broken down car

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"What do you mean it isnt starting?" I ask him in disbelieve "you can try it yourself. This shitbox isnt going anywhere" he laughd at me half embarrassed. "Can't u fix it?" I ask him. His probably the type to be able to magicly repair a car. "I will try tomorrow i cant see anything right now, it might have some hole in the engine. It's basicly scrape metal at this point" he says and scratches the back of his neck like always.

"What do you wanna do now?" I ask him. I dont have a bike or a car to bring him. And its way to late to put him on a buss rn. Besides the last thing i want to do is let him go on a bus right after what happend to me.

"Uhhh ... could i maybe... uh..." he says and scratches his back of his neck again. He shots me a quick awkward smile. "Yeah sure" i say, i know what he wanted to say i dont have to make it difficult on him. He gets out his car again and walks up to me.

We both walk to my apartment. "You need a tshirt?" I ask him "if its not to much trouble" he says and again like always scrarches the back of his neck. "I need to wash some clothes, i only got a used one that i only wore 1 time... if thats okay with you ofcource" i say to him and give him a apologetic smile. 

"Its fine, i had to sleep over so  unexpectedly" he says to me. I get a tshirt that still kind of smells like me. I hope he doesnt mind it. I trow the tshirt at him and he catches it. "Still smells like you" he says and gives me a smile "sorry" i reply his probably pissed off or something that i dont even give him a clean one. "Dont be sorry, i didnt say that a bad thing" he says.

He takes off his tshirt and i watch him... his way more athletic then i will ever be. He puts on my tshirt and looks my way again.  I quickly look back and i can feel the warmth on my cheeks forming. "What are u looking at?" Xiever says with a grin. "Uhh... nothing... sorry" i say again. I dont even know why i apologised.

I should probably change too tough. I pick up the tshirt i usually sleep in and take off the one i was wearing. I can feel xievers stare burning on me but its fine. I try to act like i dont see his stare on me. There isnt much to look at either. My skin isnt pearly white but more of a ash toned zombie vibes. My hair isnt the clean slicked back blond hair but brown hair that sticks out of every place on my head. And im more slim and boney then he is. 

"Ive got a question" xiever says to me. "Where do i sleep?" He asks me and he scratched the back of his neck like always. I think its an anxiety driven thing he does. "Uh... u could sleep in my bed i will take the couch" i say to him. "No i will sleep on the couch its fine" xiever says with a friendly smile. "No you cant let your guest go on a couch" i insist. "Then we both sleep on the coutch" he says to me and rolls his eyes dramaticly like i always do with him. "But then we could better just sleep in the bed" i say confused to him "exactly, lets go" he says to me with a cheeky grin.

He always knows what he wants and he always gets it too. Maybe thats a tiny bit annoying sometimes but i got used to it by now. He walks into my room like he lived in this apartment all his life. He always acts like its his place and acts so comfortable and easy going.

I go in my bed first and he follows soon after on the opposite side of thd bed so we both got our little space. "U should get a better car" i say at him mokinky "u should get a car or even a bike and then we're talking" he says at me and softly kicks my leg. "Ugh always so rude agaisnt the poor people" i say to him rolling my eyes and kicking him back.

He just groans and lays on his side turned towerds me. I do the same as him. I can barley see his face in the darkness but just his outline. "I got a question that u never awnsered" he says to me "what is it?" I ask him. What question of him didnt i reply to? "Why were you so upset today?" He asks me and i could feel my heart slowly rise again.

I am doubting to tell anyone. But i guess i would need to say it and clear up my mind at some point. Its still so fresh in my brain but still i want to explain it to him so he isnt so confused or worried if he even cares about me.

I tell him about what happend and i could just feel him getting more upset at every word i say. Whenever i tell him something he sometimes groans trough it or just takes a deeo breath probably claming himself.

"His a fucking asshole ------" he goes off and off about everything. "You know its fucking valid to feel this way that creepy fucking bitch can go get hit by a car or somthing what the fuck " he says to me. I guess it was the right decision to talk to him about it. It did kind off made me feel a little better about the whole situation then before i told him.

"Are you okay tough " he asks me and grabs my arm softy. " i guess so " i say to him and try to give him a smile even though he cant even see it in the dark. I think if i saw his face and have to explain it that it wouldve been harder for me to explain. Seeing him looking at me in a worried look i couldve maybe done but imaginr if he looked all judgey the whole time. I dont think i couldve ever done that.

"You know u never have to lie to me dash" he says to me reassuring me. Fuck. I break out into tears. Its more embarrassing then i wanted it to be but i couldnt hold it back any longer. Xiever doesnt say anything to me but he just brushes away the tears with his hand and trying to calm me down.

I come closer to him and he pulls me to his chest and just hugs me. He places his hand on the back of my hand and makes little cirles with his dump trying to calm me down and just make me feel less shitty.

I take a deep breath after a min of 2 trying to pick myself up. "Sorry" i say and trying to laugh it off a bit like it was nothing. I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand and try and pull away from the hug.

"Dont apologise to me so many times. I didnt mind u crying or any of the other things u apologised for today" he says to me and i could hear him half annoyed by it. "I just dont want to make u uncomfortable" i explain to him still being pulled to his chest smelling his sweet scent. "If u were i wouldnt be here but either on the couch or even walking home" he says to me tryingnto comfort me like his always trying to do.

"True" i say giving up on this conversation. I could feel myself dozing off. My eyes are just to heavy to hold open and i cant stay awake any longer.

I am pretty sure xiever is asleep at the moment. His grip on me is getting weaker and i could easly move out of it but i dont want to wake him up and having to apologise to him again for the 400th time. I fell asleep not long after.

We both wake up around the same time while still being in each others hug. Both of us arent even suprised that we woke up like this again. Strangely enough i cant say i hate it. I dont mind him being close to me.

Normally i dont like people close to me or even touching me. Even with my girl i had some struggels with it sometimes. But with him it feels normal and not uncomfortable like it is with others. My girl and i used to fight a lot about that. Even in the end she still brought it up after i told her i needed space.

Thaaaats it for this chap i hope u all like it <33

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