bike rides

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I wake up with a huge headache. Fuck. I grab some water on the side table next to me and drink everything until the last drop. I look at the clock and see its 10am.

My face hurts when i press against it because of the bruises. Im not mad at him. I get where his coming from. I was in his space and getting involved into his life even though he didnt want to. If this was the right thing to do of him, No.

I go into the bathroom and see the damage he did to my face. It isnt as bad as i thought it would be but it doesnt look good either.

I get some medicine for my headache and take it with a cold glass of water. The headache isnt to bad but still isnt comfortable.

I put on some shorts and leave on the same shirt as i had on yesterday. The shirt still smells like xiever does. He smells like someone who showers everyday and puts on parfume but also like weed and alcohol. Its a weird mixture but it strangely fits. Its unique like him.

I go to the kitchen to grab the last breakfast bar i have left.  Thankfully i will get paid tomorrow and will have money again to buy food. I will try to not waste to much money this time.

While i was brushing my teeth i hear my phone ring. Xiever is calling me. I pick up the phone.

Me: hello?
Xiever : is your face okay?
Me : facetime me you will see.

He changed the call to facetime so he can see my face. He looks at me in horror. I guess he feels bad after all.

Xiever : does it hurt?
Me : not to much, why?
Xiever : I'm sorry.
Me : you're all good dont worry about it to much, we were both crossing a line.

He takes a deep breath and bites his under lip like his about to say something but trying to stop himself.

Xiever : do you wanna do anything?
Me : when?
Xiever : uhh 12pm? I will be at your apartment, is that okay?
Me : yeah sure,i will see you then.

We hang up the phone. What are we even going to do. He already kind off apologized to me yesterday why would he need to do it again.

I have already forgive him for what he did. I know its fast but i am not planning to hold any grudges while in my grave. Though i got some grudges helt on me that will never be forgotten. I will take those to the grave forever and will always have to carry that with me after the accident happend.

I apply some cream to my face and pick up a random book i had laying around and start reading it until its 12 pm and hear the doorbell.

"Youre on time" i say to him opening the door. He smiles at me and steps into the apartment. "I have to make it up to you in some way" he says to me and looks down.

I take my jacket with me even though its 25° outside. There still pretty fresh wounds on there and i dont want people to judge what i did. I know its bad but i cant help myself sometimes.

"Dont wear the jacket you will burn yourself up in this heat" xiever says to me. He can see the cuts and the newer ones and the older ones were some have fated away into little scars.

"Are you blind?"  I ask him. He obviously is. "Who cares what u did, you should feel comfortable and besides i dont mind if u go without them being covered" he says to me and steps closer to me but still has a decent amount of space between us.

He pulls out his bare arm and shows me the fated scares he has too. Maybe were similar after all. He smiles at me and i smile back at him looking at his beautiful eyes.

"Lets go" he says to me and grabs me by my hand and grabbing my keys on the way and almost pushes me out of the door locking it behind us so i can't go back to get my jacket.

"you will get your keys back after" he says and puts it in his front pocket and grins at me. Is he bullying me or helping me? I have no clue but i cant go back in anyways.

"Where are we going" i ask him while we walk downstairs. "You will see" he smiles at me. There isnt much we can do here anyways without money.

If we were rich we would be on a yacht right now eating chocolate covered strawberries made by our personal cheff while drinking our sparkling champagne overlooking the sea.

When we get down xiever grabs his bike. Its old and on the edge of breaking down. There is no backseat for me to sit on but just 2 little stick out metal sticks were i can stand on.

"Do you trust me?" He asks me "why?" What the fuck is he going to do. Get us killed?? Well that wouldnt be to bad if i look at it. "Just tell me if u trust me or not" he says to me and looks me straight into my eyes. He has to look down a tiny bit to meet my eyes like everytime. "I guess i trust you depending on the situation" i respond.

He laughs at the awnser i said and bites his bottom lip "well youre going to have to trust me right now, lets go" he says and he gets his bike and stands ready to bike away "hop on" he says to me.

I do what he says. The bike squeaks everytime the peddles move. Its probably the worst idea we had so far. I realised i just stepped on some guys bike thats not even save to go somewhere i dont even know. If my parents cared about me they would be freaking out by now.

"Where are we going" i ask him again holding his shoulders so i dont fall off. Even though the bike isnt in the best state xiever still goes really fast with it.

"Like i said im not telling u princess" he says and i slap his head softly with my left hand and we both laugh. "im not a princess" i say rolling my eyes even though he wont notice anyways.
"Noooo youre MY princess" he says overly dramatic and we both laugh.

After a few minutes of biking we have arrived at a forest with a open field in it and some red and orange flowers and some yellow ones here and there.  Its beautiful i never knew something like this was so close from my home.

I know i dont really go out of the house a lot but i sure wouldve known something like this was here. It looked straight up something that would be on a painting in a art gallery.

It isnt even crowded and full of tourist and people who life close by. How did he even find this place? "Do you like it?" He asks me and takes me to the middle of the field. "How isnt this place fully crowded with so many people here and there; its beutiful" i ask him and he just smiles at me.

"I have a confession" he says to me ansd looks me dead into my eyes. "What is it" i ask and you can hear the slight panic of whats coming in my voice. "i didnt bring anything for us to drink so were going to be sobor the whole time" he says to me and smiles again.

"i dont even want to drink right now i want to take uo everything around me its beutiful" i say to him and smile. We both sit down on the grass not even caring about our pants getting dirty.

"You do have food right?" I ask him. I am kind off hunrgy right now and could really use a few bites of food. "Of course i have princess" he says and i roll my eyes again at the last word he says.

"I got some sandwiches its nothing special but its better then the pasta you wanted to eat this one time" he laughs at me. Is he judging me?? "Leave me and my pasta alone. I know youre jealous of the great bond we have" i say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes this time. "Glad i trew away the thing before you got food poisoning" he says to me "the thing" i say "like it doesnt have any feelings" i say overly dramatic and putting my hands to my heart acting like i just got shot in the chest and falling down to the grass.

"Oh no i am sorry i shouldnt have done that" he says to me and does the same thing as me. Were now both laying in the grass with flowers surrounding us while looking at each other.

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