Chapter 24: Thunderstorm

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"Mitsuri, please take Tanjiro and Genya back to HQ." You said. "Contact Master as quick as you can. We may need every help we can get."

"R-right!" Mitsuri then nodded at Genya and Tanjiro.

"Good luck, L/N-san, Tokito-san!" Tanjiro yelled as he ran off with Genya and Mitsuri by his side.

"Hey! Shouldn't we help them?" Genya asked Mitsuri. "With their injuries, they shouldn't fight alone—!"

"Have faith in them." Mitsuri smiled. "Besides, those two...are strong!"

"Thunder Breathing..." You held your sword tightly. "First Form...Thunder Clap and Flash!"

You zoomed ahead as Kokushibō raised his blade defensively, as the Upper Rank found himself being pushed back across the street, as the demon frowned, using most of his strength to hold the demon slayer back.

"Wait..." Kokushibō couldn't afford to break eye contact with you, or he was certain his head was going to be cut off instantly, but he sensed Muichiro was gone almost immediately after the attack. "Where'd the other one go—?"

"Right here!" Muichiro appeared, emerging from a corner at the end of the street, tucking his sword back, as he yelled loudly. "Mist Breathing...! Fourth Form: Shifting Flow...Slash!"

Muichiro struck Kokushibō's neck, but as soon as he did, veins appeared all over Kokushibō's body as the demon grit his teeth and flesh blades sprouted out of his body like thorns, slicing Muichiro's shoulder and yours, along your chest as well.

"Moon Breathing: First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace." Kokushibō swung at Muichiro as the swing did damage to Muichiro's chest, cutting through his clothes and flesh, as the crescents only furthered the damage, inflicting themselves on Muichiro's body.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash: Eight Fold!" You struck down the crescents before they could harm Muichiro further and managed to carry off the Mist Pillar a few meters away. Muichiro was breathing heavily, the blood loss was getting to him.

"Hey, Mui, get a hold of yourself." You said, not wavering a slight bit of attention off of Kokushibō.

"Yeah..." Muichiro said. "He's a lot tougher than I'd thought he'd be."

"I'll take the lead." You said, and breathed in. "Thunder Breathing: Third Form...!"

You leaped ahead as you aimed an arched slash at Kokushibō. Kokushibō prepared his own breathing form.

"Moon Breathing: Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing...!"

"Thunder Swarm!"

Both forms collided, shattering the air and the impact of the blows created blue sparks. You and Kokushibō exchanged like no other swordsmen could. Kokushibō kept his eyes wide open, staring down at you as you hurt your teeth and continued to swing and clash against him, both of you were on equal footing and yet so ferociously aggressive.

"I can't believe this..." Muichiro looked at the struggle between you two. "I can't even see them..."

"Give up, Thunder Hashira." Kokushibō said, still clashing with you, then both of you met, your blades centered in the middle, struggling for dominance.

"I can't hold my sword..." Muichiro trembled. "Muichiro! Keep ahold of yourself, damnit!"

Muichiro calmed down and frowned against the clash and he prepared his form. Muichiro was ready.

"Hya!!!" Muichiro leapt above the clash and raised his blade high.

"Muichiro...?" You looked up for a moment.

"So he's regained his confidence..." Kokushibō thought, also looking up.

"Mist Breathing: Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist!"

Muichiro launched ranges slashes downwards, Kokushibō jumped back to avoid them, but some managed to scrape at his chest.

"My chance!" You breathed in.

"This is what they were hoping for...?" Kokushibō looked forward.

"First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" You clash against Kokushibō's blade as you both begin to zoom across the street.

"Two Fold!" You adjusted your body to the side. "Three Fold!"

You began to zigzag across the entire village, laying destruction to the already wasted village.

"Three Fold! Four Fold! Five Fold! Six Fold!"

Muichiro leaped onto the center of the village, as your zigzagging then began to center under Muichiro.

"Every thunderstorm needs clouds!" Muichiro quipped. "Mist Breathing: Seventh Form...!"

"He wanted this...!" Kokushibō felt himself land right under Muichiro as you then stepped aside, waiting for Muichiro to make his shot.

"Thunder Breathing: Eighth Form...!"

"They're combining forms...!" Kokushibō thought and immediately took action. "Moon Breathing: Sixteenth Form...!"

"Obscuring Clouds!"

"Bleeding Thunder!"

"Moonbow, Half Moon!"

End of Chapter

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