last time

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I get woken up by my phone ringing and see xaviers name. "Hey" i say half asleep "i am on my way to you" he says ans doesnt even ask. "You got the keys" i say and hang up and fall asleep again.

I wake up and see xavier in my arms also sleep. I gave him my keys a few days ago so if he wants to he can come in whenever he wants to. "Goodmorning" i say to him and kiss his forehead. He wakes up pretty quickly and gives me a sheepish smile. "Goodmorning beutiful" he says to me and lays his head on my chest again. I brush my fingers trough his hair.

"How was your friend" he asks me forgetting to ask me about my friend last time he came over. "He was good we talked a lot" i say to him "you never actually told me how you met him" he says to me and i try to keep acting happy. "I can tell you but i dont know if youre ready for it" i say to him and give him a sad smile. "Only if you want to" he says to me im not sure if I want to tell him before he gets scared away.

I fumble with the bracelet we have and see xavier looking at me with question. "I can tell you" i say to him and explain it. I leave out the kiss again like i have been doing all this time. I will take that moment to the grave. Its me and his most private moment.

I could see that he was having a hard time taking this all but he doesnt look mad at me but more worried. I could feel the tears forming in my eye but i dont cry yet. "How did you go trough that?" He asks me and takes my hand that was resting on his head and kisses it. "I guess i had no other choice" i say to him "how could you survive that, i cant imagine losing you" he says to me worried. "If i do pass away you have to keep on living" i tell him "what if i cant?" He says to me "you can" i tell him and give him a kiss.

"Do you wanna die?" He asks me all of the sudden "i dont, but if i do pass i will look back happy at everything" i say to him. "So you made peace with dying?" He asks me "i have made peace with both living and dying" i tell him and he looks sad. "You wont die anyways" he says to me trying to clear the heavy conversation "dont jinx me" i laugh at him.

We keep each other in each others arms for a few more hours even though its getting later. "Do you have anything on your bucket list?" I ask him "ive already done everything with you" he says to me with a smile and looks at his bracelet "what about yours?" He asks me "to see a drag queen show" i say quitly "you wanna go do that today?" He asks me a bit unsure. "If you want to" i tell him. "We will go tonight" he says to me "first iwill take you to dinner " he says and i agree with him.

The rest of the day we hang out together and told everything we wanted, my biggest secret was out already. He tells me about his childhood pet and the favorite vacation he had. We talked for hours upon hours about everything.

He feels like home.

"Its dinner time" he says to me throwing my jacket at me and put his own on. "You want to go to my aunts restaurant?" He asks me and i agree. The restaurant is pretty close by so it didnt take to long to go there. When were there they only had 2 tables left. Its bussier then it normally is.

One of his aunts spot us fast and asks if he wants what we normally have and he says yes the aunt gives him a tiny wink and leaves again. "Did you ever tell them you and me are dating?" I ask him quietly. "They already knew before we were dating that i liked you..." he says to me and it brings a smile to my face.  "They know?!" I ask shocked "they thought we were dating way before" he says laughing at my reaction. "Fuck going to the drag show i think i need to formally introduce myself" i say quickly and he laughs at my reaction. "Its not funny omg they probably think i am some asshole" i say hoping his aunts dont hate me to much.

"If we wait you can introduce yourself after closing time" xavier says to me and i agree with him. I finish the food way to fast because i am nervous af. I rethink about how i want to introduce myself over and over again and could feel the anxiety going up high.

"Calm down with the food" xavier says to me laughing "im just nervous" i say bouncing my leg up and down. "They will love you" he says to me laughing. "What if they dont and they pay me money to never see you again" i say and he laughs at me "its not a kdrama calm down" he says to me still laughing.

We wait untik a few more hours until its closing time and one of his aunts comes our way. Fuck. "Everything good?" She asks us "perfect" i say quickly. "I wanna introduce you to my boyfriend offically" he says to his aunt proudly and the aunt gives me a smile. "Nice to meet you, dawn right?" She says to me with a friendly smile and i could hear xavier silently laughing at her. "Uhhh yes right" i say to shy to correct her "im just joking with you dash" she says and we all laugh. I softy kick xaviers leg and make a 'help me' smile.

"Were going to get going" he says after a few minutes of talking. He stands of and gives his aunt a hug and then the aunt comes my way to give me a hug too "goodbye" i say and we walk out of the restaurant.

"That was scary" i say to him "she loves you already" he says laughing to me. He takes my hand in his and i give him a smile. Its the first time we walked hand in hand together in public. "Its been almost a year since we first met" he says to me "when was it again?" I ask "in 2 weeks" he says to me and gives me a pounted face because i forgot the date.

"We should do something that day" he says to me "Like what?" Maybe he wants to do some sappy date idea. "We should go to a party i know a good one that coming in 2 weeks" he says to me "sounds good" i havent been to a party for absolutely ages. "We should be that one disgusting couple thats kissing in the corner the whole time" he chuckels at me "ewwww" i say making a dramatic face.

We walk a little more further and see some fireworks in the night sky. We stop and watched for a bit to see where there coming from. "Thats so pretty" i say to him "not as pretty as you" he says under his breath so i could barley make the words out. He takes his phone and take a picture of our hands and the fireworks. He lets go of my hand and takes a few steps back maming a picture of me. Probably everything you can see is my silhouette with fireworks in the backround.

"Give me your phone" i say and he hands me it. Instead of him taking the picture i make a picture of him. Even with the dark light you can see he is beautiful.  "You should post it" i say to him. "I will if i can post yours too" he says to me "we should make one together too" i say and put his phone filming on a bench. I run over to him and give him a kiss. He is taken by suprise by the kiss but i could feel his smile under my lips. I pull back again and went and fetched his phone.

I reply the video and you could barely make out what we were doing but its perfect. You cant see any of our faces but just 2 people goving a kiss in the dark. "Now you can post it" i say him and he laughs at me.

We walk back to the apartment and he posts the video and picture as soon as we were back in the apartment. I give him my clothes again and we fall asleep again facing each other and touching hands.

Aaahhh thats the end of this chap <3333

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