Chapter 10: Infiltrating the Red Lights District!

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"This place is so...!" Zenitsu awed the lights of the Red Lights District and the women. 

"Zenitsu, I'll have to tell Nezuko if you keep eyeing them," Tanjiro said.

"No! Please, anything but that! Don't tell Nezuko!" Zenitsu then sat back down in his seat, only looking ahead. "I'll be good!"

Tanjiro couldn't help but chuckle.

"Alright!" Tengen yelled proudly. "Once we arrive at the place, we'll disguise you all!"

"Disguise?" Inosuke asked curiously. "What kind of food is that?"

"It's not food," Zenitsu told him. "It's a costume to hide from someone or something."

"Also, boar head! Take off your mask!"

"Huh!?" Inosuke said, shocked.


"Are you sure it's ok to send them with Tengen?" 

"Muichiro, I'm sure they'll be fine."

"I mean, when he got the news, he didn't take it well."

"Who wouldn't? I mean, his three wives are in danger." You turn to Muichiro.

"I still don't understand why the three wives."

"He's a retired shinobi, and they practice polygamy." You point to the sky.

"Oh..." Muichiro looked to the sky.


"Shinobu-san, the patients' beds have been tended to," Aoi said.

"Thank you so much, Aoi-san, it's truly a help for me." Shinobu turned to her assistant. "You can rest now."



"Are you dating Y/N-aniki?"

"Huh? What gave you that sort of thinking?" Shinobu turned to her curiously.

"See, the triplets were talking, and I sort of overheard them..." Aoi rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Oh, I see." Shinobu smiled. "Unfortunately, we are not dating, if you're wondering."

"Alright, thanks for your response. I'll take my leave."

Closing the door behind her, Aoi closed her eyes, then she re-opened them.

" 'Unfortunately?!' What is that supposed to mean?!" Aoi thought.


"I'd like to take these into the Tokito house," Tengen said, almost proud of himself.

"Um..." The owners blinked a few times, looking at the horrible makeup job done on the Kamado trio. Tengen still made a proud look on his face, although inside, he knew his efforts were unsuccessful.

"I'm sorry, but-" began the man.

"We'll take one!" yelled the madam. "The one on the left looks just marvelous!"

"Alright! Sumiko, go in!" Tengen lightly pushed Tanjiro, now in disguise as a girl.

'Sumiko: Accepted!'

"Woah! That lady is pretty!" Zenitsu looked at the Oiran from Tokito house through the 'dochu' march. 

"She's an Oiran. Highest level." Tengen explained.

"Hm...if that lady was in the mountains, she'd be killed instantly..." Inosuke mumbled as the Oiran's servants cared for her needs. 

Inosuke then felt a chill up his spine, as a lady began to stare down at him from behind.

"Who's behind me?" Inosuke thought as his eyes slowly turned to the woman.

"May I take this girl into Ogimoto household?" the woman asked Tengen.

"Sure! You can go, Inoko!" 

'Inoko: Accepted!'

"Wait," Zenitsu said as he looked at Inosuke/Inoko being escorted off. "No! I'm the only one left!!!"

"Alright, Zenko!" Tengen called Zenitsu. "Time to find you a house, maybe you can clean toilets or something!"

"Oh come on!!!" Zenitsu yelled, clawing the air as Tengen dragged him from behind.

'Zenko: Not Accepted!'


"I've finished!"

"What? So quickly? Um..go clean the floors...?"

"I've finished! Is there anything else I may offer to serve you?" Tanjiro/Sumiko asked the madam of the household.

"Huh?! Um, go make me a cup of tea..."


"You are a hard worker, Sumiko." The madam sighed as Tanjiro cleaned some grease off the sliding doors.

"Only doing what I'm being told, miss!"


"Thunder Breathing..." Zenitsu breathed in then strummed the shamisen with perfection, leaving some of the girls around awed.

"She has such talent..."

"Too bad for her appearance..."

"Damn that guy!" Zenitsu strummed harder, thinking of Tengen. "How dare he?!"

'Oh, yeah, you can have her clean toilets or something...' Tengen waved.

"I'll pay you back for that, you damn bastard!!!" Zenitsu thought. "With interest!"


"Wow! Such a beauty!" awed the madam of Ogimoto house as she removed the plaster off Inoko/Inosuke.

"She is so beautiful!" said her assistant as Inosuke only looked at them.

"They plastered her face so horribly, but she's a bargain!"

"What...are they talking about?" Inosuke wondered. "Can't they see I'm a guy?"

"Let's take her to get a make-over quickly!" said the madam, dragging her by the hand.

"Her body doesn't seem like a woman's, though..." wondered the assistant. "It's so bulky..."


"You sure they're ok?" Muichiro asked again.

"Yep. Tengen will take care of them, sure of it." You said.

"Ok then..."

End of Chapter

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