bathrobe <3

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"Dash" he says to me "we cant be late" he says and turns around so were extremely close to each other. "Just tell them im sick" i say smiling at him. "Mhm" he says to me "no" he says to me and looks at me proud. "Lame" i nag to him and roll my eyes. "Not even a kiss?" I ask him and come closer to him.

"So needy" xiever says and puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me closer. He gives me a smile right before our lips touch and then he gives me a kiss. This kiss feels diffrent from others... it lasted longer and it was more passionate i would say...

Xievers hand trails down my back down to the endge of the bathrobe. I could feel his fingers lingering around it. It feels like he is holding himself back from doing what he wants. I pull him closer to me and we keep on making out. My wet hair is making his shit soaked. Our breaths keep getting more and more rapid the longer we go on for.  I could feel his heartbeat beating agaisnt my chest but he probably can feel the same by me.

Xiever pulls back from me with a smile. Im a little bit confused but its fine i guess. He puts the back of his hand agaisnt my forehead and chuckles "you do feel a little bit hot lets say youre sick to the others" he smirks at me. "Oh?" I ask him and bite my lip down trying not to show my smile to much. He grabs his phone and types something on it and walks my way.

"Your shirt" i point out "its wet, you should probably take it off before you catch a cold" i say to him smiling. He comes closer to me again and takes my hand and puts it on the end of his shirt. "I need help" he says with a smirk and i roll my eyes at him and slowly taking off his shirt. When its fully off i kiss his lips again. Our chests arent touching just yet but i could feel the heat coming of his body onto mine.

Xiever places his hand agaisnt my neck and we keep making out. I want to take more of him. I pull him closer to me so our bare chests are finally touching each other. I could feel a smile form from under my lips, i cant help but smile too. I move my hips a bit trying to see how far i could take it. He lets out a tiny moan and i could feel my cheeks getting redder.

I move my hand on the side of his torso and move up to his head and brush my hand trough his hair. With every touch and every seccond its getting more and more intense. Xievers hand trails down to my lower body again and followes the rim of the bathrobe. He takes my hand and out it on the rim of his pants. I pull back from him and look down to his body to fully admire him. "Are u sure u want to do this?" I ask him out of breath already "yes" he responded. The rest what we did will stay behind closed doors...

Both of us took a shower again after we were done and fell straight back asleep. If u told me all of this wouldve happend from the beginning i wouldnt have believed you. I probably wouldve laughed at you and then move on with my life. But still here we are, both if us head over heels for each other. It feels more natural to be with you then i have felt like with anybody.

I thought my soulmate was this girl. Beautiful, elegant, funny, kind and everythint u could think of. But now i know better. Instead of suger u were salt. She broke up with me at the time i needed her the most. It sounds cheesy doesnt it? It was my fault after all, the whole incident and everything that followed. Right now im gratefull for what i have, maybe i wouldnt have said this a few weeks ago but right now i am. After all i got the most perfect guy in my arms thats all mine.

Maybe one day i will explain the accident to him but for now i dont want to ruin what we have. I dont want him to look at me different or maybe even leave me. He is becoming more like my air like my painkiller from all this hurt. Its a scary feeling but also exciting.

After the 2 hour nap we woke up again. Waking up to him being there is starting to feel more save, like im not alone in this world. Xiever smiles at me sheepishly still tired and just woken up. 

"Xiever" i say "yeah?" He asks me "i think u need to hide your neck for a few days" i chuckle at him putting my finger on 2 dark spots on his neck that i created. "Oh fuck" he says putting his hand on his neck trying to cover it that way. "Next time dont leave it visable" xiever laughs at me awkwardly and takes my hand and fumbles with my fingers.

"i dont know if i can keep a promise like that" i say and smirk at him again. "Ugh such a anmoying boyfriend i have" he says over dramatic and kisses my forehead. Even him just saying that makes my stomach flutter. "U better didnt leave any other hickys" he says to me and takes of his shirt trying to see if there any others.

He is still laying beside me and i can see a few others all over his chest. "Want me to point them out?" I ask him with a cheeky smile. "Here and here and here" i point out putting my finger on them to have a exuse to touch his body. Ive counted 5 so far and each time xiever looks at me more and more annoyed. "Youre so going to pay for this" he says and grins at me. "Whats that supposed to mean?" I say with a smile.

Xiever takes his phone and shows me the messages the group send me wishing me a speedy recovery because we told them i was sick. "Maybe it was a bad exuse" i say laughing at him "i shouldnt have listen to you look how i ended up as" he while pointing at his neck. "Just say a few bugs bit you" i say sarcastic to him with a petty smile. "A bug?! You mean a whole leach" he says with disbelieve and trows his phone back to where it was before. "You know u will so pay for this" he says to me "i would like to see u try" i respond with a smile like i won whatever contest that there was.

"We should probably get up" i suggest. "I am protesting that idea" xiever says back. "Lets go" i say and want to sit up but then he holds me by my hands so i cant go. His grib is way stronger then mine so escaping this would be inpossible. I give him a dirty but playfull look and then roll my eyes. "Such a lazy boyfriend i have" reusing his joke. "Hey! No talking back right now you cant even escape if you want too" he says smirking at me. "I guess i will stay here" i say acting all annoyed.

I lay on his chest instead of him on mine like normally. He still doesnt have a t-shirt on so my face is just touching his bare skin. "happy now?" I ask him "maybe" he says with a tiny smile. "But dont try and give me anymore hickys on my neck before they will start wondering where i got it from" he says to me and i knot. "I will just put 2 here" i say pointing at random places on his chest and he shakes his head disapointed. The both of us are acting all annoyed even tho we both know we liked it...

He puts his arms around me holding me tighter and so i cant go away again. We fell asleep again after some time. The sound of his heart made me feel sleepy so i was the first one to fell asleep again. Not long after xiever fell asleep too and we slept for a other 2 more hours when we woke up hunrgy from not eating anything since breakfast. I thought i bought some food for if this wouldve happend and so i can treat him to a normal dinner for once but i guess i forgot to buy it. The night was still fresh so we will just go to the supermarket 2 blocks down the road and get whatever.

Aaaah thats it dor this chap <3

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