Chapter 18: Upper Moons of the Kizuki

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A/N: From this chapter reforests, the Swordsmith Village Arc will be adapted. Viewer Discretion Advised To Anime-Only Watcheds

Akaza found himself in a familiar setting, looking up to find any fellow Upper Ranks nearby. Instead, he only saw the owner of the Infinity Castle, Nakime, one of Muzan's most trusted subordinates.

"Wait...if I'm here, than this means..." Akaza widened his eyes. "An Upper Rank was killed by the Demon Slayers!"

Nakime's biwa chords strung once, as soon, Akaza felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He felt a source of annoyance from his body and anger began to build inside him.

"Lord Akaza!" exclaimed Douma, in an exciting manner. "I was so worried about you! In fact, I was worried about everyone!"

"I thought you were sent to help Upper Six." said Akaza, his tone changing from shock to dull.

"Actually, Upper Six was killed! I felt so bad for them! I loved those siblings..." Douma said, faking his sadness, which didn't help Akaza's attitude towards him.

Another string from the biwa.

"Lord Gyokko!" Douma called to a beautiful vase that appeared instantly after, as a muscular fish-like demon emerged, its eyes where it's mouth should've been, and it's mouths where the eyes should've been.

"Lord Douma..." Gyokko's bubbly voice called. "It's been awhile."

"I really loved those vases you sent me! I put a woman's head in it!"

"That's...not what that was for, but I enjoy-

Akaza then swung his fist, destroying apart the top half of Douma's smiling face. He was clearly angry with Douma's comment.

"Lord Akaza!" Douma's face regenerated. "Your fist is as exceptional as always."

Akaza scoffed, then he turned to Nakime.

"Biwa woman, where is Upper One?"

"He...has been here."

Akaza then turned to feel Upper Rank One's dangerous aura emerging from a tatami mat, where he sat down patiently, his sword by his side.

"Lord Gyokko...Lord Akaza...Lord Douma..." Upper Rank Four, Hantengu, called towards his peers.

"Lord Hantengu! I see you are doing well!" Douma exclaimed towards the crawling Upper Rank.

"Yes...I am doing fine, thank you..."

"Lord Muzan has arrived." said Upper Rank One, before all of the demons kneeled down immediately, except for him and Douma.

"Gyutaro and Daki are dead. The Upper Ranks of the Kizuki are incomplete." Muzan stated, holding a vial, and his body was upside down from the other Upper Ranks' perspectives.

"Lord Muzan!" squealed Hantengu.

"Oh my! I certainly didn't expect that! I was expecting Lord Gyutaro to kill them all! I didn't know..." Douma sighed.

"Gyutaro was held back by human emotion. I always knew that stupid child he called his sister was a weakness." Muzan said coldly. "He should've easily killed all present, even without the clone you sent."

"I was the one responsible! I brought them into the Kizuki, so...!" Douma excitedly pushed his fingers into his eyelids. "Should I carve out an eye for payment? Or a limb, perhaps?"

" not need anything from you, Douma." Muzan said, almost disgusted at Douma's attitude.

"But I-!"

Akaza aimed another fist, interrupting Douma, but the former found his limb completely sliced off, and Upper Rank One stood next to Akaza, his sword back into its case.

"Akaza..." He growled. "Don't disrespect the ranking of the Kizuki."

"Lord Kokushibō! It was only a joke!" Douma exclaimed. "I mean...he certainly can't best me or you, plus, I became a demon way after him, so of course he has jealousy!"

"Douma...I didn't do this for your benefit." Kokushibō looked back with all three pairs of eyes on his face. "I only did this for the sake of the Upper Ranks."

"Akaza." Kokushibō looked at Upper Three. "Do you understand what I am saying?"

"Yeah..." Akaza said, his eyes looking into Kokushibō's. "I'll make sure to kill you as well."

"Hm...well, good luck with that..." Kokushibō returned to his spot.

"Please continue..." Kokushibō said in a formal manner. "My lord."

"Right." Muzan turned from Kokushibō to the others. "I will find a suitable replacement for the vacant spot, in the meantime..."

Muzan got an irk mark on his face.

"Why haven't any of you found the Blue Spider Lily?" Muzan asked, making Hantengu squeal again. "And why haven't any of you found the Demon Slayer headquarters?!"

" hiding skillfully." stated Kokushibō, over Hantengu's words of choice.

"I-I have n-news on that, my lord!" Hantengu stuttered, and his body looked to be more frail than ever before. "I...I believe I have found it!"

"Good." Muzan replied. "Take Gyokko with you."

"T-thank you m-my lord..." Hantengu sighed.

"I propose to go as well, my lord." Kokushibō stated.

"Alright. Just in case Hashira get involved in this, make sure not to let those two die."

Hantengu shrieked and Gyokko only lowered his head down further.

"Yes." Kokushibō replied.

"For the rest of you..." Muzan turned to Akaza and Douma. "Locate the Demon Slayer headquarters in the meantime. Get lost."

"Yes, my lord."

"I have a request to make, my lord!"

Muzan was already gone, leaving Douma there in an awkward moment with the Upper Moons.

"Huh? But I really wanted to ask him something!" Douma turned to Nakime, who remained silent. "It was really importa-!"

Douma's head was punched off.

"Didn't you hear him? Get lost." Akaza said.

Soon, the Upper Ranks were transported back to their previous location, and Douma found himself in his majestic bed in a majestic room, and he sighed.

"It appears I won't be asking him anytime soon..." Douma thought, as a servant then entered the room.

"They are all requested..." He mumbled.

"Good!" Douma lied himself down sideways, eager to meet his new visitors. "Then, bring them all in..."

End of Chapter

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