instagram likes

51 4 0

I wake up exhausted from yesterday, i am happy though. I am happy i talked to them again. I am happy i visited his grave again. At the moment live feels good for once.

My eyes feel heavy from crying so much and my clothes are still scattered over my bed. I should probably try and clean the apartment up a little more. Maybe i will ask xavier to come over soon. I missed him even though weve only been away for a day.

I grab some of the clothes and put them into the half broken washing machine. The apartment isnt as clean as it used to be but its better then it used to be. Normally i wouldn't even try to clean everything up.

I grab some shorts and put them on. Its pretty warm here so i will forget the tshirt. Nobody will see me right now anyways. Its already 12pm. I forgot to put my alarm on but its fine. I needed that sleep anyways.

I brush my teeth and walk towrds the living room and scroll on Instagram since a while. I see the picture of me and xaviers hands together and it brings a tiny smile to my face.

I look more at the picture and get absolutely shocked by the number of likes, 5000??? He never even told me he had that many followers let alone that many likes. He got around 20k follwers but never shared his face.

U could only see pictures of his body. The closet picture i see of his face is his collar bone. Weirdly one of the most liked picture between them all. I remeber the way my finger traced it and the way my lips touched it. I shouldnt think of this right now.

I scroll even more and look at some of the comments. He never really responds to comments apart the ones of his friends. A lot of girls leave weird comments under his posts and some even call him daddy... he never really told me about this but i am not complaining.

The last picture was of us 2 together. The other pictures are from two weeks ago with a picture of his outfit when we first kissed. I remember that time fresh into my memory. The day at the park that i was so fet up with him. I felt like punching him but instead he kissed me making me forget my angry emotions.

Its funny scroling trough his instagram seeing how he is there. He looks like a angel on earth. Less pretty then irl cuz nothing can ever top that. Nobody can ever top that in my mind. I decided to look trough some of the comments with our hands together.

Most people were happy about it and congratulating on the relationship but some were bad, not like i mind though. Mostly of the bad comments were just homophobic or telling him he needs to break up with me. Its funny that people really care about what he does in his private live. And speaking of the angel himself i received a message from him.

Xavier : are u home?
Me : yeah, wanna come over?
Xavier : yeah. I saw you were stalking my Instagram haha.
Me : uh... see you soon.

I throw my phone across the room and put my hands over my face thats turning more red then a tomato. He can see that?? I open my Instagram again and see i liked a picture from 2020... fuck, i should really watch out. He probably thinks i am some creep or that i am obsessed with him. I mean i am his boyfriend but still...

I completely forgot i wasnt wearing any tshirt when i opened the door for xavier. "Looking nice" he says to me looking down to my chest. I quickly cover my chest with my arms and try to find my tshirt. I cpuld xavier laugh at me from the distance and i could feel my face turning even more red.

"It was hot" i say while putting on my tshirt. "Like i didnt see it before" xavier says laughing at me with a smirk. "Stop making me blush you asshole" i say outloud. Normally i wouldn't even have the confidence to say it in my head. "First you stalk my Instagram and then u awnser the door without a tshirt, youre getting bold" he says laughing at me. I hide my face with my hand.

Xavier comes my way and removes my hands from my face and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "No need to hide" he says laughing at me. "I wasnt stalking youe Instagram" i lie to him "mhm sure, you probably liked what you were seeing" he says to me and i push him away lightly with my hands. "Shhh" i say still trying to hide my face from him. "How can i be quiet when you look at me like that" he says chuckling making me even more embarrasing.

"Stop hiding your face" he says coming closer and putting his hand under my chin making me look up to him. He is way taller then me so i always have to look up to see him, it kind off makes me embarrassed but he thinks its cute. "No" i say putting my hands over his eyes. "This is just evil" he says and i stick out my tongue even though he cant see it.

"Its the payback from making me blush" i say proudly "you know that sounds kind of kinky" he says and i almost die of embarrassment. I know damn well if i was drinking water i wouldve spit it out all by now. I quickly take my hands off his eye and put them behind my back. "Stop being so embarrassed, youre already mine" he says making my heart kind of flutter.

I squint my eyes at him and make a pounding face. "See youre acting so cute i cant help it" he says chuckling again and i look away. "Oh come on admit you were stalking me" he says to me and i shake my head. "Do i need to force it out of you" he says with a cheeky smirk "no need for that" i say quickly ready to run away. He looks at me waiting to admit it "fine" i say giving up trying to hide it.

He looks at me with a smirk again and i could feel my face still burning red. "So now you admit it" he says to me. "Fine i stalked you" i say with a deep breath. "I fucking knew it you liar" he laughs at me and i roll my eyes at him. "You probably liked what you were seeing huh?" He says trying to make me turn red again. "So full of yourself" i say trying not to let him win.

"Youre so mean to me" he says pouding his face over dramatically. "Of course" i say and roll my eyes again. "Didnt even give me a kiss yet" he says acting like his crying. I roll my eyes at him and gave him a tiny kiss not giving him more. "Youre just giving me a tiny kiss after being so mean" he says to me with a cheeky smile. "Ugh" i groan to him and give him a longer kiss.

"Still not enough" he says to me with a dramatic unpleased face. "You want me to fuck you or something" i say fake pretending to be mad. "I mean.. if you say it like that " he laughs at me and i shake my head to him. "Someone come get my boyfriend he is way to honry for me" i say sarcasticly to him and he looks at me with a unknown expression.

"What?" I aks him confused. "I was thinking about something" he says less flirty then normally but staring at me even more intense. "What?" I ask him confused "i was thinking about fucking you actually, why do you wanna know that so bad?" He laughs at me with a smirk and i give him a disapointed face. Somewhere i kind of like the attation.

"Youre not getting that" i say with a cheeky smile. "You sure cuz your body is saying something different" he laughs at me and looks down to me and i quickly put my hands infront of it...

"Your body cant lie u dummy" he says to me coming closer to me. "Wishing i was a woman right now" i say sarcasticly. "I like the way your body reacts to me" he says breathing onto my face. I pull him by his neck and drag him into a kiss. Not like a tiny kiss but more like a make out kiss. I like the way both of our bodys react to each other i think by myself. I trace my hand from his chest down to the brim of his pants.

Hehe thats it for this chap <333

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