Chapter 1 - Summer Break

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It's been two weeks since Y/N faced the dark lord. The summer so far has been quiet. Harry and Y/N haven't talked much about what happened since their visit to the hospital wing. Aunt Monica has been busy with the Ministry as Fudge wants to cover up the dark lords return posing Dumbledore and Y/N as liars. She can't blame her aunt for not being with her and Harry over the past weeks but it does hurt that she's not around as much.

It doesn't help that Y/N has only received one letter from Hermione which was only very brief saying that she is doing fine and that she has told her parents about their relationship. Y/N was of course proud of her girlfriend for telling her parents and had sent a letter telling her how proud of her she was, but it's just been hard trying to have constant contact with each other.

The Ravenclaw girl has also had a lot to think about. The words that Voldemort told her are constantly playing on a loop in her head.

'The chosen ones protector'

'You don't know your own fate'

She doesn't understand what it means, but there's one person that might.

Her aunt

Aunt Monica is coming home early for dinner tonight as a sort of apology for staying back late and not spending time with her and Harry. This might be Y/N's only chance to ask about her fate, ask if the dark lord's words are true and what they might mean.

At the moment Y/N is in London getting herself another helix piercing underneath her first. She liked going into the muggle world, she liked how oblivious they were to the wizarding world, how they think everything is normal and small. Sometimes she wishes she was apart of it, and more recently those thoughts had been more common.

"Y/N" a lady's voice calls and the Ravenclaw girl stands and enters the back room to get her piercing installed.


Y/N gets home around 4pm, about an hour before her aunt arrives home. The Ravenclaw girl is greeted by Dennis and Benson as they wag their tails excitedly at her return. Y/N smiles as she scratches behind the dogs ears before heading upstairs to Harry's room.

Harry was busily writing at his desk when Y/N stood in the door frame and knocked which got the raven-haired boys attention.

"Hey" Harry says

"Hey" Y/N responds

Harry is just smiling weakly "how was it"

Y/N shrugs "it was alright. I enjoyed the solitude for once"

The raven-haired boy smiles "that's good," Y/N nods and she turns her back "Y/N wait"

The Ravenclaw stops and faces Harry "yeah"

"How are you really doing" he asks and Y/N sighs

She walks further into Harry's room and lies down on his bed. "I don't sleep Harry" the Ravenclaw starts "I feel this constant weight on my shoulders and I get angry more often but most of all-"

"You feel guilty for surviving and Cedric dying" Harry says

Y/N nods "Harry I feel so lost"

Harry sighs and sits next to Y/N and hugs her tightly and the Ravenclaw girl starts to cry "we'll be okay, as long as we've got each other"

Y/N holds onto Harry like he is her lifeline. Harry just stays their holding his arms around the girl. As Y/N's tears subside, she lifts her head from Harry's shoulder "does it hurt this much" she whispers and the raven-haired boy knows she's talking about the scar

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