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Happiness, its a weird concept if u really think about it. Its just chemicals being send to our brain while we react to our surroundings. But without happiness maybe this world wouldve been diffrent, More empty. Maybe instead of happiness we would feel a other emotional like anger or jealousy, maybe we wouldnt have any emotion.

Just plain numb. Is that worse then having bad feelings? Yes, you dont feel anything. No joy, no anger, no sadness. Its just a living day by day not caring about anything. Like the whole world lost its colors.

But next to you xiever i feel calmness.  Its like my mind finally took a break from spinning and spinning. The thousends versions of me screaming at me to be better stop. Everything stops, but in a good way. Its like were the only people in this entire world. Maybe not even a world around us but just 2 voices floading trough the never ending void.

Were both laying on the coutch like always watching some of the twilight movies after running around the room and dancing around. "You know this was one of my favourite movies when i was younger" xiever says to me and looks focused on the screen like his younger self is watching it again. "What team were u on?" I ask him. Honestly i was team jacob until the last movie was releast.

"I think i would say edward, but if im fully honest team jasper" he says to me with a proud smile still remembering the movies by hard. "Isnt jasper the buff guy with black hair?" I ask him honestly forgetting who was who. "U better be joking or im leaving right now" he says laughing at me and explains the whole plot to me.

He looks so cute trying to explain every single detail about a plot i really dont care about. Rather then listening to what he is saying im rather looking at his face and him getting excited at the romantic parts and the way his eyes light up when he gets really excited. Even him just explaning these silly things is so cute for no reason.

We watched the whole first movie and it was already 3pm when we finished it. "Okay so i know this might seem bad but trust me the rest is perfect" xiever says trying to defent his case when he saw my confused look on my face.

"Come on one more movie and then i will go. Trust me youre going to love it" he says and i almost saw the spark come back into his eyes. "Fine" i say acting all annoyed knowing damn well im going to try and get him to sleep over here again....

Weirdly xiever eas right about the next movie being way better then the last one we watched. Halfway trough the movie i slowley move xievers way more and put my head on my shoulder. Even tho i couldn't see his face at that moment he was probably smiling . His soft sweather is touching my cheeks and i could feel my heartbeat going up like every other time when i touch him or come close to him.

The seccond movie feels like it goes by way faster and its already 5:12 pm. I want him to stay right here with me but i dont know how to make him stay with me. "Do you want to get some dinnern maybe?" Xiever asks and scrathes the back of his neck like always. "Yeah, were do you want to go to?" I ask him "maybe my aunts restaurant its open today" he says to me and i agree with his choice and we both go to the restaurant.

We choose a table more in the back and wait for his aunts to recognize us in the relatively bussy crowd. "You know what youre getting" xiever asks me with a friendly smile. "Uhhh... what do you recoment?" I ask him kind of embarrased for even havinf to ask. "Mhmm for u? I think char siu would be great. Its like roasted pork" xiever explains to me without making me feel embarrased for it.

Xievers aunt notices us quickly and walks up to us very excited whilei awkwardly greet her because of my 0 social skills. Xiever order some food for us and quickly and says something in chinese to his aunt and then she left again.  "What did you say to your aunt?" I ask trying to start a conversation "i said 'look at my pretty boyfriend' " xiever says to me and cheekly smiles at me when he sees me gettinf all red and embarrassed. "Im just kidding love dont worry" he says to me and smiles.

"Ugh i almost thought i would need to introduce myself again but formally" i say to him and laugh awkwardly. "They do really like you though. But i will wait with it until youre fully comfortble with it" xiever reassures me and puts his pinky against my hand so it isnt to obvious but that he is touching me. I try and hide my smile with my hand but i could feel xievers look burning in my skin and a low chuckle coming from his way.

His aunt comes in fast with all the food xiever just ordered and it all looks great. "Here" xiever says giving me a piece of food and smiles bright at me. "Thank you" i say and eat whatever he just gave me. Its different from what i am used to but i really like that its different. "Here" i say while trying to pick up a piece of food for xiever to eat but failing miserably trying to even get it on the chopsticks.

"Are u just not good with your hands or just not good with chopsticks " xiever says to me with a smirk. I almost choke in my food from what he just said and take a sip trying to cover it up. "Im never going to awnser that" i say and rolling my eyes dramaticly. "Guess i just have to find out" xiever says to me with a cheeky smirk. I gave him a little kick under the table and looked at him pissed off with a smile. "Fine fine i will stop princess" he says to me and laughs at me. I roll my eyes over dramatic like i always do and we both eat the rest of the food until there arent any crumps left.

We just talked about the little things in life like the way he likes his tea or his favourite plant and all those types of things. Its nice to have the silly pointless conversations about basicly anything. "Do you maybe want to help in the restaurant a tiny bit?" Xiever asks me "yeah sure what do you wajt to do?" I ask him. Ive never really worked at a restaurant before so maybe it would be fun trying to see how it is like, besides it gives me more time with xiever...

Xiever calls his aunt oved and asks something and his aunt looks pleased my way. We follow her into the kitchen with loads of dishes pilled up waiting to be washed off. Xiever aunts says somethingto him again and he knots at her. "Shes asking if we want to wash off some of the dishes, i wilk show you how dont worry" he says to me and grabs a plate from the pile and washes it off.

I take a plate to and follow the way he did it and before i was done with one pile he already did the 2 of them eith only one remaining. We both finish up quickly getting the last few plates done. I feel like i didnt help to much but atleast i tried my best.

"Dash" he says to me and takes a pile of soap bubbles in his hand and hits it straight into my face and laughs at me. "Youre so going to pay for that" i say laughing at him grabbing a hand ful of soap and trowing it at him hitting half of his head and we both laugh at the soap sticking to his face. "Ewww" he says to me trying to get the soap of his face and trowing it back at me but completely missing it and it falls to the ground.

We're both laughing at each other like 2 little kids and i almost forgot we were in a restaurant. His aunt is watching us from a distance smiling at the way xiever is acting with me right now. "All done?" She asks us and lools at the clean plates looking impressed at us. "Xiever you got soap on your face " she says with a thicc accent but still the fact rhat shes trying already means a lot. Xiever wipes off the rest of the soap with his sleeve and looks at me smiling.

aaaah that was if for this chap <3

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