pierces *xievers pov* long

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I woke up with a huge headache. Me and jade drank some of the alchol her boyfriend brougt her. Free alchol i guess, so i wont say anything of it or complain. Aslong as that asshole doesnt do shit to my bestfriend im fine with it.

I check my phone and saw that dash didnt respond yet but thats fine. I wouldnt know what to do with the message i send too. Or maybe his still asleep or didnt see it yet.. either way it fine. I want to call him and ask if he wants to come over and do soemthing but i should probably wait for him to message me first before i make him uncomfortable. 

"xiever!!" I hear jade yell and i go to her "whatsupp?" I ask her. Her makeup is fully done and her outfit is full on glam even tho its just 12pm and not even the time to go to a club or whatever right now. "Imma go to my boyfriend, i will be back later" she says excited and gives me a hug like halways and runs off with her heels in her hands to her older toyota.

I should probably go and eat some lunch and breakfast in one. I always fucking forget to set my alarm clock so i wake up late af and mess up my sleeping schedule even more. Its not like i ever had a decent sleeping schedule but this shit is just worse then it ever been. I cant seem to be able to sleep at night and not being able to wake up in the mornings.

I get some cereal and go trough my phone and wait for dash his awnser which im probably not going to get if im being honest with myself. But its fine he can choose whenever he wants to conact me or he wants to do anything even just a tiny text is fine by me. And speaking of the devil and you will get him. My phone gets a message and i check it and as i wanted it its from dash.

Dash : did u eat yet, are u even awake?
Me : i just head cereal, wbu?
Dash : the same old haha
Me : im never forgetting nutella and peanut butter cuz of ur ass.
Dash : smh get off my dick haha.

I put down my phone and went for a short run to act all healthy and keep my body up. I want to have more muscle then this but i am way to lazy to even go to a gym and start to for real doing things. I gave up on the "ideal body" ages ago when i found out nobody actually cares.

I want a conch *a ear piercing* so fucking bad but my whole ears are already fully pierced and when my parents are coming back from their thousends business vacation they will probably murder my ass and lacuture that youre body is a temple and shoukd be treasured. There strictly religious and have been their whole life.

I have been raised religious too but i stopped caring to much about it when i found out i wasnt straight. The toll of knowing i was unwanted and hated in my own religion didnt sit right with me. My parents always hated me for it but they accepted that i wanted to leave because they didnt want to pressure me into something i dont want too. Ive had rough times with them about them and fights that even the police was called because the neighbors were consirned. Besides i never really told them why i wanted to leave it.  But now were all just acting like it never happend and that were just one happy family without any problems. Unhealthy? I know.

Jade is probably going to be out the whole day and might come back in the morning absolutely wasted and high off her ass. Shes always so fucking wasted whenever she comes back from her stupid drug dealer boyfriend. Im not going to stop her but sometimes she really needs a reality check.

Being alone isnt really much for me. Even though im more quiet i still like being around someone and talking if i am close to them. Im just going to message cylde cuz fuck it imma get the conch we only life once i guess.

I call him up and it doesnt even ring 2 times and be picks up. "Yo man whats good?" Clydes friendly bear voice sounds "wanna come to the piercer with me im bored and want a other one" i say "if it is to attract you a girlfriend then fuck yeah, ill be there in a few min" he says and hangs up the phone before i could tell him i dont want a girlfriend and that ive got someone else on my mind.

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