cigarette daydeam

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The whole group is here again and were all about to leave. I gave xiever some better pants of mine and i put got some for myself too. "Sleeping together now?" Ryder laughs at me and xiever. Xiever pushes him away jokingly and smiles towards my way.

Were all walking around trough the city for now. Cylde and mai are walking next to me and xiever and ryder and apollo next to us. The sun isnt shining to bright today but it isnt cold. The streets are small and full of litter.

"Why were you at dash his place?" Apollo says to xiever and looks him with death into the eyes. Everyone looks at xiever and apollo. If looks could kill they'd both be dead right now. "Just sleeping over – why?" Xiever says and grins at apollo.

"You dont normally sleep over at peoples place" apollo just says emotionless and a tiny frown forms on his face. "Are u jealous or something?" Xiever says pleased with him self "i just cant seem to understand why u first beat him up and then try to fuck him xiever" apollo awnsers and xievers smile disappears on his face.

There seriously fighting about who was sleeping at MY place and what i do with MY life. I dont even like any of them and im sure they dont like me back so why tf are they fighting.

"Omg both of u shut the fuck up before i will beat both of u and steal dash from both of u guys " mai says sarcastic putting quotation marks on the word steal. Xiever and apollo look fown to the ground and both shut up like mai said they should do.

We walk around the shopping street some more and stop at some places clyde and mai wanted to go to . "We should get icecream" mai says and we all follow her around like little ducks with their mom.

We stop at some tiny italian ice cream shop that had a big enough table for the 6 of us. "What do you want ?" Xiever asks me "mhmm i will take strawberry i think" i reply to him. Cylde is at the head op the table and im on the left side of him and next to me is xiever and next to him is ryder. Infront of me is apollo and next to him is mai.

"You want me to get it for u" apollo says with his puppy says staring at me like he normally does. "Yeah sure" i say to him and mai followes him after she took the orders for the rest. "I'll pay!" Cylde calls after them. "Daddys money" ryder says and we all laugh at him. "Ive got a question" i ask cylde. "Ask away" he says to me. I can feel everyones stare burning into my skin. "If youre rich... why hang out with us?" I ask him generally intrested into why.

"I am not rich myself...Well now i am i guess... my dad was really rich" he explains to me "was?" I ask him "he passed away" cylde smiles.  He doesnt seem to sad about it? "My dad wasnt a good man dash" he says to me when he saw mt confused look on my face. "Oh– still sorry for your loss though?" I say to him.

"We've got the icecream!!!" Mai says excited almost speaking. "Its the best ice on the whole world you can count me on that" she smiles proudly and hands out the cups of icecream she had in her hands. She changed from being more closed off to this cheerfull person just because ice so I'll take her word for it.

We atake a bite and i see that mai is looking at our reactions. "Its really good" we all say to her.

Mai let's out a pleased smile and we all sit up straight again. "I saw add for this open air movie place in the park close by, you guys down to go do that?" Cylde asks the group and we all agree. "What time is it though?" Apollo asks cylde "around 7pm ish" he awnsers.

Its around 1pm right now so i guess i will be spending loads of time with them today.  Thankfully being around them makes the time fly by fast. "Spending the whole day with these love doves" Ryder says and looks me and xievers way.

"You still havent said why he slept over" mai grins at me. "He was drunk and it was late so i let hum stay this once" i lie to them. We were both sober, the only truth i told is that it was late. Xiever looks away a little upset but doesnt comment on the lie i told. "Mhmm and nothing happend?" ryder says while trying to keep in his smile. "Im straight, you guys are way to dramatic" xiever half laughs and looks at me. I guess he is lying too. Maybe he just made that comment to piss me off and to show not to lie...

Apollo is quiet the whole way true just eating his icecream and making some faces of disguise sometimes. " well im hella gay dash" apollo looks at me and gives me a wink and everyone but xiever laughs at his comment. "Love triangle move shit" cylde says and laughs with the group. 

I look xievers way and see him kinda pissed off. He knows he cant just punch the shit out of apollo like he did with me.

"Hows the icecream though?" Mai asks and looks around proudly. "Horrible" cylde says "the worst" ryder says both of them sarcarstic and overly dramatic. Mai looks around proudlylike she just got the best grade on a test ever. "I told u guys its the best ever" she smiles proudly puffing up her chest.

We all walk to the park hours before the movie even started but atleast were there. Apollo lights up a ciggeret and hands out a few to us. Mai doesnt take it and so does xiever. Were all laughing about the storys they tell and the weirdest things they did.

The sun is slowley setting and its golden hour now and around 6:30pm. The movie screen is already set out and a few snacks are being passed around here and there. There more people coming and sitting with their loved ones or friends , some even alone or just with their family.

"What movie even is it cylde?" Mai finally askes "you will see" cylde grins at us with the most evil look ever. "You really going to drag us for 6 hours just to watch a stupid movie, arent u? " ryder rolls his eyes and lays on his back into the grass.

"Like i said u will see" clyde says and takes a hit from his seccond cig already. Ryder and me kept in on 1 cig but cylde and apollo are already on their seccond.

The move is starting and the whole field of people goes quiet and looks at the screen. A huge word with "frozen" comes up and we al look at cylde at the same time. "Oh youre so going to pay for this" ryder says and runs after clyde trying to tackle him down.

There so many people watching them but they dont even care. Its really like there living in their own world. I wish i could be the same as them later.  Even having people look at our way gets me stressed.

"Keep it down boys!!" Some random lady with 2 little kids yell at us and gives us a mean look. "We will leave now grumpy ass!" Clyde yells back at them and we take our stuff and go to a  bonfire close by with a tint group of 3 people playing the guitar and bottles of liquor next to them.

"Can we join you guys?" Ryder says giving them a friendly smile. They really life like its their own world. "Yeah sure man" the guy playing the guitar says whos obviously stoned af.
We all sit around the bonfire. Liseting to the guy playing guitar.

I sit down next to ryder and xiever and next to xiever is mai and then the 3 random guys and then clyde completing the full circle.

"Can i get your guitar for a quick min" cylde asks and gets the guitar handed to him and starts playing a random song ive never heared of. The whole group sings with him like they heared it for the thousends time already. 

"Its called ciggeret daydream from cage the elephant" xiever wispers into my ear. Its a happy song but sad at the same time. Maybe its preserved different by a other person.

Cylde sings a few more songs trough the whole night. Its like nobody was around us and the whole world was ours. We never even got to know thr strangers names.

After a few hours until late we all go home by ourself. I go straight to bed after the long and exhausted night.

Hehe thats it for this chapter i hope you liked it. If u got any tips pls tell me :)))

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