Chapter 11: What Are You?

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"Inoko, thank you for your assistance!"

Inosuke bowed to the duo of women and continued off.

"She's so quiet."

"Yeah, but she gets her job done. She's a good girl."

"Damnit!" Inosuke thought.

'Don't speak. You can't change your voice, so act like a quiet girl.'

"I hate this! This is not like me! Where are the demons at?!"

Inosuke then halted and widened his eyes, he heard voices from the room above him, only a staircase intervened between them.

Inosuke squinted at the door, then gritted his teeth as he then ran in.

"Who's there?!" Inosuke yelled, ignoring his fake identity as he opened the sliding doors with fury.

There, Inosuke opened his mouth as a huge mess clouded his eyes. Chairs were knocked over, and pieces of cloth lay on the floor, traces of blood in the room.

Then, Inosuke looked up to see a large bulge in the roof move over to the hallways above him and into the walls.

"Oh no you don't! You're not getting away!" Inosuke charged after the bulge and followed it across the building.

"Move! Move out of the way!" Inosuke pushed the women out of his path as he followed the bulge. "I'm coming...!!!"

"Oh wow...there's a nice lady ther-!" said a perverted client before he was punched in the face and into the wall.

"Through!!!" Inosuke said finally as his fist (client included) went through the wall, but the bulge had managed to out speed Inosuke.

Inosuke looked down the hole he made and he grit his teeth in anger.


Back at Zenitsu's house, Zenitsu walked through the hallways, having finished the main jobs. He hummed a little bit, for his mood had changed, and Tengen was out of his mind.

Then, Zenitsu heard a girl's cry. His enhanced hearing took him to the source.

"Is there someone here?" Zenitsu opened the sliding door.

Zenitsu gasped as he saw the girl in question turn with a sobbing face.

"Oh my!"

She cried a little louder, which Zenitsu kneeled down.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!"


Zenitsu's body froze, the presence of a demon fogged his mind and his neck began to sweat.

"This presence..." Zenitsu gulped. "So this is an Upper Rank?"

"Hey, girl, I thought I told you to clean this room." Upper Six strolled to the side, and tugged on the girl's ear, causing it to bleed, making the girl wail.

"I'm sorry! I'll get to it right away! I'm sorry-!"

Zenitsu, instinctively, grabbed the Upper Rank's arm.

"Please...please take your hands off her!" Zenitsu looked at the Oiran's eyes.

"Move, you ugly pest!" The Upper Rank then back-slapped Zenitsu, sending him to the sliding door on the other side of the hallway.

Zenitsu crashed over, causing a loud sound, causing the heads of the household run over.

"Oh...O-Oiran..." said the man. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your concern." said Upper Six, smiling.

"That kid...he's not ordinary. A normal human would've died. A Demon Slayer?" Upper Six glanced over to the mildly bleeding, unconscious Zenitsu. "Well, not very experienced anyway."

The Oiran chuckled as she walked back slowly to her room. How useless, she thought, to send kids to kill an Upper Rank.

"Agatsuma-kun has dissapeared." Tengen stated when the four Demon Slayers were supposed to meet. "I won't let young ones die further. Tanjiro, Inosuke, go back to headquarters."

And with that said, Tengen dissapeared.

"What? Does he think we're stupid?!" Inosuke blurted.

"He's just worried about us, I mean we're just Mizunoto,"

"No we're not." Inosuke turned to Tanjiro. "We're Kanoe, so we've been promoted."

"Huh? How do you know?"

"Show me my rank!" Inosuke extended his fist and flexed as the kanji letters 'Kanoe' were enacted in the back of his palm. "We're fourth from the bottom."

"How did you do that...?" Tanjiro eyed his fist.

"Anyways, that doesn't matter! There's a demon at my house! I was chasing it yesterday!"

"A demon? Then, we should tell Tengen!" Tanjiro said.

"But his wives are still missing." Inosuke replied. "If anything, we should kill that demon before it can eat them!"

"No! The priority is them, and the safety of the people!"

"Huh? But-!"

"No buts! The people come first, then we slay!"

'To Y/N.

The demon's have taken Agatsuma Zenitsu. Sorry, but it seems that the risk of the mission is to high for two Kanoe members. I'm sending them back to you heathy before this gets worse. Tell Master to not worry. I'll be back before he knows it.

Your flamboyant friend, Uzui Tengen.'

"Alright." You said, accepting Tengen's recommendation. "Then I'll head there at once!"

End of Chapter

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