roller skates

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Its already 11am when we woke up. Thankfully both of us dont have any school or something to do today so were off the whole day. I dont know if he wants to spend it with me but maybe he does?

Xiever rolls back to 'his' part of the bed letting me go from his arms. "What are you going to today" he asks me half asleep. His voice is still deep and raspier then normal from the sleep. "I dont have anything planned for today, you" i awnser him.

"Mhmm me either" he says and gives me a sleepy smile. I get up from the bed and xiever follows me to the livingroom. He sits down on the counter and i get the nutella and peanut butter out like always.  Maybe some things will never change, wont it?

"Quality meal" xiever says sarcastic and we both laugh. "If u want better food you shouldve gotton a better car" i say and shrug my arms and smile at him. "Pffttt is princess mad again?" Xiever says and grins at me i roll my eyes again " princess?!" I say to him and squint my eyes at him.

"You know what i want to do today" xiever says to me. How should i guess this shit. "I dont know?" I say to him "you have to guess" he says and i sigh and shrug my shoulders " no clue" i say. "Mhmm i need someone to do it with tough" he says and stares right at me. "Just tell me i might help u asshole" i say and roll my eyes.

"Fineee i give up because of your bad attitude " he says and rolls his eyes at me instead of me to him for a change. "I wanna go roller blading" he says "I havent done it in so long. I probably dont know how to but if u want to i can join you?" I respond to him. "Its fine, aslong as you are there" he says with a huge smile.

The longer i spent time with her and get to know him more he gets more out of his shell. His the same like me. More closed off and quiet. But on the inside his more playful and energetic then u would expect him to be like. His like a jawbreaker.

"Dont u need to go home to get some clothes first and some skates?" I ask him. "Nah your clothes are fine and i will just rent some roller skates or ask jade to bring me them there" he says and smiles at me "oke whatever u want" i say and give him a tiny smile.

Im looking forward to rollerskate with him. Its good to get out of the house and try and make the best i can out of my short life.

We watched some tv until around 1pm and jade came to my apartment to drop off some roler blades for later. The park is in bloom and the cherry blossoms are at its peak at the moment. Everywhere around the park there little tiny flowers they droped and there people eating on the grass with their loved ones or alone reading a book or being with their kids.

There is a medium sized roller skate ring somewhere at the end. It isnt to bussy with people so i cant crash into to many people at least. Xiever puts on his skates fast af and looks like a professional. His 'warm up' round he did looked so effortless and like he did it everyday or something.

I put on my skates with some more trouble and try to stand on them but fall down soon after. "You cant even stand" xiever moks me and helps me up "hold the wall for now" he says and laughs at me trying to struggle to even stand up. "I told u im not good at it" i say and stand uncomfortable clinging to the side.

"Well its fine atleast youre trying" he says and gives me a huge smile. "Im going to be holding you up, just go skate and ill try not to fall" i say kinda pissed off with myself. I wanted to go with him and not hold him back but here i am. He is enjoying it tough and smiles at the way i look so clumsy. 

"Give me youre hand, i will teach you" xiever says and holds out his hand and i take it. "You better not let me go" i say to him and almost fall again "i wont dont worry" he says and he chuckles at my clumsiness.

We skated a few rounds and i didnt even fall. I know i am holding his hand and its not really all on my own but its better then i thought it was going to be. "Youre doing great!" Xiever says to me excited after i tried to speed up a bit more. He slowly tries to let go of my hand to see if i could do it on my own but i squeez his hand even tighter so he cant let me go. "Dont let me go" i almost beg him. Falling infront of him would be even more embarrasing then this.

"Try it on your own, i believe in you" he says and laughs when i almost fell. I let his hand go a tiny bit so i am standing all on my own. I almost lost my balance but regained it and didnt even fall. " see i told you" xiever shots a huge smile at me "dont jinx it" i respond.

I try and move my feet like a few min ago so i move a tiny bit. Xiever is still next to me so if i fall he could catch me. And the next thing i knew i am on the ground. "Ugh" i groan "my ass hurts fuck you" i say to him half laughing trying to cover up the pain.

Xiever tries to get me standing up right again but instead he falls onnthe ground hovering over me. He quickly gets up and i could see his cheeks getting red. I could feel mine getting hotter too. Im probably as red as a tomato.

"Sorry" he says quickly and tries to get me up again but this time he doesnt fall over me again. "Its fine" i say quickly trying to cover my face with my hair so he cant see my tomato lookalike face. "I will get you to the side, i want to skate a few more rounds and then i can flex on you with how perfecf i am" he says proudly and holds my elbow for some support to get me to the side.

I climb up on the side wall and look at him skating around affortless passing by the people who are skating too. He does a few spins whenever he sees me looking at me and stands on 1 leg. The wind is blowing trough his bleached hair making his face more visible so im able to see all his features on his face again.

I keep looking at him spinning around affortless like i am mesmerized by the way he does it. If there would be a champion in it he wouldve won it for sure. Everyone is looking his way and seeing him almost floading around.

He looks my way again and shots me a quick wink and a smirk. I could feel my face getting red again but i try to cover it up a bit.

After a few laps he stops by me and gives me a little bow "and that was the show for today ladies and gentlemen" he says and smiles at me. "Ugh no need to be so dramatic" i say and roll my eyes and clap my hands.

He sits next to me and takes off the rollerskates and i do the same. I could see 2 girls coming our way and laughing about something. There both relatively short and attractive looking. One got long jet black hair and the other one a dirty blond shorter cut. There both wearing a white croptop and black sweatpants and some sneakers.

"Hey" said the girl with black hair to xiever
"Hey " he replys shortly and a bit confused. "Mind if we join the conversation" the black haired girl said and tries to touch xievers leg. I give a quick glance at xiever and he doesnt look to uncomfortble with the whole situation. He probably gets it a lot more then i think. "Uhh yeah im xiever" he says but he doesnt smile at them like he would do with me "this is dash" he says and looks my way and smiles.

"Im ruby" the black haired girl said with a sweet voice "im Keira" the dirty blonded girl says. She got a more higher pitched voice then ruby. Ruby sit next to xiever and keira sits next to me and gives me a tiny smile. I give her the best awkward smile i could give her.

Thats it for this chap <3333

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