Chapter 20: Destiny

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"He's countering all my attacks!" You think as you ferociously clash blades with the silent Kokushibō. "I can't find a dent in his defenses...!"

With the strikes, Kokushibō disarmed you from the other blades. It was too much for you to hold more than one blade, so instead, you kept your original.

You jumó back and breathe in heavily, making Kokushibō raise his blade in defense. He waited for your strike.

"Earlier, I wasn't able to hear him coming..." You think. "I can't hear his 'voice' either. It's dead. Almost feels like he doesn't exist at all."

"This feeling..." Kokushibō thought. "Did I awaken my Demon Slayer Mark further? Just from fighting him? Maybe I should make this fight last as long as possible...find more secrets about the Mark."

"I can't predict his movements..." You raise your blade up, as Kokushibō slammed his sword downwards atop yours, the blue sparks now more vibrant than before.

"You are going to die, Pillar. Do you have any last words before you go?" Kokushibō said. "While you are young and strong."

You grit your teeth at that statement and swing your blade upward, making Kokushibō block by holding his sword handle high, but his blade downwards, clashing with your own sword.

"I am not special." You said. "I don't have any supernatural powers, and I can't regenerate, but...even so, I am a Demon Slayer! I won't let you be the one to end me!"

"Hm. Those will be your last words."

(Skip Animation Part)

"I could say the same thing." You then breathe in, as Kokushibō sensed a powerful chill in the air and he looked up to see cumulonimbus clouds form in the sky.

"His breathing..." Kokushibō thought. "It's actually changing the weather..."

Kokushibō then jumped back, breathing in.

"I can't let him even make a slightest movement near my head." Kokushibō thought. "If I do, I am certain he will cut off my head."

"Thunder Breathing: Third Form..." You jump up, and strike down with arched slashes. "Thunder Swarm!"

You shattered Kokushibō's flesh blade in half, as you kneeled down to aim for his legs and lower body. Kokushibō widened his eyes as he looked down on you.

"Thunder Breathing: Second Form..." You take your blade and slice upwards in arched slashes. "Rice Spirit!"

Kokushibō couldn't dodge, so he jumped back, as his sword began to regenerate with his flesh. But Kokushibō had no time to think.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" You zoom ahead, your blade clashing horizontally onto Kokushibō's as it began to tear through the flesh blade, as the sword aimed for the neck, as he tried to break free.

You zoom through the town, visualizing the lightning pattern tearing through the already destroyed houses, as you continued to push onto Kokushibō's blade, the two of you soaring away.

"Cut through!" You yelled. "No matter what, you must win!"

"My regeneration can't keep up..." Kokushibō said, as his blade's regeneration was being triumphed by your blade's push. "I have to do something."

A Clap of Thunder (Demon Slayer X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now