Chapter 6: Distant Thunder

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Enmu, Lower Rank One, had given everyone their slumber. He stood in the front car, enjoying the dark view he saw in his original body. His eyes then turned to see Tanjiro holding his blade.

"Oh my..." Enmu sighed. "You broke out of the dream?"

"You..." Tanjiro saw the kanji letter 'one' on Enmu's right eye.

"I could've showed you a nightmare. One where your family was being slaughtered." Enmu stuck his hamd forward, while keeping the other close to his chest.

"Don't waste time. He's Lower One." Tanjiro breathed in. "Water Breathing: Tenth Form-!"

"Constant Flux!"

"Hm. Go back to sleep..." Enmu stuck his eye where a eye lay and it snapped open, and Tanjiro's pupils revolved to the back of his head.

He stumbled back, his head going down, then he snapped back, his pupils back to normal.

"What?" Enmu thought. "He wasn't affected?"

"No that's not it..." Enmu dodged Tanjiro's swings as each grew nearer to his neck. "He's falling under the spell over and over..."

"Go to sleep!" Enmu's hand yelled.

Tanjiro woke up again.

"Go to sleep!"

Rokuta Kamado's cries filled Tanjiro's ears as he looked down on his much younger brother, which pained him inside.

"Why didn't you save us?" Rokuta sobbed. "How could you leave us like that?"

"It should've been you." Takeo Kamado stood out in front.

"How dare you go living without a care..." Tanjiro's mother arrived next.

Tanjiro found himself in another room, where he felt the pain of a tea cup smack across his face.

"You utter failure!" Tanjuro Kamado yelled.

"There's no way they'd ever say that!" Tanjiro yelled, his veins all over his face, angered. "Don't you ever...!"

Tanjiro jumped into the air, blade up high.

"insult my family!"

With the strike of a blade, Enmu's head rolled over the train's roof, as Tanjiro watched as the body fell.

"Wait. There's no ashy scent." Tanjiro then turned to see Enmu's head suddenly chuckling.

"Are you wondering how I am still alive?" Enmu said as a tentacle held his neck onto the train car roof. "Fine then, since I feel so ecstatic right now."

"His head...! He's still-!"

"While you were off dozing...I fused with this train!"

"Every inch of this train is my flesh and bones!"

"And all of the sleeping passengers will become food to further fuel my body!"

"Will you stop me? I'll like to see you try." Enmu then retreated into the train as Tanjiro ran back to his comrades.

"Nezuko!" He yelled. "Wake everyone up!"

Then, to his relief, he heard grunting from under a train car and Inosuke jumped out.

"Lord Inosuke is coming through!"

"Inosuke! It's not safe on this train anymore!" Tanjiro explained. "The whole train is a demon!"

"I knew it! I was on the money!" Inosuke said proudly. "That means I was a total stud as a leader!"

Inosuke cackled as he went back down the car and breathed in.

"Beast Breathing: Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting!" Inosuke sliced the tentacles around while spinning in a crazed formation.

"Coming through!" He yelled to the regrowing tentacles. "Make way for Lord Inosuke!"

Nezuko began to battle the tentacles, clawing at them as her demonic powers overthrew the demon. But soon, she was caught and held down.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash, Sixfold." Zenitsu then arrived in fashion as Nezuko was a bit shocked at his entrance.

"Nezuko, I'll protect you!"

"How disappointing. To think all of this happened while I was dozing off..." Kyojuro woke up and walked slowly down his train car. "I wish...I could crawl under a rock!"

Kyojuro then zoomed off, cutting down every tentacle and headed for Tanjiro, who was busy cutting down tentacles.



"You and boar head go look for the demon's head! I'll protect the five cars in the rear!"

"But the whole train...!"

"It doesn't matter what form it assumes! If it's a demon, it's got a head!"

"Your sister and yellow hair boy with take the front three cars! Now go!" Rengoku sped off.

Tanjiro then jumped back up the roof, and ran straight ahead, and Inosuke ran alongside him.

"Ok, Inosuke-!"

"Yeah I know! Goggle eyes told me!" Inosuke yelled. "Yet...he seems so awesome! I'm so pissed!"

Both of them got to the charcoal car, where Inosuke then chuckled.

"There it is! Under the metal!" Inosuke then breathed in.

"Beast Breathing: Fourth Form: Slice N' Dice!" Inosuke slashed the metal as a large bone was revealed.

"Ok! Hinokami Kagura...!"

"Don't mess with my dream!" The conductor then slammed a syringe into Tanjiro, making him bleed from his stomach.


Tanjiro knocked out the conductor with his palm, and he clutched his stomach.

"Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled as suddenly large tentacles emerged, defending the neck.

"Make way!" Inosuke yelled as he cut down the tentacles alongside Tanjiro. They fell from the top as Tanjiro breathed in.

"Open up the neck!"

"Fourth Fang...Slice N' Dice!" Inosuke cut down the flesh.

"Father, give me strength!" Tanjiro then swooped in.

"Hinokami Kagura..."

With the sound of metal, the neck bone snapped.

"Clear Blue Sky!"

End of Chapter

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