Chapter 39: Until Sunrise...!

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"Murata!!!" Giyuu called to the side. "Y/N has been heavily injured! Treat to his wounds at once! Now!!!"

"I got him!" Murata held you above his shoulder than thought. "Giyuu-san remembered my name..."

"Hya!" Mitsuri swung her blade, but then a whip slashed across her chest area as she winced at the pain. Muzan focused the attention on her immediately, sending a whip after her.

"Kanroji—!" Obanai began, but a whip already was sent his way, nearing his throat. "Damn! This speed—!"

"Guys—!" Giyuu turned, and a whip was already near his throat.

"First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash: Sixfold!" You slice down the whips immediately as you panted loudly as you stood in front of Mitsuri, a large tumor near your left eye.

"He stopped his heart for a moment!" Muzan looked over at you. "This enabled him to stop my blood from working! How was he able to stop it?! How?!"

"Tch! You damn monster! Once I kill everyone you love, I'll make sure you suffer!!!" Muzan roared.

"Shut up!!! All you could do for a millennia was hide and cower from the sun! You are a coward, Muzan Kibutsuji!!! And there is nowhere to hide now!" You pointed your blade at him.

"How...dare you!!!" Muzan sent ten whips after you. "How dare you mock the immortal being known as Muzan!!!"

"I don't give a fuck who it is! If anyone...anyone...!" You held onto your blade and slice down all of the whips at once. "If anyone dares to hurt my family or friends, they will never get away with it!"

"All of you are complete garbage!" Muzan exclaimed. "All of you can just die! Your lives never meant anything in the first place, so just get out of my sight!"

"Thunder Breathing: Seventh Form: Flaming Thunder God!" Zenitsu charged in and sliced off Muzan's whips before they could reach you.

"Water Breathing: Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" Giyuu sliced down Muzan's tentacles and whips as soon as they came back in an instant. "Hurry! Make sure Y/N can get an opening!"

"Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky!" Tanjiro sliced down Muzan's whips again mid-air.

"Serpent Breathing: First Form: Winding Serpent Slash!"

"Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash!" You slam your blade onto Muzan's neck as the demon roared loudly.

"I will never die!" Muzan kicked you away again and sent whips towards your spot.

"Water Breathing: Second Form: Water Wheel!" Giyuu managed to reach you and slice off the whips before they could even touch you.

"You weren't wrong...about having my back." You chuckle as you stood.

"Anything...for a comrade." Giyuu said.

"Love Breathing: Fifth Form: Swaying Love, Wildclaw!" Mitsuri cut down more whips.

"You insolent pests!!!" Muzan then slashed Mitsuri's vital areas as she began to choke on her blood.

"Kanroji!!!" Obanai rushed in and managed to lay her down as she began to regain her breathing. " fucking dare you hurt Mitsuri!!"

"Serpent Breathing: Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent!" Obanai cut through Muzan's whips with ease.

"Get away!" Muzan waved his arms at blinding speeds as Obanai leaped over the whips and swung his blade forward, as it phased through Muzan's arm.

"His heals so quickly!" Obanai thought.

Muzan then felt his body being struck in half, as Sanemi now kneeled behind him, sword now in between Muzan's halves. Sanemi threw bottles into the air as Muzan swiped at him, Sanemi was gone, and now the vials were shattered and were revealed to be a fire-attracting liquid, and now Muzan was caught on fire.

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