

Xiever takes my wrist and we walk over to some park bench where is more quiet. I have no clue what to say to him. I feel kind of nervous being alone with him now.

"Why did u stop it?" Xiever asks me and looks me into my eyes "i dont know" i respond truthfully. I dont know why i did it, i just felt the need to i guess. "Tell me" xiever kind of demands me to awnser him. I shrug my shoulders. I dont have the awnser to his question.

Xiever is still looking into my eyes and not looking away for 1 bit. He put his hand on mine "are u jealous?" Xiever says with a tiny smirk. "Ugh shut up, do you want me to be jealous or something" i respond to him and dramaticly roll my eyes at him again. "Mhmm i see... princess is jealous like always" he says and smiles at me. I dont why but i could feel my cheeks turning red again.

I brush my hair more over my face and look down to my shoes so he doesnt see that im turning red again by his stupid comments. I dont even know why i turn red just by him talking and saying some stupid shit to me and trying to make me annoyed or make me laugh. " im not jealous" i say and softly punch him in the ribs and he laughs at me. "So why are you shy now" he says and smirks at me and i shake my head no. He cant know. " i am not " i say and awkwardly laugh at him.

Xievers pov :

"Oh really" i say. " then why are you turning red dash" i say to him. I like it when he turns red the stupid comments i make and the way he tries to cover his blush with his hair even though i can clearly see it.

He looks shy my way and i could see a mini smile  on his face. He is red all over his cheeks and his nose too. He looks like he just ran 5 miles but all i did was just flirt with him.

He is so fucking cute when he tries to cover it up. I have been falling for him over and over again. And still i dont know if he likes me. I might never know if i dont take my chances.

"Dash" i say to him and give him a tiny smile when he looks my way again with a shy look on his face. "Yeah" he responds shly and he fumbles with his fingers.

Thats it for this chap :)

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