Chapter 7: Upper Rank Three

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"So you can use Total Concentration: Constant, I see." Rengoku said to the now down Tanjiro, who's stomach wound began to open and bleed heavily.

"You could possibly be a Hashira." Rengoku said. "Although, there's about a million steps after that."

"Agh!" Tanjiro's breathing halted as he panted normally.

"Focus." Rengoku said and placed his finger on Tanjiro's forehead. "Close the wound."

Tanjiro gritted his teeth as then he panted heavily and the bleeding stopped.

"Good job." Rengoku smiled. "Everyone else is ok, thanks to you."

"We...did it?"

Rengoku turned to see a demon crouched down, his right fist on the floor between his legs and smirking at the two of them.

Tanjiro gasped as he eyed the two kanji markings on his left and right eye.

"Upper...Three?" Tanjiro read the kanji. "What is he doing here of all places?"

Then, Upper Three made a move as his fist then neared Tanjiro's head, hoping to kill.

"Flame Breathing: Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun!" Rengoku raised his blade as it sliced through Upper Three's left arm.

He backflipped back into his original spot and he raised his body up to reveal his arm fully restored, only spots of blood remained.

"That's a nice sword you have there." He said, afterwards licking his blood.

"Who are you? Barely meeting you, and I already dislike you."

"I am Akaza. Judging by your strength...a Hashira, right?" Akaza peered in with his eyes. "Your power is at its peak. The pinnacle of perfection, well almost."

"I am Rengoku Kyojuro, the Flame Hashira. It seems we value strength very differently."

"I can't stand weaklings." Akaza said, while looking at Tanjiro.

"Become a demon, Kyojuro." Akaza extended his palm. "Then, you could truly become perfect."

"I refuse."

"Hm..." Akaza then made a battle stance.

"Technique Development: Destructive Death: Compass Needle!"

Akaza envisioned himself at the center of a hair-pin like demon art as he stared down Kyojuro with his wicked smirk.

"If you won't become a demon, I'll kill you."

Akaza was the first to charge in. His fists clashed with Kyojuro's blade at rapid speeds. Kyojuro countered most of his punches, but he could tell he was getting the upper hand.

"Destructive Death: Disorder!" Akaza launched a fury of punches as Kyojuro breathed in.

"Flame Breathing: Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!" Kyojuro launched his sword upwards, in a defensive position.

"Nice moves there!" Akaza jumped back to only charge in again. "Keep at it, Kyojuro!"

Kyojuro was slowly losing footing, for his blade wasn't able to stop all of Akaza's exchanges. Some fists hit his sides, and some landed on his face.

A Clap of Thunder (Demon Slayer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now