fridge light

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Xavier spend the night over again. He is practically living here at this point. He doesnt want to move his clothes from his apartment tough because he said 'i need a exuse to wear your clothes' its funny to me even though he is many times bigger then me he can fit into my clothes. I secretly buy new tshirts for him that are his size so it's more comfortable for him.

I like it whenever he wears my clothes and whenever i wear his. One time he convinced me in some way so that i am wearing his underwear. Well that moment is right now. He is still untop of me asleep burning hotter then ever.

His face is rested just perfectly and i could stare at his face forever. I liked the way every single imperfection he has turns into perfection. His face is like art, its so pretty that i dont want to look away from it.

I want him to be mine forever, and i want me to be his forever. I want to in case this moment to keep it forever with me. I reach out my arm and grab my phone that was almost out of reach.

I snap a quick picture of him. You cant see to much of his face in the darkness but i know my brain will help remeber the details of this memory. I give him a kiss on his forehead and fall asleep again.

I woke up again by something heavy moving on my chest. Its still dark outside and probably late af. I heared xavier slowley walk out of my room accidently hitting something with his foot followed by a soft curse under his breath.

I stay in bed a few more minutes and decide to follow him to see what he is doing. I walk to the kitchen and see pitch darkness and just the fridge light and a silhouette of his body. I turn the lights on and i could see the guilty look on his face like he was a teenager who got cought sneaking out.

"What are you doing?" I ask him "i got hungry" he says in a wisper. "You found anything good yet, i could use a snack" i say in a wisper so we dont disturb the neighbors. "Ive got yoghurt" he says holding up a the yoghurt with a unsure look on his face. "Perfect" i respond and i walk over his way to grab us two bowls.

"did i wake you up?" He asks me while pouring the yogurt into the bowl. "Its fine" i say to him not wanting to lie to him even if its just a tiny one. "Im sorry" he says both of us still wispering. "You dont have to apologise, i like talking to you more then sleeping" i say to him and i could see a tiny smile appear on his face.

Instead of sitting on the coutch we sit down on the kitchen floor. I dont even know why but its fun when i am with xavier. "We should do those stupid question games" he says to me and look at him confused "i want to know the little things about you that nobody else knows" he says to me and i still look at him kind of confused but getting it more. "I want to know stuff like your first childhood crush and all that" he says in a wisper "first boy or girl crush?" I ask him "both" he awnsers me.

I think about the possible awnsers. "I would say kim possible as my first girl crush" i say to him and i could see a huge smile apear on his face. "No way! That was mine too" he says excited almost raising up his voice to loud. I put my index finger on his mouth shushing him and we both chuckle.

"What's your first boy crush" he asks me. "This one will be embarrassing" i say to him "i will tell mine too" he says to me "its way worse" he says trying to tempt me. "Jay from ninjago" i say even more quietly hoping he wont hear it. "The lego serie?" He asks me and i knot yes "i told you its embarrasing"  i say to him and he laughs at me.

"Do you wanna hear mine" he asks me and i not yes. "Its predictable if i am being honest" he says to me "who is it?" I ask him "edward from twilight... pretty sure jasper was a close seccond place" he says and we both laugh. "Youve had a crush on him for ages then" i say between the laughter. "Yeah, still i like you more" he says and plants a kiss on my forehead i could feel my face turn hot. Thankfully the lighting isnt good.

"I got a question" i say to him and he looks my way again. "What do you like about me? No matter how much i overthink about it i cant seem to grasp why" i say and avoid his look so i wont see his judging stare. "You want to know why?" He asks me to be sure "i just dont understand why" i say and look his way just to see a tiny smile on his face.

"I like a lot about you" he says "like what?" I ask for the third time. "I like you,everything of you really. i like the way you think. i like the stupid crook in your nose that makes it slightly turn to the left but you can only see it when you pay attention to it. i like the smile lines on your lips because you smile a lot when i am around. i like the way your eyes squint wherever you smile. I like the way your skin reacts to me when i touch you. I like the way your fingers feel on my bare skin. I like every single inch of your body and of you. At this point i could say i like the way your heart beats or the way you breath" he says to me without any hesitation in his voice.
I didnt know what to say to him. I never thought he would like me let alone like me this much. His words make my stomach flutter. "Thats one of the best thing someone said to me" i say to him trying not to shed a tiny tear.

"What do you like about me" he asks me "you're setting me up for failure after saying all that" i say to him laughing and gibing him a kiss. "Just say you like my hair and i would be absolutely flustered" xavier says to me and i let out a tiny smile. I put my hand on his cheek caressing the mole under his eye with my thumb.

"I like every single thing about you" i say "even the weird mole under my eye?" he says to me "thats one of my favourite parts about your body" i say to him quietly while caressing it. "I used to hate it" he says to me "why would you hate that?" I ask him confused. "People told me its for suffernes and bitterness in your life back when i lived in china" he says to me awkwadly.

"I like it, its one of my favourite parts about you actually. It makes you look unique from the others" i say to him while i rest my finger on his mole. "See you top me with this whole love this again" he says dramaticly. "Ugh youre werr like wedding vows mine were like a 9yr old flirting" i say to him still thinking about everything he said to me.

"My wedding vows will top everything ive ever said in life" he says proudly "mine will be better then the sad flirt" i say to him and we both laugh. Its like our 2 souls are one. Weve never really disgust our wedding before. I mean i am only 22 and he is 23 now so it comes soon but not that soon.

"What is your favourite pizza topping" he says going back to the useless questions about life. "I always ask what they recommend to me , i am not that difficult. What about you?" I ask him "something simple like cheese and paprika" he says to me. "What about pineapple?" I ask him and he pulld a disqusted look at me. "I would eat it if they had nothing else but i dont like the wet texture on it" he says to me and scrunches his nose. "I honestly am not a huge fan but i would be down" i say to him.

We keep talking and talking about the sweet nothingness and went back to bed a hour or 2 later. We were both so exhausted but wanted to keep talking but a few minutes after laying down we both fall asleep to quick.

Thats it for this chap i hope u like it <333

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