Prologue: Final Selection

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'Drill it into your head. All of the foundations! You got this. Final Selection is nothing for you, my boy, now go out there and let your thunder crash onto those bottom-feeder demons! Y/N, you are special, remember that!'

'You're leaving?! Nnnnoooooo!!! Who's going to protect us at night?! Y/N, reconsider!!! I can't survive without you!!!'

'You make too much racket!'

'Ow...Kaigaku, what was that for...?'

'Can I just leave in peace? Kaigaku, keep Zenitsu safe, while I'm gone?'

'Tch! Whatever! I'll make sure this dumbass doesn't go anywhere!'

'Well then, be safe, my boy! Like I said-

'Let your thunder crash on those bottom-feeder demons, I know grandpa!'

'I'm proud of you. Now go.'

'I'll be back by the end of the week! So long!'

'Bye, Y/N!'

'Hm. Bye.'

'Bye, my boy!'

"This place is quite eery." You, now arriving at Final Selection, looked at your surroundings. Wisteria Flowers of all ages bloomed on their respective trees. Demon Slayer participants stared at you as you walked by. Much of the participants didn't know Breathing Styles, but only three stood out to you.

First, there was the pink-haired one. You could tell from your enhanced hearing that he had great power in defensive maneuvering. Water Breathing, you thought, as you eyed his physique and continued to listen to his 'voice'. Each human released a 'voice', according to you, signifying their traits and personality. Although it wasn't a human voice, the whispers you heard were quite rambunctious from this kid.

Next, a black-haired boy was speaking with the pink-haired one. He had a soft 'voice' and didn't seem like much of a fighter at first glance, but you could tell he also used the defensive Water Breathing for his tactical advantage.

Lastly, there was another black-haired boy, cast aside on his own. His forms weren't at all-powerful like the previous two. He had very small remnants of Water Breathing in him. HIs 'voice' wasn't all too powerful, so you deduced his mind wasn't as powerful as the previous two, so maybe his visualization of Water Breathing was not as clear, making it weaker.

You decided to approach the first two Slayers since they were more powerful. Feeling your presence, the pink-haired boy turned and the other looked to the side to look at you.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Y/N L/N. And you?"

"Sabito. This is Giyuu."

"Nice to meet you." Giyuu bowed.

"I just came to see if we could band up?"

"'Band up', what do you mean by that?" Sabito asked you curiously.

"We could team up to survive in Final Selection, that way, we can all pass." You say to him, and Sabito rubs his chin with his fingers.

"It doesn't seem like a bad idea. What do you think, Sabito?" Giyuu asked his friend.

"I agree. There could be demons with Blood Demon Arts in here. It's quite possible."

"I am a Breath of Thunder user."

"We're both Breaths of Water. If that's the case, we can both be your backup." Sabito said. "Thunder is a more offensive breathing style and is one of the fastest, while we focus on defense."

A Clap of Thunder (Demon Slayer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now