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Xavier is still walking next to me not saying a word. "Why did you want to come with me?" I ask him trying to puzzle why he wanted to come with me but still looking so mad at me.

"Same reason as you" he says after a few secconds "and that is?" I ask confused at him. "I wanted to go for a walk" he says without any emotion in his voice what so ever. "Oh" i say mad at myself for not thinking that that's the reason.

We walk for the rest in silence. The weather is getting more cold and i am glad i had my jacket with me. Xavier was in a sheer t-shirt, but he didn't look too bothered.

We walk by a couple on a picnic blanket full on making out and i look away "fucking couples" xavier wispers under his breath. "What?" I ask not hearing him clearly.

"Fuck couples" he says louder and i chuckle at his respond. "Theyre all over each other" he says making a gag noice and i laugh at his reactiom. "Youre just jealous" i say still laughing. "Mhmm i guess so" he says to me and its silent again but less awkward.

"Deane" he says and i look confused at him. "Huh?" I ask confused. "Dean?" He asks me "dash" i correct him. "Dash" he says and i not. "Yeah?" I ask him. "Do you hate the couples too" he asks me and i look confused at him. "I dont think so?" I say unsure.

"I am asking you if youre single" he says and try not to die from embarrasment. "I am single" i say and i could feel my head turn red by the embarrassment. "You?" I ask xavier. "What do you think?" He says chuckling "youre also single" i guess and he nots yes. "No clue what gave that away" he says laughing and i join him in the laugh.

"Arent you cold" i ask him after a few minutes of more silence. "Kind off" he says to me but shrugs it off. "Are you cold" he asks me trying to keep the conversation going. Its awkward but at the same time it isnt. "I am overheating" i half lie, i am not cold but also not warm.

"Do you want my jacket?" I ask xavier and he smiles at me. His smile is pretty and making him look even better then without. "If you want to give it away" he says to me and looks me into my eyes. No matter how hard you look into his eyes he doesnt reveal anything. "You have to give it back though" i say just to be sure "okay" he says.

I take of my jacket and the cold air hits my skin but its fine. I give my jacket to xavier and i could see a tiny smile thats barley visible. We walk for the rest of the time and go back to the group.

"Did you had a jacket on before?" Cylde asks xavier confused who just shrugs his shoulders at him. I put my arms crossed agaisnt my tshirt so you cant see the scars and the fresh wounds. Ive told dean before that i stoped.

I sit down next to dean again and i could still feel xaviers eyes on me. Dean is to busy talking to apollo to notice that i came back already.

I take a other shot of alcohol and i could feel the real effect of it kick in even stronger. The world started to spin around me slightly but i loved the feeling.

I know deep down its killing me slowley but i dont care. I dont even want to live anyways so who cares if i enjoy the short time i have left.

"Oh youre back" dean says to me but i could hear the slight disapointment. He probably doesn't want to deal with some antisocial guy that sits awkwardly next to him waiting to go home again. "You like one of those chicks there?" he asks me and looks towards the group of girls that the red head came from. "Nah i am good" i say "come on man you got to get over her" he says to me and a shot of pain goes trough me.

I shouldnt blame dean for thinking this way though. His dad is the type to push their sons to the edge just to look masculine and act like a tough guy who got a bigger dick then their ego.

My dad never really raised me. He was there thats for sure but he just didnt talk to me . I never had the same shit happen to me that dean had to go trough thankfully. But i never had parenta that really care about me. I was there, thats for sure. But more then just a thing they had to take care of is something i wasnt. You could say i have some parent issues in some way.

They moved away to italy and left me here by myself 2 years ago. They pay for my apartment and occasionally send me some money so i wont get to mad. They dont really care me if it isnt necessary. One of my embarrassing truths is that i dont mind it. I like to be alone and not be bothered by them. I could easily go without them in life.

"Earth to dash" he says shaking his hand infront of my eyes "im good" i say awkwardly. "Atleast you came i guess" he says half disapointed. Cylde passes the blunt over to dean and dean takes a hit and fully blows the smoke into my face.

The night goes by pretty quick and with every hour i am more intoxicated then before. I am pretty sure its about 2 am and most people have already left the place except a few counting us in. "Do you want me to bring you home?" Dean asks me. I could stand but i was still unstable and the world was spinning around me but it felt good.

"Lets go" he says to me when i dont respond. He puts his arm under my arm trying to get me to walk straight. "You came walking right?" He asks me "yes gorgeous" i say laughing and put my finger on his nose.

"Dont touch me weirdo" he says and takes my hand off his face. "Goodbye everyone" he says to the group and we walk over to my apartment which thankfully wasnt far away.

"Where are your keys?" He asks me "pockets" i say intoxicated af not being able to get them myself. "Get them yourself" he says half pissed of knowing whats about to happen "spaghetti arms" i say wiggeling them around in the air.

"Ugh youre going to pay for this when youre sober" dean says and puts his hand in my pocket trying to find my keys. "Are you gay?!" I ask suprised and dean gives me a pissed off face. "Shut up dash" he says to me laughing at my question.

He finally finds my keys and opens the door and drags me in by my arm almost letting me fall down. "You need water" he says and grabs a cup of water and put it to my lips. "Thaaaaaank you sexyyyyy" i say dragging out the words. "Stop calling me that" he laughs at me.

"I have hot friend" i say proudly and take a sip of the water "yeah right" dean says chuckling at the things i say. "Are you gay?" He asks me again and i frown. "Not for you" i say with a huge smile. "Thanks dash" he says laughing at me.

"You know who i am gay for?" I ask dean "who?" He asks me curious waiting for me to finish the water. "Your mom" i say laughing "youre so dead" he says laughing and leaning agaisnt the messy kitchen counter.

My whole apartment has been messy ever since the accident. I havent got the engery to try and clean it up every since it happend. I havent even had the energy to do this stuff but i am glad i agreed to come.

"You should sleep" dean says to me and i agree with him. "Where are your clothes?" He asks me looking around the mess. "Bedroom" i say pointing to the left door. "Thanks" he says opening the door and finding some shorts and a tshirt for me.

He throws the clothes to my chest and i barley catch it. "Put it on" he says to me and he turns around while i try to out it on. "Spaghetti arms" i say after i am done and he carefully turns around. "You did it" he says chuckling after he sees my shirt turned inside out.

"Yes" I say walking over his way. "You should sleep" dean says to me waiting for me to walk to my bed. "Im going home" he says to me "gooodnighhhhhht beutiful" i say to him giggling.

I hope you liked the seccond chapter so far <3333

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