extra chap

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Extra chap bc i miss them so much HAHHAH i really loved their characters and miss their convos and cant really make a pt 2 bc .... they died.... sorry lol.


"Xavier?" I ask him "whats wrong?" He asks me hearing the slight sift in my voice that even i didny realise. The both of us are laying on my bed with him resting his head on my chest like always. I brush my fingers trough his hair and look at him admiring his features.

"I wish i could treat u better" i spit out and i could feel xavier stop breathing for a few secconds and then taken a deep breath. "Why would u say that?" He asks me. "You know if i had money... we couldve done more stuff" i say slightly lowering my voice still brushing my fingers though his hair.

"What would you do with the money then?" He asks me "mhmmm a lot" i say thinking about the stuff we couldve done. "I would treat you to the best meals ever" i say and feel his chuckle on my chest "breakfast, lunch and dinner. No nutella or peanut butter every day but real good fancy food were one bite is already worth way to much" i explain to him and smile at the thought of us together at a overpriced restaurant eating dinner.

"Those 100€ meals for 1 bite?" He asks me and i not yes. "And you can get as much dessert you want" i say to him and he smiles at me. "Even if its worth a thousend euro?" He asks me "even if its worth more then i ever could imagine" i tell him and he looks at me with squinted eyes "everything?" He asks me "everything" i reasure him.

"Thats to much" he says and i put his face between my hands "aslong as ur happy" i say to him and give him a small smile. "Youre to cheesy today" he says biting his lips trying not to smile.

"What more would we do?" He asks me putting his hand over mine. "We would go to amusement parks and make everyone jealous of how cute we are and hold hands and shit" i tell him "what more?" He asks me "study together in a library because i would affort both of our collage degrees" i say proudly "why would we study when we got so much money?" He says and i roll my eyes at him "so we can be flexing on everyone and besides i would probably pay the teachers to give us good grades" i say and we both laugh.

"I am smart enough to go without ur bribing" he says to me and i look at him like he just told the biggest lie. " just to be sure. I am sure u can do it because ur smart and whatever" i tell him and he laughs at my fake annoyance. "What would u want to do with the money?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders "buy everything you ever want" he tells me casually "like?" I ask him "the branded nutella and the best peanut butter especially made for u, no i would buy u both the companys and get world domination and make u king of everything" he says and i laugh at his silly responds

"World domination sounds epic" i rell him laughing "we should get a prived island and be there alone alllllll day long to escape our duties as world dominators" he laughs and i brush my hands trough his hair again. "You would make the perfect super villan" i tell him laughing "you would be the one weakness i have so the superhero kidnaps you and then i go into my villan arc just to get you back" he tells me and i laugh "it sounds like you thought about this already" i say still laughing "nooo i just thought about how hot you would look like in those costumes with a huge sword" he says proudly and i roll my eyes.

"Way to cheesy" i agree wirh his statement earlier. "Really? U look like youre enjoying this whole show" he says to me and i roll my eyes and shake my head. "Are you onethousend % sure about that or are you lying to me" he says and raises his head up to look at my face "mhmm" i say covering my face with my hands when he gives me a judgie look "no comment" i tell him and he moves closers and gives me a kiss. "Stupidly cute" he repeats and i could feel the hot breath on my face.

"I got you something" he tells me and i look suprised at him "what did you get me?" I ask him "close your eyes" he says and puts my hand on my eyes and stands up ans goes into the living room. I could hear some random noices and then he comes back.

"Close ur eyes" ur tells me again even though they're still closed. I could hear him walk over to me "okay open" he tells me and i open my eyes and see a big ring box. "Open it" he says proudly looking my way. I open the boc and see 2 zilver rings in them. "The gold ones were to expensive so-" he says but i cut him off by giving him a kiss "theyre perfect" i tell him looking at the 2 zilver rings with a small stone in the middle of both of them.

I take one of them out of the box and grabs xaviers hand and put it on his ring finger. He takes my hand and outs it on mine and looks at both our hands together. "Damn" he wispers to himself and i watch him looking so happy with himself and cant help but smile.

"It feels like were kinda married right now" i tell him laughing "you would look hot in a wedding dress" he tells me laughing and i roll my eyes at him "you would be the one wearing the dress" i tell him and he looks at me " you would look so hot in white though" he tells me and i could feel my cheeks flush red "i will wear a white suit then" i say quietly and xavier sits down on the bed and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Can i take a picture?" He asks me and i look confused "of what?" I ask him "our hands princess" he tells me "princess ewwwww. Havent heared that word in a long time" i say laughing "princess" he repeats and sticks his tounge out "ewwww " i say laughing.

Xavier grabs his phone that was laying on the nightstand and takes my hand in his. He takes the picture and shows it to me. "It looks good" i tell him and he stares at the picture for a few secconds and then our hands and squeezes my hand in his. He has a soft smile on his face that i love so much.

"Can i post it?" He asks me and i not yes "it looks good" i asure him and he posts it but doesnt let go of my hand. He throws his phone back on the side table and squeeze my hand again and lowers himself on me but on his back so i dont have to let go of his hand.

"U know we can return the rings if ou dont like it" he says and i put my free hand on gis mouth so he cant talk "shut up theyre perfect... youre perfect" i tell him and keep my hand on his mouth. He tries to say something but its muffled and then he licks my hand so i let go of him. "Ewwwww" i tell him and laughs at my reaction "youre rigt were way to cheesy" he tells me "i know rightt ewwww" i tell him and we both laugh

"Dash" he says "yeah?" I ask him "youre perfect too" he tells me and i shrug my shoulders to lazy to correct him on this for the thousends time. "I love you" he says breaking the silence "i love you" i say to him "you forgot to say more after it" he laughs and I roll my eyes "i love you more" i say in a annoyed tone "nooo i love you more" he says laughing "is this want you want?" I ask him laughing "i just want you" he tells me and i put my hand on his mouth again "I love you" i say and my hand off of his mouth and he says "i love you".


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