Chapter 17: Aftermath

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You gasp for air and you found yourself in a different setting. Raising your knees and getting on your feet, your body felt heavy, and you felt the pain source in your stomach.

"What is this place?" You think. "Wasn't I just fighting Upper Six with Tanjiro and...?"

"Wait! My sword! It's gone!" You look to your sides. "Am I dreaming? I never forget my sword, so that must be it!"

"I see you've woken up."

You turn to hear a serene 'voice' behind you, it wasn't anyone you knew, yet it was familiar. The figure stood next to you, and soon the scene changed to a normal Japanese house, as you and the figure sat on the side of the outer hallway, as the moonlight shone upon the both of you.

"Yeah, I couldn't fall asleep."

"What the-? I didn't say that!" You hold your mouth, a new voice having emerged.

"Yorrichi, where will you go now?" said the fake you as you covered your mouth again afterwards.

"I don't know anymore. The Corps was my home and now it has been taken away. Because of my weakness." Yorrichi looked down to the grassy field. "I wished I had done more that night, maybe I could've killed Muzan for good."

"He said he's from the Corps? He also knows Muzan? What is going on here?" You think, but forcibly you removed your hand so your fake voice could speak.

"I hope you remember, Yorrichi, that I will always be here to help."

"Thanks, Sumihiko."

"Y/N-san!" Tanjiro woke you up back into the real world, as your face had a confused expression engraved. "Nezuko, could you-?"

Nezuko hummed twice, muffled by her bamboo muzzle, and stood her hands in front of you, and crimson flames emerged around you as it hissed across your now infested and poisoned body, the poison evaporating in instants.

"Thanks, Nezuko!" You say.

"There you are." Obanai Iguro then showed up. "Geez, Upper Rank Six must've taken a toll on you. I actually thought you were dead for a second, seeing your condition."

"It ok. A few patches from Shinobu can fix this up no problem." You say. "I'll be back doing missions before you know it."

"You'd better be. With Uzui retiring, there's now two vacant Hashira spots." Obanai replied. "It'll be tricky finding others in the weak batches we got this era."

"Hey. Not everyone is weak." You place a hand on Tanjiro's shoulder.

"I know, Uzui told me about his performance." Obanai turned to Tanjiro, who kept silent. "He did mediocre."

Obanai then left the scene quickly as he went to go check on Uzui again.

"He's like that, don't worry." You said to the confused Tanjiro.

"Y/N, you certainly have major injuries." Shinobu said as she wrapped more bandages around. "Just what kind of enemy were you facing?"

"I killed him."

"Who? I can't tell if I don't know."

"I killed the demon that killed Kanae, Upper Rank Two."

There was a silence, and both Hashira looked into each others eyes, before Shinobu's began to tear up. She sniffled making you hug her.

"I'm sorry. I had to save the others." You said. "I'm sorry you didn't get your revenge."

"Idiot Y/N. I'm not crying for that..." Shinobu moved back from the hug and looked up at you, your faces inches away. "I'm glad that my sister was avenged...after all this time..."


"Y/N, thank you." Shinobu then held your face and pulled it to hers, your lips connecting.

"Huh?! Wait, what the-?! What is happening?!" You freak out in your head. "She just-!"

"Hah! So you're dating her! You lied!" Zenitsu then entered the room, making the two of you seperate.

"Wait! This isn't what-!"

"Don't play stupid with me, Y/N L/N!!!" Zenitsu yelled. "I know a proper kiss when I see one!"

"But that doesn't mean-!"

Shinobu chuckled at their arguing, for she quite enjoyed it. She wondered how she'd tell the triplets, Aoi, and Kanao.

"But, Zenitsu!"

"No buts! You are going to hold her hand, sleep in her bed, keep her company, walk in the cherry blossom forests, and love her!" Zenitsu exclaimed. "That's what it takes!"

"Shinobu, some help here...?" You turn to Shinobu.

"Zenitsu, could you go and be a good boy and get Tanjiro and Inosuke out of bed?" Shinobu asked with a smile.

"Sure, Shinobu-nee chan!" Zenitsu then ran off.

"He's already gave you a honorific..." You mumbled.

"I like it. It fits me." Shinobu said.

"Yeah, but it means we're together!"

"Aren't we?"

You look into her smiling face, she just had that look that made you love her.

"Shinobu, I love you, you know that?"

"I've been known silly."


Shinobu then grabbed your cheek affectionately. You blushed at her touch and you both kiss again.

"Leave that for the bedroom." Shinobu said as you seperate. "I'm going to go tell Aoi."

"Aoi?" You pause before thinking. "Oh shit! She's going to kill me when-!"

"Y/N L/N, where are you?!" You could hear Aoi's yells and her stomping getting closer

"Uh..." You said, still holding Shinobu in your arms.

"What's the matter?"

"I think Zenitsu told her already..."

End of Chapter

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