Chapter 29: Infinity Castle

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A/N: The Infinity Castle Arc will be adapted. Don't read if you haven't gotten to this part or have read past it.

"Y/N..." Kagaya muttered. "Why did you come here...?"

"I'm here to save you Master." You said, maintaining your gaze on Muzan and putting a hand on your Nichirin blade.

Muzan began to breathe in and out heavily, sweat coming down his face. This was the second time Muzan Kibutsuji had ever felt fear.

"Y/" Kagaya groaned.

"What?" You ask, then you turn and open your mouth in horror. "Master—!!!"

"What the hell?!" Sanemi looked to his left.

Gyomei was right there next to him as both Pillars look horrified at the scene they witnessed. The Ubayashiki estate was in a puff of smoke, an explosion had occurred there.

"We need to go there." Gyomei ran towards the Ubayashiki estate. "Sanemi, get the others!"

"Yeah!" Sanemi ran in the opposite direction.

"Damnit, Ubayashiki!" Muzan angrily growled, as his face was now healing from a burnt scar. His suit was completely blown apart, only his lower pants were mildly unscathed.


Muzan turned to see you on the floor a few meters away, face down. You had one eye closed to try to ease the pain all over your body.

"Master..." You cried as you look at the engulfing flames take down the estate.

"How the hell..." Muzan growled. "...did you survive...?"

You didn't bother answering as you turn back to him with tears in your eyes and stare at him angrily. You realize your sword was gone.

Muzan looked behind him to hear a clatter on the wood as he smiled wickedly. Your Nichirin blade had fell right next to the fire. Muzan walked over tot he blade and picked it up by the handle as he turned and began to laugh at you.

"Now you can't kill me, fucker!" Muzan cackled as you look on angrily at him.

Muzan put the sword between his fingers and easily snapped it into pieces as you then opened your mouth in disbelief.

"Shit...!" You think, trying to pick yourself up. "I...can't move! I used Bleeding Thunder to escape the blast...but...I can't move...I need just a few more minutes before I can get back up!"

"How embarrassing for a Pillar to be writhing on the floor like this..." Muzan walked over to you and picked you up by the neck as you cough blood from Muzan's tightening grip and his nails pierced into your neck.

"Now...the rest of that monster's bloodline can perish!" Muzan referred to Yoriichi as your eyes turned red from the lack of air.

"Sanemi...Gyomei...Giyuu...Shinobu! Help...I need help!" You think as you closed your eyes. "I...can't die yet...please...somebody!"

"Blood Demon Art: Flesh Seed!"

Muzan felt spikes being shoved into his body as he let go of you when one of those spikes impaled his arm. He was confused, yet he knew it was a Blood Demon Art.

"I need to go get my sword!" You ran towards your blade as quickly as you could as Muzan turned around angrily.

"I won't let you—!"

Muzan felt a fist go through his stomach. He turned to see Tamayo shove a fist into his body. Veins appeared all over his forehead.

"Tamayo!!!" Muzan growled.

"I've got it!" You turn around and keep your blade tucked in your side. "I still got parts of the blade! The length is enough to cut through his neck!"

"Do you know what's inside my fist, Muzan?!"  Tamayo exclaimed. "It's a drug that turns demons into humans!"


"So, is it working, asshole?!" Tamayo yelled. "This is for turning me into a demon and making me kill my own family!"

"You killed a ton of humans as well! You are no saint, Tamayo!" Muzan growled.

"Do it, L/N-san! Kill him!" Tamayo called to you.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" You zoom ahead and slice off Muzan's neck as the head then rolled off to the side.

"Damnit! He's regrowing his head!" You turn to activate another form as Muzan regenerated his head, an angry expression on his face.

"Blood Demon Art: Chain of Thorns!" Muzan unleashed thorn like whips from his body as they began to surround you.

"Thunder Breathing: Second Form: Rice Spirit!"

You deflect the thorns as they fell apart, cut in all different sizes as you maintain your gaze of Muzan.

"YOU BIIIIITCH!!!" Sanemi leapt from the forest behind you as more Pillars emerged alongside. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MASTER?!?!"

"It's Muzan!" You yelled. "He won't die even if you cut off his head! He needs to die to the sun, you hear me?!"

"Out of my way!!!" Muzan shoved Tamayo to the fire and sent more thorns at you. "Die, Thunder Pillar and go to hell!!!"

"Water Breathing: Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" Giyuu slashed down the thorns as he landed next to you.


"I told you I'd have your back." Giyuu smiled at you.

"Muzan!!!" Tanjiro Kamado leapt to the sky as he aimed his sword downwards. "You are going to die!"

"Love Breathing: Fifth Form—!"

"Snake Breathing: First Form—!"

"Insect Breathing: Butterfly Dance:—!"

"Water Breathing: Third Form—!"

"Wind Breathing: Seventh Form—!!!"

"Hinokami Kagura—!!!"

"Thunder Breathing: Sixth Form—!!!"

"Stone Breathing: Fifth Form—!"

Muzan smirked as all of the Pillars rushed him at once. Suddenly, the entire scene changed to tatami flooring and Japanese-style stairs and doors all over you. The Infinity Castle.

"You seriously thought you were going to corner me?!" Muzan cackled as all of the Pillars began to fall from the height. "You're all going to hell now!!!"

"You're going to hell, Muzan!!! You're not getting away! I will defeat you for sure!!!" Tanjiro exclaimed as he began to fall through an open, upside down, hallway.

Then try to catch me if you can...Kamado Tanjiro!

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