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Were both walking back to my house again. Im not even sure if he will just bring me home and go back himself or if he stays with me. The sun is already setting and the streetlights are already on making the street light up a little. Me and xiever are walking next to each other but not to close by so we look like friends. Occasionally he walks sideways and bumbs into me and pounds his lips making sure i know he wants to hold my hands.

"Dash" xiever says nagging at me. "Whaaat" i say half annoyed and half enjoying it. "Let me me hold your hand" xiever says and stops right infront of me so i cant walk further. "Mhm" i say and roll my eyes dramatic and then give him my hand for him to take. Xiever smiles at me again like i just gave him his favorite thing on earth. He grabs my hand quickly and sways it back and forth. 

We walk trough the streets with the dim lights until halfway on our way we saw a group of guys and we let go of each others hand. The guys were smoking and absolutely wasted. I look xievers way who looks kind off disappointed, not in me but in something else. We walk next to each other like we dont even know each other and are merely just strangers.

"What are you fags out here doing alone" one of the guys says and i dont even dare to look up. The other 3 guys laugh at the guys comment and take a other sip of the almost empty bottle thats being shared together. "I asked u something dumbass" he guy says again to me but i keep on walking like nothing is happening and like i couldnt hear him. The wind is racing around us already making him hard to hear so maybe i can use that as a exuse?

I dont want to look xievers way before the guys think we really know each other. "Dont make me repeat again" the guy says wakking my way and ready to fight or do whatever he has in his mind. "Leave him alone" xiever says to the guy standing infront of him. His voice is lower then normal and he stands up more straight then he usually does. His expression isnt anything, its just blank. The other guys are looking from a further away distance acting like they know whats about to go down. Deep down i know whats about to go down but just hope that it isnt going to happen.

"Lets go" i say to xiever pulling a tiny bit on his sleeve hoping nothing is going to happen. I know xiever is strong but idk if that dude is strong to or maybe even stronger. "Your boyfriend is a fucking pussy" the man says and spits on the ground trying to intimate xiever. Still there is not even kne emotion on his face, its almost like his gone or in a other world. "Youre the one here late at night drinking with 3 guys. Ive never seen such a gay thing before" xiever says in disbelief with a smile. "What did the little bitch say?" One of the guys says and looks pissed of but doesnt dare come close. "He says some stupid shit he is about to regret" the man says and i step backwards trying to get xiever to just let it go and to just return home save.

Xiever looks mad at the man and bawls his hand up and with his free hand he softly pushes me to the side so iwont get hurt. "U really want to go man?" Xiever says to the guy and the guy gives a evil smile . He bawls up his hands too and smacks xiever right in the nose. Normally people wouldve just run by now but for xiever its like nothing even hit him. He hits the guy right in his eye and the man looks way more hurt then xiever does. "Already quitting fucking pussy" xiever says and grabs him by his collar and raises his hand ready to punch him again. The friends of the man come closer now and tries to pull back xiever but when they come too close they stop and look scared. Xiever lets the mans colar go and trows him on the ground. He shakes his head at the man in disbelief and then takes my hand and walks away with me. We could hear the man yell something at his friends obviously pissed off at them.

When we were far enough not to hear or see them i am finally not afraid to talk. "Arent u hurt?" I ask him more concerned then i thought it would come out. "You really have no faith in me" xiever chuckels a bit and shakes his head and looks at me with a smile. "If it hurts u can tell me it" i assure him and squeeze him lightly in his hand. "Yeah" he says obviously distracted by something else in his mind.

We arrive at the apartment not long after and xiever followes me back in. I turn the light on and could see that xievers nose is becoming a little blue and red ish. Xiever sits down at the barstool i have. "Do you need ice?" I ask him and he just sits there a little lost in his mind and not really in reality. I grab some frozen peas out of the freezer and wrap a cloth over it and approach xiever. "Xiever" i say to him so he jumps back to reality. I give him a tiny smile and slowly put the ice on his red nose hoping it wont swell to bad.

I put the ice on his nose for around 2 minutes and xiever looks at me the whole time just staring and not saying a word. "Thanks" xiever says to me when i trow the ice back in the freezer , hopefully it wont go bad because of this but its fine. "Dash" he says to me and looks at me kind of worried. "Yeah whats up" i ask him and stand infront of him again. "Can i tell u something?" He asks me and grabs my wrist. "What is it?" I ask him and he walks to the couch and i follow him and sit down next to him.

"Do you know how i know cylde?" He asks me "i have no clue" i tell him in honesty. "When i was younger me and cylde met. He was a more tough kid who could tank a punch or two, but not me." He says with a deep breath and stares at his feet trying not to look my way. "So one day these group of guys a class higher then us approached me. I mean i was a easy target i guess. And they beat the shit out of me. I dont even know how i survived it" he says to me and i grab his hand. "So cylde met me on the ground fully beat up with bruises and blood in every place. He stayed by me the whole time in the hospital even tho he didnt know who i was. Later when i was better and out of the coma he told me he wanted to teach me how to fight" xiever says to me ans gives a tiny smile thinking back to the memories. "He teached me all the stuff he got to know from his dad. Every single day we were together. he was like my shadow or more like i was his shadow. People started to know i was friends with this "mysterious' guy that is good at fighting and the only known fact about him was his name and age. I guess that put a lot of attation on me too but i was fine with it. And still until this day im forever grateful for what he did for me" he says and lets out a sign of relief.

I put my hand on his cheek and move my dump up and down trying to comfort him. "I sound stupid right?" He asks me "no" if that story sounds stupid wait until he hears mine ... "do you mind if i sleep over here tonight" he asks me looking into my eyes finally "of course not" i tell him and give him a smile. Im happy that he will spend the night so i wont be alone again. Just him and me and no worries in the world the whole night long. After a while of just sitting down and me giving him a hug we walk to my bedroom. I gave him a clean tshirt and some shorts and i change into some tshirt and some shorts too. We both fall asleep cuddling on the twin sized bed in a messy room.

ahHHhh thats it for this chap :)

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