bloody hands *short*

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Im still at the restaurant with xiever looking me dead in my eyes. "Come outside" xiever says to me . I look up at him and follow him i guess i have to do what he says before he beats me up.

Apollo stays seated and digs his hands trough his hair. Xiever grabs me by my wrist and takes me to the back of the restaurant outside.

"Stay away from my family and my friends" he says with a strong voice. Hes mad i knew it. "I need the money" i tell him.

I dont fucking care what he wants. I just need a job and he understands that too. So i dont give a fuck about what he wants me to do.

"All u fucking want is money and im not letting u get shit from me or my family just because your friend is friends with mine" he almost screams at me.

Fire is in his eyes but i can say the same from me. He cant fucking say this shit to me.

"You're the one acting like a fucking saint here and acting like youre the shit when you're probably the last guy i would look up to" i scream at him.

"Go eat tour fucking trash food u dont even fucking deserve shit from me. You dont even deserve the leftovers from weeks ago. Youre like a fucking stray dog " he yells at me.

I know his speaking his mind right now and i shouldnt take it to personal but i know his speaking facts right now.

"Oh fuck you. The only reason youre not kicked out of that friendgroup is probably because you're family is some rich fucking posh family!" i say to him. I can feel both of us getting mad and almost trembling from the anger.

His eyes hasnt even left my face.  His top lip shivers from the anger and adrenaline rushing trough his sytem thats sending every signal to beat me the fuck up.

I know i should run right now or just tell him to cool down but i dont fucking care. If he beats me i wouldnt even care.

Is it really any different to piss of some guy and getting beat up on purpose then it is to fucking cut myself.

"Now i fucking know why all your other friends left u but dean. Youre the worst fucking friend i ever seen before. Dean is probably sticking with you because he feels bad for ur shitty little life!" he screams at me at full force.

He is probably right. Maybe its worse then just saying stuff to piss me off let me hit him first.

"You do know youre the least favourite person of the whole group. Everyone just stays friends with u but they dont fucking like u!" I yell back at him.

I regret saying those words.....

I hope you guys like the little short chaptor :)))

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