Chapter 19: A True Swordsman

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A/N: From this point onward, the Kimetsu No Yaiba: Sword-smith Village Arc will be adapted.

"A village attacked?" You ask. "This seems like a standard mission, why not send a Mizunoto member?"

"Yes, you are probably right..." Kagaya looked off into the sun. "But I already lost three Slayers doing that, and they were all Kinoe-ranked."

"I see. That is why you want to send me?" You ask.

"I have a strong feeling that another Upper Rank may be in the area."

You widen your eyes sightly. It hadn't been long since the Entertainment District Incident, but you still felt the scars left behind by the dead Gyutaro and Douma, on your chest.

"Alright, I'll head immediately." You said, and you left quickly.

"These people..." You saw the bodies of many different adults and children all cut down by sword makes. The eery feel of the area felt dangerous to you, especially since all of the homes were destroyed.

"Found them..." You ran over to a crashed down building at the end of an intersection, as you saw a body of the Kinoe ranked Slayer, his sword impaled into his own chest. "This wasn't suicide...there's still signs of a struggle."

You then retrace your steps, finding the other two bodies located in the same hallway. Looking down on the road, there were crescent marks on the floor and signs of a fight.

" this demon possesses a sword." You deduce aloud.

"Judging by the rocks and humidity around the bodies..." You think. "It doesn't appear that it was intentionally made to be a staged suicide. It happened during the fight. So whoever I may be facing here is really skilled in battle."

"Plus..." You remember the slice marks on the villagers' bodies and the Slayers. "They had a crescent slice on each of I am facing a sword-wielding demon."

"The Blood Demon Art has something to do with crescents..."

"They also are definitely an Upper Rank..."

You then hear footsteps behind you, as you turn around in the dark, moonlit street. You could see long hair and a sword placed on the stranger's side. The figure was also tall, and had a kimono similar to a Demon Slayer.

"Who are you?" You call.

He finally stepped out into the moon's shine, and you saw the kanji letters, 'Upper' and 'One', on the middle pair of the three pairs of eyes it possessed on its marked face.

"Hm..." Upper Rank One muttered. "You don't have the mark..."

"I am going to compliment you, Slayer. You were able to handle Akaza and Douma without a Demon Slayer Mark. I am certainly impressed."

"Demon Slayer Mark?" You think. "Well, I don't care what it is, but I have to take him down."

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"I am Y/N L/N, the Thunder Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps."

"I am Kokushibō, also known as Upper Rank One." Upper One then unsheathed his blade, as you did the same.

"Well...I wasn't expecting Upper Rank One to be a walk in the park..." You said, chuckling nervously at the intense aura. "For all the people you have slain here...I'll make sure you receive the worst punishment: death!"

"Death is a bit of a stretch." Kokushibō stated. "You won't even get near my head."

"Thunder Breathing...!"

"First Form...!"

"He's moving." Kokushibō took his blade out, as it clanked against your sword, blue sparks emerging from the ferocious clash.

"Thunder Clap and Flash:...!"

You readjust your fingers, slightly raising them.


With each fold, Kokushibō's blade clashed with yours, the blue sparks still rising intensely. You now had your head down, your blade sheathed as Kokushibō looked down on you from above, as you begin to unsheathe your blade again.

"Thunder Breathing: Third Form: Thunder Swarm!" You raise your blade and strike with arched slashes, as Kokushibō now jumped back in defense, instead of the usual clash of blades.

"Are you going to attack, or are you just going to stand there?!" You yell as you charge ahead, with a wide smile of victory. "Thunder Breathing: Second Form: Rice Spirit!"

You clash your blade with Kokushibō, who still maintained no expression through the fight.

"Wait..." Kokushibō then saw your other hand, holding another blade with the same color as your original. "He took the blade from the Slayer's body?"

"Thunder Breathing: Fifth Form: Heat Lightning!"

With the second blade, you slice through Kokushibō's front kimono, blood spilling out of his chest as he jumped back and lowered his head.

"I see that I am going to have to take this more seriously."

Kokushibō tore off the upper part of his kimono, revealing his muscular and fit body as his blade extended in size, now with extra blades on the sides of it, as you watched it grow to almost twice the size of your own.

"Two blades ain't gonna cut it..." You think, holding both blades. "I'll just have to use three!"

You place another Slayer's blade between your teeth and the last blade in your sword case, in case of an emergency situation.

You kneel down slightly, holding your twin blades just above your shoulder, ready to charge ahead, as you maintain the blade on your mouth.

"Thunder Breathing...!"

"Moon Breathing..."

End of Chapter

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