hot touches

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"I like the way your body reacts to me" he says breathing onto my face. I pull him by his neck and drag him into a kiss. Not like a tiny kiss but more like a make out kiss. I like the way both of our bodys react to each other i think by myself. I trace my hand from his chest down to the brim of his pants.

I could feel the goosebumps form under my finger. I look at him and i could see him slightly embarrased. "Your body reacts to me too" i say fully cocky. I take off his tshirt and he kisses me again. Both of our breaths are heavy and in sink.

Ive always liked the way his breath feels on my skin. Its warm and soft but now its warm and rapid. He traces his tongue agaisnt my lips ans i part them. I grab his hair skightly with my hand and the other one on his chest. One of his hands is agaisnt the wall ans the other one agaisnt the side of neck.

Both are breaths are getting heavier and more intense with every seccond that passes. Xiever puts his hands under my tshirt and first moves his hands to my back. He moves his hands down again and stops at the bottom of my tshirt and starts to lift it up breaking our kiss.

Xiever pulls away from me and gives me a smile. He kisses my lips and leaves a trail of kisses down to my neck. "Youre going to leave a hicky like this" i breath "you dont mind that right?" He asks me breathing in my neck in between kisses. "No" i say moving my fingers trough his hair.

He kisses my collarbone and slowley down to my chest. His fingers follow him down barley touching me but enough to make me feel them even after being removed.

When he reached the top of my pants he stops and looks up to me. The same look in his eyes whenever he wants something from me. I bent down and give him a quick kiss on his lips. My heart is racing more then i ever thought would happen. He is sitting on his knees shirtless and looking straight into my eyes.

He gives me a smirk. And puts his hand on the top of my pants but instead of removing them he just plays with the top looking straight at me. "So this is what you want" he says to me with amuse and bites his lips.
I could feel my face turn red and he laughs at me. "Like i said, your body cant lie" he says with a breath. My breath is still racing just as much as a few minutes ago that its making me dizzy.

He stands up again and puts his hand under my chin making me look at him again. "Normally youre so talkative" he says and plants a kiss on my lips. He was about to pull back again but i put my hand on his cheek softly guiding him back to my lips. I like the way his lips feels on mine and the way they taste. I could say with certain that i like the things his lips can do.

His breathing is going up again and i keep my hand on his cheek. I put my hand on his chest moving it upwards to his shoulders. I slightly push him down ans he stops kissing me. He looks at me confused for a few seconds but i could see the smirk on his face reappear fast.

He kissed my neck again and i move my head back and put my 2 hands on his back and lightly put my nails in his hot skin by accident. I didnt even notice it at first and quickly apologize but all i could hear was a tiny chuckly escaping his mouth.

I keep my hands on his back and try to remind myself to not do it again but my mind is absolutly racing everywhere. He moves even more down and pulls my pants to my knees and he gives me the same cheeky expression as before.

Like i said before i like the things his lips can do but lets add tongue to the list... i stands back up and has a pleased look on his face when he sees my flustered face. I grab him on the back of his neck and turn his back agaisnt the wall insteas of mine. I give him a kiss and i could feel a slight smile form under lips.

I kiss him even harder then before and i pull back again trying to catch my breath. I take him by his hand to my bedroom and i could see the look on his face and i could see his face is getting more red then before too.

I lay with my back on the bed and he is hovering over me. Both of us panting and our bodys grinding agaisnt each other.

After were done he is laying on my chest with both of us only wearing underwear. I like the way his bare skin feels agaisnt mine. The heat of his body is insanely hot but so is mine after what we did. I am still trying to catch my breath but he had no trouble falling asleep.

I run my fingers though his hair over and over again until i fall asleep too. We wake up later in the evening with the sun barley shining.  Fuck we forgot to put a alarm. "I already told jade i am sleeping over" he says with a smirk like he planned the whole thing already.

I was about to roll my eyes at him but he just kisses me on my forehead making me forget what i was angry for. We both go to the kitchen and Xavier makes some food ready for us while i watch him in admiration. I love the way he is so passionate about his cooking whenever he is with me. He explains everything he is doing and how much you need of everything and how do it.

"Dont you want to open a restaurant later?" I ask him and he nots his head. "I might ask my aunts if i could take it over when they cant do it anymore" he says with a bittersweet smile. "Was it always a family business?" I ask forgetting he was adopted. "Their my real aunts if youre wondering, but yeah it's always been in the family.  They told me it was my moms favourite place before she left. I always get told i look a lot like my mom personality wise and more like my dad with my looks." He explains to me and i watch him tell his story with every bit of concentration i have. 

He looks bittersweet troughout explaining it all. I would've been sad too so i dont blame him. "Oh i forgot to ask you. What was that important thing from yesterday?" He asks me and i could slightly feel my mood go down. 

"Its a long story for maybe a other day. But ive remet some of my friends" i say with a smile thinking back to yesterday. We were having so much fun and were talking for hours and laughing until we couldnt breath anymore. It was nice but i still felt like i was missing someone.

"Thats good, did you tell them about your perfect boyfriend or do i need to fight of your friends" he says and we both laugh. "I actually did tell them about you" i say feeling myself get nervous. I look xaviers way and see him smile from ear to ear with a sprakle in his eye. He looked at me like i told him he won the jackpot or got a puppy for Christmas.

"You told them?" He asks me again so i will reasure the awnser "yess dummy, i told them that i was seeing this absolutly perfect guy named xavier" i say to him laughing. "Also i did accidently say it to dean but i hope you dont mind that" i say to him quickly so he might just not process it. "Dean probaly already knew before we knew" he says laughing and steers around in the food.

He puts the food on my plate and hands me it. It looks absolutly perfect like it was made from a 5 star chef. I gave him a quick kiss on bis cheek and walk over to the tv putting on whatever. We start to eat and talk and trash the serie while were doing so. Both of us laugh about the stupid things they say and the weird things we saw. It was funnier with him then it wouldve been if i watched it alone. I am glad he is with me.

Thats it for this chap  <333

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