Chapter 16: Together

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"Hinokami Kagura: Dance!" Tanjiro took his blade and struck downwards, blocking Gyutaro's Kāma.

"Beast Breathing: First Fang: Pierce!" Inosuke shoved his blades into Gyutaro's stomach.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" Zenitsu aimed for the neck.

In a fit of rage, Gyutaro then released the Blood Demon Art inside him, having been triggered by Inosuke's First Fang.

"You're all dead!!!" Gyutaro yelled.

"Thunder Breathing: Third Form!" You jumped in front of the slashes. "Thunder Swar-!"

Deflecting most of the circular slashes, they spread across the Entertainment District.

When the smoke cleared, the entire district was now in ruin and engulfed in flames.

"Where...?" Tanjiro looked up. "How could this-?"

Tanjiro gasped and turned around, feeling relieved, as Nezuko's box still laid unharmed.

"Where's Y/N-san? I remember seeing him earlier..."

"Huh? You're still alive?" Gyutaro appeared in front of Tanjiro. "I thought you would die."

"Y/N-san!" Tanjiro yelled out as Daki held you tight in a sash, as you struggle to break free.

"Damnit, I don't have my sword!" You think. "She launched it away!"

"Don't move now, beautiful." Daki licked her lips. "I'll eat you later..."

"I don't need a sword to fight. It I can breathe...even a little..." You think, ignoring Daki. "I can go get my blade! Thunder Breathing..."

"Hey, what are you doing—?" Daki asked.

Breaking out of Daki's sashes, you then run across the rooftop, where your sword laid a few meters away.

"A little further!" You reach for it then you feel an intense pain in your gut. "Gah!"

"You thought you would win?" Gyutaro whispered in your ear."

You fell, your body aching with pain, as Gyutaro looked over you.

"Demon Slayers are so pitiful." Gyutaro said, and raised his Kāma. "Now die—!"

"Brother! He's mine!" Daki yelled.

" annoying..." Gyutaro mumbled, looking at his pouting sister.

"Thunder Breathing, Fifth Form: Heat Lightning!" You then slice upwards, and blood splattered from Gyutaro's chest.

"He can still move?! But I poisoned him!"

"That antidote Shinobu-chan gave me helped a lot! I can move for another three minutes! That's more than enough!" You think, and breathe in. "I'll take down the siblings!"

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" You charge forward, and Gyutaro blocked with his Kāma.

"His sword's heavy!" Gyutaro thought. "But how? It shouldn't be this heavy!"

Gyutaro then looked to the side of his knee and saw a kunai penetrated there, purple poison oozing from the metal.

"Poison from a kunai? How?" Gyutaro then looked to the streets to see Tanjiro, his arm stretched out.

"Thunder Breathing: Second Form: Rice Spirit!" You placed more pressure and the Kāma snapped in two, the blade crashing down from Gyutaro's shoulder to his waist.

"Thunder Breathing: Fifth Form: Heat Lightning!" You twist and raise your blade upwards, slicing through his organs between his waist and head, splitting his body into two.

"Two minutes!" You think quickly and aim your blade for the neck.

"Don't give me this crap!" Gyutaro made more Kāma and struck your stomach, more poison circulating into your body.

"I still got to move! Until I cut off his head!" You then strike your blade onto his neck and yell as loud as you could.

"Move!!!" Gyutaro screeched and yelled along with you.

"Until it's over, I won't stop!" You yell.

"Hinokami Kagura: Dance!" Tanjiro appeared and slammed his blade onto yours, creating more pressure.

"I've got to muster it all! Every ounce! Even if I can't do it! One hundred times the force!" Tanjiro roared loudly as his scar began to evolve, and his pupils circled to the back of his head.

"As long as my sister's head is still intact, I can still-!" Gyutaro roared.

"Zenitsu! After her now!!!" You yell, part of your voice cracking.

Zenitsu and Inosuke still maintained Daki at bay, but when the yell occurred, Zenitsu inhaled loudly, screeching the air.

"Thunder Breathing...First Form!"

"I've seen that move countless times! I can tell by its speed!" Daki screeched as she launched more sashes and cackled.

"Thunder Clap and Flash: Godspeed!!!" Zenitsu then charged with supersonic speed and his blade cut through Daki's neck, using her sash abilities to maintain inches of flesh onto her shoulders. "Come on! Cut off!!!"

"You can never hope to decapitate me, ugly!"

"I've got to catch up! But he's moving so quickly!!!" Inosuke yelled and charged after the zigzagging Zenitsu and Daki.

"Damnit, I'm losing speed!"

"It looks like this is over!!!" Daki launched sashes over Zenitsu.

"Beast Breathing...! Fifth Form: Crazy Cutting!" Inosuke yelled, and cut down the remaining sashes. "Time to end this!"

Insouke slammed his blades on the opposite side of Zenitsu, all they both yelled loudly.

"Brother, do something, will you?!" Daki yelled. "Brother!"

All roared with intensity, everyone mustering their strength as finally the heads of both Upper Ranks were launched into the sky, finally being separated from their shoulders.

"Gah! Hah! Hah!" Tanjiro panted heavily. "We did it...! Y/N-san, we-!"

Tanjiro saw as you began to stumble over to the side, falling with a crash to the streets, as he reached his hands for you.


End of Chapter

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