Chapter 21: Yoriichi Tsugikuni

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"Thunder Breathing: Fourth Form: Distant Thunder!" Kaigaku smirked widely as he launched a black ball of electricity, courtesy of his Blood Demon Art, from a swing of his blade.

"Sun Breathing: Dance." You launch your blade downward, slicing through the electrical ball easily.

"Tch! Thunder Breathing...!" Kaigaku leaped to the air, ready to strike. "Third Form: Thunder Swarm!"

Kaigaku launched five arches slashes as you deflect each of them, frustrating Kaigaku further than before.

Ignoring Kaigaku, you ran towards Kokushibō, blade hidden away behind your body, as Kokushibō raised his huge blade towards you, its eyes staring at you intently.

"Sun Breathing: Fire Chariot!" You leap into the air as Kokushibō launched his first form, but missed as the crescent shaped Blood Demon Art hit Kaigaku instead, slicing off nearly his entire body.

You hit Kokushibō's right shoulder and sliced off his entire arm, leaving a scar as the arm regenerated in a few seconds, and you slid turning around as you landed.

"Watch where you're aiming at!" Kaigaku spat, as he fully regenerated his body.

"Then, move out of the way." Kokushibō said, turning his back on Kaigaku. "You are a liability. Leave."

"Tch!" Kaigaku knew he was right, but his own pride didn't let him accept it. "Fine! But only because you are unreliable!"

Kaigaku ran the opposite way, still holding his sword.

"No!" You yelled, but Kokushibō raised his blade, blocking your vision of Kaigaku.

"That brat isn't your opponent. I am." Kokushibō said, as blades stuck out of his chest and back. "Now, you won't be able to touch me."

"We'll just see about that." You said defiantly. "I'll take your head off your shoulders before the sun rises."

Kokushibō then looked over to the descending moon with his upper pair of eyes, the other two pairs looking at you still, maintaining his guard.

"A one hour battle will not end well for you." Kokushibō's upper pair of eyes stared back at you. "I'll end this quickly, and get rid of my brother's legacy."

"So that man was your brother? That 'Yoriichi' person?" You ask, recalling the dream. "It appears you've had quite a history."

"I was once a human by the name of Michikatsu Tsugikuni." Kokushibō began. "He was Yoriichi Tsugikuni, my younger brother, and he was truly a monster."

"It all began when he awoke the Demon Slayer Mark when he was born. He had enhanced strength, speed, and agility enough to rival Hashira from your era when he was only a child."

"Through the See-Through World, he saw muscle and body movements, including any diseases or problems in the human body. He saw our mother's terminal disease, and he cling onto her until she died."

Kokushibō found himself remembering when he, as Michikatsu, was beaten by Yoriichi in a duel.

"He was far superior to me. He became a Demon Slayer, and I fought alongside him as comrades...and brothers. My brother encountered that man and easily beat him in battle."

"Someone who took down Muzan?" You thought. "That's almost impossible..."

"That's when that man grew wary of the Demon Slayer Corps and encountered me. Since I was not able to beat him in battle, I became a demon on my own will."

"Because of Yoriichi's failure of killing Muzan, and his own brother becoming a demon, Yoriichi was removed from the Corps, and he lived his days alone until...that night..."

"I faced Yoriichi again. That once powerful Demon Slayer now a decrepit old man on the verge of death. He was around sixty when I saw him again. I underestimated him heavily...and..."

Kokushibō touched his neck with his other hand, where the scar you inflicted was still there.

"When I said you were the only one to nearly cut my neck, I lied. Yoriichi, as an old man, was able to nearly decapitate me. He had not lost speed, strength, or agility since his prime."

"But when he went for the second attack, which was sure to finish me off...Yorrichi died of old age, standing up. I had a stroke of luck that night, and I will never forget it as long as I live my eternal life."

Kokushibō then raised his sword high, the blade almost grazing his left cheek.

"Now I face you, Y/N L/N, the Thunder Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps and Yoriichi Tsugikuni's only descendant." Kokushibō said.

End of Chapter

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