rosey cheeks (both povs)

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Xievers pov :

"Dash" i say to him and give him a tiny smile when he looks my way again with a shy look on his face. "Yeah" he responds shly and he fumbles with his fingers. "Can i kiss you" i ask him.

Fuck it. We only life once and not even for long.  I dont plan on wasting any time with him anymore. I just want to hold him and kiss him and do all the fucking cheesy ass shit that couples do.

I saw every awnser play out in his head. His easier to read when u get to know him longer and longer. You can sometimes just see him think in his head like his bussy talking to himself. I look at him and dont look anywhere else. I want to hear the yes. But right now i dont know if he wants to.

Dash's pov :

He wants to kiss me? Does he like me? Does he even want to be with me? Do i even like him? What does he want from me? Do i even want to kiss him?

All these thoughts flashes trough my head. I want to say yes of course but i dont know if i should. I dont think he deserves to be with someone like me. He deserves a person thats better then the whole universe. Someone to keep him warm on the cold days. To kiss him on his forhead whenever he just fell asleep, someone to dry his tears.  Not someone thats depressed af 24/7 and doesnt have much money to his name. But... i do want to kiss him. If i look past everything. I want to kiss him more then ever.

"Xiever" i say and look him into his eyes "yeah?" He asks me "i want you to kiss me" i say to him and i could see xiever getting happy at me saying that.

He comes towards my face and put his hand on my cheek and moves forward even more. I close my eyes and the next thing i know his lips collides with mine...

Xievers pov :

My heart is racing in my chest. I kissed him. Fuck his so fucking cute omfg. I wanna stay like this forever. His just fucking everything. I dont care if he isnt perfect but im also not perfect. I love every flaw of him. Everything about him is great in my eyes.

I pull back but i let my hand stay on his cheek. I smile at him and bite my lip so he doesnt see how much im actually smiling...

His so cute. His cheeks are flussed with a rosey red color but so are mine. I look at his lips and i want to kiss him again but i dont want to push him so that he might becomes uncomfortble.

Dash looks at my lips again and he leans forward this time and kissed me back. Its just as good as the first kiss and my heart flutters again. I dont fucking know how he makes me feel this way but i like it. Its diffrent from what i ever had before.

"Uh.. do you want some food?" I ask. I dont know what the fuck im supposed to say this man he just made me blush like a dumbass and gave me butterflies. "Yeah sure" he says excited af and still so shy and flushed.

We go to a little store with some icecream and i order vanilla and he orders some chocolate icecream. I payed for it so he doesnt need to worry about money atm.

Dash's pov :

Sometimes i do feel guilty whatever he buys me stuff. But i will let it slide. Its just 2€ icecream and he offered it first. Were sitting on a park bench overlooking the field of people.

"Can i get a bite?" Xiever asks me and points towards my icecream.  Normally i wouldve said no but he payed... and he kissed me... i get flushed by just the idea of it.

I hand him my icecream and he hands me his. I dont really like vanilla that much but its fine. Aslong as he is happy right? Its already around 4 pm and the sun is still shining bright like its 12pm.

I might try and get some cup noodles when i go back home again. Its not really healthy but its better then not eating anything. "I should probably go home" xiever says after we were done eating the icecream. "Yeah me too" i say "how will you go home?" I ask him. His shit box of a car is broken down in the parking lot and i dont have any bike for him to lent.  "I'll go with the bus there is one that stops close by" he says and looks at me

Xievers pov :

The truth is i dont want to leave. But i dont want to cling myself to him and not leave him for ever. And besides i still need to change my clothes and get a shower and talk to jade about all the new gossip like we always do. I will get the car later whenever i have time or something. Maybe if its really just scrape metlle i will let it die there and maybe let it get pulled away by some truck.

"Just be save" dash tells me and sounds kind off worried. Maybe its from the shit he had in the bus but i will be fine. I will cut the mans dick off or something if someone ever touches me or him.

Its weird that i went from disliking him and beating him up to wanting to be with him and hust give him kisses and hug him for forever.

I gave dash a little kiss on his forhead and walked towards the bustop. The bus came in a matter of secconds. I arrived back very soon and told jade everything and in detail. Jade was just screaming at everything i said and was almost jumping out of happyness.

"So when will i meet this hunk?" She askes me. "He isnt really a hunk, but i will ask him if he wants to meet you i dont want to pressure him you know" i respond and jade knots and gets squeals and hugs me again.

Dash pov :

I walk back home again without xiever sadly. I am kind off worried about him being in the bus but knowing him he probably will be fine and kick the persons ass when someone touches him or even tries too. Sometimes i wish i had his confidence. I should probably text him to ask if his save and back home already.

Me : are you home yet?
Xiever : everything dont worry to much about me i will be fine.
Me : sure i guess.
Xiever : come on and just trust me princess haha.
Me : stfu with the princess stuff.
Xiever : never :).
Me : you will pay for this shit haha.
Xiever : oh yeah?

I trow my phone on the bed and roll my eyes dramatic like i always do. Even tho he isnt here i still do it. Its around 7pm right now and im starving from the hunger. Like i promised myself before i will get some cup noodles.

I put on the water boiler and get some cuped noodles in chicken flavour. A basic choose but it cant go wrong. Im so tired because of today and still in disbelief i really kissed xiever. Did that really happen or was it all just a dream?

Xievers pov :

Me and jade are eating some left over spaghetti and jade is talking about her new fling that turns out to be addicted af with drugs. I know im not the most holyest person out here but i am not fucking with some bad drugs. That shit is expensive af and just a pain to kick off.

"We should do a dubble date" jade says and eats a bite. "I dont think i wanna go on a dubble date with your crack boyfriend" i laugh at her. Besides xiever gets anxious around people fast i dont even know how he will react to some weird crackhead.

"Pffttttt he gives me good dick oke" she says and smiles at me. Jade is a really simple girl. She likes what she likes but she also gets whatever she wants and whomever she would ever want. Shes a attractive person and she knows it. I admire her for being such a bad bitch and for getting everyone she wants. "If you talk about his dick one more time imma pull those long ass extensions out" i laugh at her and she pulls up a middle finger and a petty smile.

"If u do that shit imma murder u in your sleep, watch out little bitch" she smiles at me and trows a pasta at me. "Oh fuck you" me and her both laugh about our silly humour.

Thats it for this chap i hope you all like it <3333

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