Chapter 3: Hashira Meeting

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"Hey. Hey. Wake up. Hey. Wake up! Hey!"

" I?"

"Wake up, Kamado Tanjiro! You're in the presence of the Hashira!" A Kakushi yelled at Tanjiro, who was now wrapped down by rope. Tanjiro still had minor injuries on his face and felt some in his body.

He looked up to see nine individuals above. Each one has a different colored haori and different styles. It looked beautiful, in Tanjiro's opinion. That is until they spoke.

"So this is the boy!" yelled Rengoku Kyojuro, the Flame Pillar.

"He's a disgrace. Traveling with a demon, how stupid can he be?" Obanai Iguro said, the Serpent Pillar, while his pet snake slithered in his neck and hissed softly.

"I'll make sure to decapitate him in the most flashy way possible. Flamboyantly as well." Tengen Uzui, the Sound Pillar spoke.

"No way! Are you all insane!" Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Pillar, thought. "He's such a cute boy and you want to kill him!?"

There were only two Hashira Tanjiro recognized, you and Shinobu. Tomioka Giyuu was off to the side, minding his own business, so he wasn't included.

"Y/N-san?" Tanjiro called out. "Why am I-?"

"You're being put on trial, Kamado Tanjiro." You said. "I'm sorry, but your sister may die."

"Nezuko! Where's Nezuko!" Tanjiro writhed around.

"She's here, don't you worry, kid." Sanemi Shinazaguwa, the Wind Pillar, held Nezuko's box, and held his sword near it, ready to attack.

"Sanemi, stop." You said sternly, for Sanemi's 'voice' was cackling, waiting to strike with anger.

"Why should I?" Sanemi said with an evoking grin. "She's a demon, isn't she?"

"If you do it, it won't end well." You said again. "I don't like repeating myself. So stop, Sanemi."

Sanemi didn't listen, for he shoved his blade inside the box as everyone heard a muffling scream from inside.

"No! Stop!" Tanjiro yelled.

You then appeared before Sanemi, with a striking expression on your face. Sanemi then let go of the box.

"I told you it wasn't going to end well." You said.

"He's still as fast as always..." Shinobu awed. "And to save someone as well."

"Tch! Don't act high and mighty because you're the strongest here, Y/N!" Sanemi growled. "If you think-?!"

"Sanemi, sit down." Gyomei Himejima, the Stone Pillar, said. "Master's coming."

You already knew this, for his 'voice' was already coming closer. You quickly ran back to your seat, and soon Kagaya Ubayashiki opened the door in front of everyone.

"Welcome, everyone." He said.

"Greetings, Master." You said and everyone bowed.

Kagaya was then accompanied by his children next to his sides. He smiled a bit, as he then took an open letter in his left hand.

"As for the trial of Kamado Tanjiro..." Kagaya began and Tanjiro perked his head up to listen. "He and Kamado Nezuko may continue to be Demon Slayers."

"Forgive me for interrupting, but I strongly disagree, Master." Obanai Iguro said. "I suggest we-

"Obanai, the Master's decision is final," Sanemi said.

"I hate to go against Master's wishes, but...I strongly disagree as well..." Tengen said.

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