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I woke up pretty early around 9am. From a nightmare about the accident.  My back hurts like hell but then i remeber i slept on the coutch. I wonder if xiever is already awake. I should make some breakfast for me and him and then see if he is awake already. He is probably still asleep after everythinf he drank.

I remeber i bought some pancake mix for when he slept over. I go to the kitchen and grab some butter and pancake mix out the fridge and turn on the stove. Apparently its easy to make these so i hope i can do it.

After 20 minutes ive got a lot of pancakes ready and the whole room smells like it. I set some syrup on the table next to the pancakes. I walk over to my bedroom and open the door slightly letting in some light. 

"Are you awake?" I wisper. Without any suprise i dont hear a responds. "Xiever" i say a bit louder. "Wake up" i say with my normal voice and i could hear a annoyed groan his way. "I made pancakes" i say excited.  "Where am i?" He asks me confused. "My place, u slept in my bed i slept on the couch" i respond to him.

"U made what?" He asks me half asleep. "Pancakes" i repeat. "Yes some food!" He says more excited while waking up more. "You want to come eat it" i ask him coming twords his way. "Im so hangover, it better be worth it" he says and i see his head apear out of my bed.

He gives me a sheepish smile and squinted eyes. "Good morning" he finally says "good morning" i smile to him. I grab his hand and i show him the mini table filled with pancakes. "Im so going to marry you woah" he says happily and rushes to the pancakes. Even that comment makes my heart jump.

We both stuff our faces with the pancakes that were still warm. "Wait where did you sleep..i dont remeber falling asleep with you" he says half confused. "I slept on the couch" i say shyly "the couch?" He asks confused "doesnt your back hurt?" He asks me more concernt "yeah but its fine. U were sleeping like a starfish" i laugh at him. "Shouldve kicked me off the bed" he laughs at me.

"Do you have any plans for today?" I ask him "probably going to spend it with you if u want to" he says and scratches the back of his neck. "I would like that" i respond and i could see both our cheeks red. Its weird liking someone this way, its exiting too.

"We should do a twilight marathon" xiever says to me with a huge smile. "Is there a other movie??" I ask him confused.  I thought there was just 1 movie. "There 5 movies and 6 books" he says proudly.  "you want to watch them all today?" I ask worried "we will read the books a other time" he says and i groan at him. "Fine, i guess it wouldnt be THAT bad" i say to him.

We walk over to the couch and he starts up the seccond movie. " we shpuldve gotton some popcorn" i say to him "do you have some ?" He asks. "I can always ask my asshole neighbours.  They always are eating popcorn i can smell it" i say half irritated. I go to my neighbors and ask them if they have some popcorn for me. The big guy gives me some popcorn with a annoyed look and then slams the door infront of me. I guess i have the popcorn.

"Got it!" I say running twords him eith the popcorn in my hand. "Do you even know how this works?" He asks me "i guess we have to see... i am pretty sure there is a manual on the back" xiever pauses the movie and then helps me try to make a popcorn. Not long after it finally worked and we got some popcorn. "Fuck yeah" he says to me and we give each other a high five.

We eat the warm popcorn while we watch the movie. Well i am not really watching the movie but more watching him. The way his eyes lit up whenever he sees a intresting part and wants to explain everything about it. Ive never knew that people could be so interested in a movie from years ago. The storyline is fine but the way its filmed and the blue tint in the first movie and not in the others is mediocre.  But i dont hate it because you dont.

We keep watching all the movies until late at night and see the sun going down. We already made some dinner with even more pancakes. Its a full moon and the stars are brighter the  ever.

"Xiever" i ask "yeah??" He asks me "do you wanna look at the stars with me?" I ask him. "The stars?" He says "there really bright today and it's a full moon " i say excited "sure" he says and i take his hand. I grab the keys and we walk to a old canal where a lot of boats go trough. We sit on the brim of the water.

I look up at the stars and my head agaisnt his shoulder. "Ive seen prettier things" he says after 5 minutes losing the concentration. "Shhh and just look" i say half annoyed but keep looking at the stars. "Ugh" he says annoyed and grabs my face between his hand. He gives me a kis on my forehead then my nose and then down to my lips. "Youre the prettier thing. You shine brighter then any star for me" he says to me and i could feel my cheeks tuen bright red but i cant look away because he is holding my head. I put my hand ober his eyes so he cant "stop making me blush" i say embarrassed. I could hear his low chuckle and he lets my face go.

"Did i make you blush?" He asks me with a grin. "Shhh before someone can see or hear us" i say quietly forgetting where we were for a minute.  "Lets go inside" he suggest and i agree with him. We both walk into the apartment and i put the lights on. "You should keep the lights off" xiever says with a grin "why?" I ask him confused. "You dont want me to see you blush right" he says with a smirk and walks up to me.

He put his hand next to my head pinning me agaisnt the wall. I quickly turn the lights off so he cant see my face. "What are you thinking about?" He wispers into my ear. "nothing" i say but we both know its a lie. "Mhm what can i do to you?" He says to me and kisses me on my lips down to my neck. He stops right at the brim of my tshirt and looks up. I dont know why but the way he looked up made my heart skip a beat.

" do you like that?" He asks me "what?" I ask him confused. "Me looking at you like that" he says still being in the same position. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I not yes "i cant see you, you have to say it" he says with a smirk. I know he can see me i can see him too in this light. "Yes" i say quietly.

He stands up again and we make out for a few minutes with his leg between mine. Him moving like this isnt helping even for one bit. I know what he is trying to do and its working. His moving agaisnt my crotch is making me trail in thought.  He stops kissing me and looks at me. Because he is taller i have to look up to see him. "I know why you like that" he says to me putting his finger under my chin and lifting my face even more up. "Do you like it more when i do it?" He asks me. I not yes again "speak for me dash" he says in a wisper. "Yes" i say shyly and look away.

He kisses my neck again and when he reaches the brim he takes of my tshirt letting a trail go down of kisses. He stops when he reaches the top of my pants and sits on his knees. He gives me the same look as before and i could feel my breathing getting heavier. Faintly between all this i can hear his breathing too. For whatever reason i cant look away. He gives me a smirk "you want me to do this?" He asks me while looking at ... something. "Yes" i say quietly knowing that a not doesnt please him.

Lets just say the rest of the night stays between us...

Thats it for this chap<33 i hope you all like it

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