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"You want to get  some food at the supermarket down the block" i ask the guy infront of me "yeah" he says to me and we walk outside. I close the door behind me almost letting my keys fall and hearing a tiny giggle next to me but i just roll my eyes at him.

We went down with the elevator because we are both to lazy to take the stairs. It smells like pee in here with some other musty smell and a broken mirror that hasnt been cleaned in a while. Thankfully were out of it soon enoughto be able to breath fresh air. "Im never taking that elevator again" xiever says laughing at our stupidity. 

"Dont u think those guys from a few days ago may come back?" I ask him. "Is that what youre thinking about?" He says kind off surprised. "I just want u to be save" i day with a small voice. "Say that louder i couldnt hear you" he says sarcastic smiling at me. I roll my eyes at his playfulness and we both laugh a little.

Were walking past the sidewalk right now not even close to touching each other. I still find it confusing to act like we are friends when in reality were not even close to that. I try to come closer to xiever but everytime i try he just shots me a mad look my way. I could see the guild behind his eyes somewhere tucked away. I try and come closer to him again but just with my hand. I brush my finger agaisnt the back of his hand and he pulls back and puts his hand in his pocket not even reacting to me or even looking my way.

I dont know if i can do this. A secret relationship. All i want to do is to scream out of my lungs that i found my other half but here he is to scared i will touch his hand even a tiny bit. I knew it wasnt going to be so easy for him to accept what he is but sometimes it does kinda hurt me. I feel like i am not good enough for him. I know its stupid thinking but Deep down i feel like i am not good enough for him. But maybe thats just my own insecurities.

I give up on trying to hold his hand or even act like i know him at all. I get my earphones from my pocket and out them in and put on whatever song comes first. I out my hands in my pockets and dint even shot a look at xiever. I can see him looking at me but he isnt saying anything about it. I move more away from him to the far end of the sidewalk. I know its childish but i dont care. Xiever walks closer by me on the sidewalk but still doesnt say or do anything.

I look the other way do he cant see my face even a little bit. "Dash" he says in a small voice, not hurt but just more quiet then normal. "Dash awnser me" he says more harsh when i dont say a word to him. I look his way and raise my eyebrows in question. "Why are you ignoring me" he asks me looking away out of shame " i thought we were acting like we dont know each other" i say back sarcastically. "Can u stop being so childish please" he asks me more sad then mad. I shrug my shoulder to him but i keep walking close by to him instead of pushing him away. I want him to stay close to me.

We walk all the way to the store like this. The tiny grocery store is not to bussy at the moment. We grab a tiny sack of potatos, some meat, and some veggies. We walk to the drink aisle together and saw a familiar face. Its apollo, his all alone in the store grabbing a cheap enegry drink.

"Hey" i say to him almost startling him. "Oh hey! I didnt see you in a while" he says excited to me and then looks to my side and sees xiever "hey xiever" he says and looks my way again with his puppy eyes. "Hey apollo" xiever says half annoyed, i dont know why he even is annoyed but i wont ask him. "What are u guys doing?" He asks us with the puppy eyes.  "Were getting some food for dinner " i say holding up the potatos.

Xiever walks past us to the fridge with some drinks and grabd whatever he could find. "Did u eat yet?" I ask apollo maybe he can eat with us. "Oh not yet i will survive on a energy drink" he says with a awkward smile.  I look xievers way who is looking even more annoyed now and kind of mad. "You can eat with us?" I say to apollo but kinda ask with xiever whos mood seem to go down even more. "Yes i would like that!" Apollo says excited.

We all walk back to my apartment. Xiever is not even saying a word and is carrying the groseries while apollo id walking inbetween us and is saying a thousend words and talking our ears off while i listen to him. We are back quick to my apartment and xiever still looks as annoyed as ever.

He cooks the food while apollo keeps on talking. He doesnt let us have a moment to talk ourself but maybe its good because xiever is mad at me right now and wont say a word anyways. "You done talking?" Xiever says half pissed of to apollo while he grabs a plate for his food. "Why are u so fucking pissed whats your problem" apollo snaps back at him. "Both of you shut up" i say  hoping they would just end it there. "Fine" xiever says harsh to me.

We all eat in silence now with only the tv making sounds in the backround. This wasnt the fun lets go get dinner i wanted but i guess i am to blame. We all finish our food pretty quick and load it in the dishwasher. "Im going home" xiever says and grabs his jackets and phone. I try to walk after him so we could talk a tiny bit but he slams the door behind him. I cant say i dont deserve this.

"Do you like him" apollo asks me asoon as the door closed "what?!" I ask cought of guard. "Do you like him?" He asks again walking my way. "Oh .... no" i say trying to respect xievers wish. "Good" apollo says coming closer to me now. "Apollo..." i say kind of confused. Why is he coming closer to me? He lifts up my chin and tries to kiss me but i put my hands inbetween. "I dont like u like that" i say to him trying to push myself away from him. "So?? Just kiss me" he says more harsh. Wtf?!

"No apollo" i say more stern then before. "Why are u acting like u werent into me a few days ago?" He asks me still hanging oved me. "I was just being nice" i say, if i am honest i dont know what i was thinking back then. "Youre just saying that" he says to me and puts his hand under my chin again. "Just leave apollo" i say with a sign. "If you dont kiss me i will tell xiever u did" he says with a evil smirk. "He wont believe you" i say harsh. "So it is true that you guys are a thing?" He laughs at me and stands up. "No" i say knowing its a lie. "You know i can just say stuff to him. It doesnt matter if u did it or not" he says with a evil smirk and slowly moves his hand to my chest.

I want to push it away and yell at him -but i cant let him fuck everything up. "Dash" he says. I wont awnser him. "Youre dating xiever arent u" he says to me and moves my head to his so i have to look him in his eyes. I not my head yes and look away. "I knew i was to late" he says more disapointed and gets off of me. "Its way to boring to play with you. Youre just stiff and unplayable" he says to me and takes a deep sign "you better keep your boyfriend close" he says with a evil smile. "The food was good, thanks" he says to me like nothing just happends and walks out of the door.

I dont know what just happend or why it just happend. My mind is just fully blank. Not a single thing comes to my mind. The only thing keeping me to reality is the warm tears falling down my face.  Im not sad, more angry and shocked.

AaahHhh thats it for this chap i hope u like it

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