flashbacks *long*

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April 19th 2019 (around 3 years ago in the current timeline, dash's pov ) :

My head is still spinning around from drinking so much alcohol last night. My girl is next to me only wearing her shorts and a red laced bra. Her red brown hair messy in a bun and a slim figure.

I wake her up by giving her a few kisses on her forehead. "Let me sleep babe" she groans and gives me a kiss. "Today is our 1 year anniversary dont you remeber?" I ask her "i know i got you a suprise for later" she says happily. "But if you dont let me sleep right now i will return it" she said sassy and turns around.

Maybe the guys are awake already. Which i doubt thinking back of what we drank yesterday.

Me : anyone up?
Noah : fuck yeah, there is this chick in my bed, idek her.
Dean : fine but i cant go again today ive got some work.
Elijah : everyone good?
Hayden : stfu and let me sleep.

Ive known noah since short but i do know that he has a new girlfriend ever few weeks or so. Hayden always been like this, annoyed to death by us but still the glue that holds us all together.

And Elijah you might ask? He has been friends with me since birth. Our moms had the same hospital room and got quit close to each other. We've had most of our firsts together. We we're like a packed deal, it was like having a twin who doesnt share the same blood with you. Platonic soulmate as some would say.

I go to the kitchen to make me and my girl some food. We cleaned the apartment 2 days ago so everything still looks good. Some of our clothes are on the ground from the night before but if u think away that part its clean. I pick up our clothes and put them in the washer.

My girl got most of her clothes in my closet anyways. She basicly is living here. She usually goes back to her apartment whenever my parents come around. They dont really like her but they dont like anyone other then each other really. Sometimes it feels like they dont even want me, but atleast they come around.

The eggs and the toast are done in a few minutes and i take them to her. "Babe i got you food wake up" i say quietly "thank you" she says grabbing the food and eating it up in record speed while i watch and admire her.

"Are we going out with the guys later today" she asks me "probably we do almost every weekend anyways.  Besides yk how hayden can hold down any drink" i say and we both laugh. "First my present tough" i say teasing her. She nots her head at me while she stuffs her face with even more food.

After we clean the dishes together and watch some tv to pass by the time. She said that the suprise is around 1pm. I dont know what she will even give me. Besides were both on the student budget.

1pm hits sooner then i thought it would. "Ive got your present in my bag wait a few secconds" she says walking towrds her bag. "I know it isnt much but its all i can afford" she says to me handing me a flat dark blue box with a gold ribbon on it. I take of the ribbon and open the box. 2 silver bracelets are inside shining at me. "You got us matching bracelets?" I ask her giving her a hug and a kiss.

I take one of the bracelets and put it on her and she does the same to me. "I coulve put a ribbon on me but i felt like thats to plain" she jokes to me and we both laugh. "I love the bracelets thank you love" i say to her and give her a other kiss and a embrace. I swing her around in a circle and hear her giggle echoe around the apartment.

I bought her some beautiful pink and white roses and a box of chocolate. Its clique i know but if she likes it its fine. "My boyfriend is perfect" she says givinf me a kiss on my nose. "I am probably going to the gym tomorrow i cant lose my abs " i laugh at her and she pulls my shirt up "there still there dont worry" she says to me with a smile and i roll my eyes at her.

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