Chapter 38: Battle To The Death

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"Moon Breathing...Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit...!"

Kokushibō's attacks were long and straight, as they cracked through the floor and sliced up the nearby pillars easily as the three Pillars took damage.

"Crap! He doubled his reach!" Sanemi winced at the pain he felt, then he saw his two fingers on his right hand fall out.

"Moon Breathing: Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail!"

"Thunder Breathing: Second Form: Rice Spirit!"

"He's attacking with all he's got!" You think as you deflect most of the crescents coming towards Gyomei and Sanemi, but the rest cut and pierced your body heavily as you cough blood from the immense swing hitting you. "It's taking all I've got to deflect them!"

"Moon Breathing: Ninth Form: Waning Moonswaths!" Kokushibō swung long ranged slashes with numerous crescents, as you continue your Second Form to deflect each one as some crescents even scraped your eyes, chin, and chest.

"Keep going!!!" You yell at yourself. "Damnit, move, Y/N!!! Don't die yet!!!"

"Moon Breathing: Tenth Form: Drilling Slashes, Moon Through Bamboo Leaves!"

"Keep going!!!" You spat blood. "Thunder Breathing: Second Form: Rice...Spirit!!!"

"Moon Breathing: Sixteenth Form: Moonbow, Half Moon!"

"I still got to—!" You held onto your blade firmly. "I can't wait for Muzan! I have to use the Eighth Form again! Even if it renders me completely immobile!"

"Thunder Breathing: Eighth Form: Bleeding Thunder!" You breathe in, as the world suddenly slowed down in front of you, as you then took a deep breath as the crescents spun slowly, Gyomei and Sanemi shut their eyes due to pain inflicted on their bodies, and Genya was rushing towards them, extending his hand out.

You then run over to Kokushibō, holding your blade tightly between your hands, as you then lost your grip. You quickly got your sword again.

"Damnit! I can't even—!" You felt the Eighth Form losing speed as everything began to speed up again. "No! I won't let this end this way!"

You reached towards Kokushibō and breathe in heavily as your eye began to turn red, your veins beginning to snap as blood oozed out of your eye.

"I sacrificed my eye for just a few more seconds!" You then arrive in front of Kokushibō and swing your blade and slice off his neck. "Goodbye...Michikatsu..."

The Eighth Form finally stopped as you fell to the floor and everything just stopped happening, as Gyomei and Sanemi looked over to you and Kokushibō, and saw the demon beheaded instantly.

"He used it..." Sanemi said. "He used the Eighth Form..."

"He sacrificed his body to save us...Namu Amida Butsu..." Gyomei cried.

"Is it over?" Genya asked.

"Hngh!!!" Kokushibō stood up. "Ragh!!!"

"!!!" Gyomei, Sanemi, and Genya saw Kokushibō as a monster, his fangs extending far beyond normal and his eyes circulating to the back of his head as he growled loudly like a true demon.

Genya then was sliced in half, as Sanemi and Gyomei looked back, astounded.

"Genya!!!" Gyomei yelled as Genya fell to the floor.

"He...sliced my neck off..." Genya reached for his neck as it slid off on both halves of his body.

"I won't lose! Never again!" Kokushibō roared as he held his blade shakily with such a tight grip that his nails pierced his palm.

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