Extra: If (Y/N) was in Hinokami Chronicles

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Health: Highest In The Game (0.85x multiplier)


Neutral Combo: Y/N does a downward slash before landing an elbow on the opponent's stomach and slicing five times, the last slice stunning the opponent at the end like normal.
Up Combo: Before the end of the neutral combo, Y/N does a downward slash before landing an elbow on the opponent's stomach before kneeling down and dealing a kick to the opponent's chin.
Down Combo: Y/N does a downward slash before landing an elbow and slicing three times before a final downwards slash to the ground.
Air Combo: Y/N slices five times, sealing it with a final horizontal slash, making the opponent fall before bouncing off the floor.
Parry: Y/N holds his sword downward and kneeling to the side before stunning his opponent, yelling "Slow!"
Cinematic Animation (Boost/Surge): After the Neutral Combo, Y/N leaps ahead and does the Sixth Form: Rumble and Flash, zigzagging towards his opponent before spinning in the air once and dealing a powerful downward slash.
Cinematic Surge Animation: Y/N closes his eyes, breathing in, before lightning strikes around him and he makes his signature stance.

"You'll fall here!"


Tilt Skill: Third Form: Thunder Swarm (slices five times, dealing the same damage as Tanjiro's Water Wheel and same stun time, so no combo after it unless the other skill is used or an ultimate. Starts a blue combo, a yellow if in the air. Does major damage to block.)
Skill: Second Form: Rice Spirit (Y/N raises his blade and slams it down on his opponent. Does same damage as Tanjiro's Waterfall Basin, but much more stun time. If on the ground, Y/N rushes his opponent and does the skill after as an invincible move. If in the air, Y/N slams downward, resulting in the opponent bouncing off the floor afterwards, leaving room for another combo. Starts a yellow combo. Does little damage to block.)
Reversal Skill: Fifth Form: Heat Lightning (Y/N delas a powerful upward slash in the air that starts a yellow combo. Does medium damage to a blocking opponent, but you are vulnerable.)

Tips and Tricks:

Doing Third Form and Fifth Form breaks guard.

Doing Third Form and Second Form repeatedly does little damage, so Fifth Form after the Third gets major damage in.

Ultimate (Level One/Level Two):

Lightning envelops around your body as you skip across the map in a zigzag, lightning trailing behind you.

If you hit the opponent, you say "Thunder Breathing..."

You slice your opponent upwards and now the opponent is suspended in the air.

You grab your blade and you zoom around them in a circle, lightning barely following your speed.

"Sixth Form..."

(Finshing Cutscene/If Opponent is Low)

You appear at the very top, ready to slam your blade.

"...Rumble and Flash!"

A lightning bolt covers the entire screen on impact, appearing to disintegrate most of the map.

Ultimate (Level Three): You zoom ahead like Zenitsu's ultimate but you don't say anything yet.

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