Chapter 12 - Heart to Heart

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Y/N sits in a practically empty room, the only thing inside was an old piano. She needed to calm down. It's been happening more often, the little bursts of rage that just come spilling out.

The Ravenclaw girl didn't mean to make her aunt upset or cause a scene but it happened, and she can't take that back. Y/N's tears fall from her eyes as she thinks about what happened. Suddenly her dad walks in was a sympathetic smile on his face. His eyes show no sign of anger or pity.

"May I join you" Sirius asks and Y/N makes room on the piano seat. "I know that I haven't been around for a while but I would like to think that you can tell me anything"

Y/N sighs and the father daughter pair stay quiet. "I didn't mean to get angry or make aunt Monica upset. I'm just frustrated and I feel helpless. I want to help you but no one here will listen"

"I understand" Sirius says "but it's dangerous and I know you know that. You and Harry need to go to school."

"But I can't help if I'm in school" Y/N says

Sirius sighs "think of it this way, you and Harry are the key to defeating the dark lord. We don't know much about his plan and therefore no point in risking your life, just yet"

Y/N thinks "I never thought of it that way"

"Because you're stubborn like me" Sirius says with a warm smile "I love you Y/N, and I know you are a very capable witch. You are smarter than most and very good at mastering the most advanced spells. I know you can protect yourself but please understand that you need to go to school. Voldemort can't touch you or Harry there so it's the safest place, well it's safer than most"

Y/N smiles and nods "okay," she replies and hugs her dad tightly as he kisses her head "I love you dad"

"I love you too, my darling girl" Sirius replies and Y/N smiles "You should apologise to your aunt though"

The Ravenclaw sighs but nods "can I do it tomorrow, I don't want to face her tonight" Sirius nods and they both exit the room.


Shortly after Y/N's talk with Sirius, the group of teens all head upstairs to get ready for bed. Y/N and Hermione are sharing a room whilst the boys share one and Ginny and Flo share another.

Hermione smiles weakly as Y/N approaches her with a shy expression on her face. Hermione sighs and hugs her tightly which calms the Ravenclaws nerves. "Are you alright" she asks quietly and Y/N nods.

"Let's head up to our room" Y/N replies and the couple head upstairs both with tired expressions.

The room was small with a double bed in the middle and bags full of their belongings are scattered around the sides. Y/N sighs as she lies on the bed. Hermione smiles deciding to join her girlfriend on the bed. Y/N smirks and wraps Hermione up in her strong arms, seeming to get her playful personality back. The Gryffindor girl giggles as she tries to break free but Y/N won't let her as she showers the face and neck in kisses.

"Y/N stop, it tickles" Hermione laughs and Y/N smiles against her girlfriends skin.

"But I finally have you all to myself" Y/N says "and I'm not letting you go"

Hermione smiles and wriggles in Y/N's arms so she is now facing her "not up for sharing are you"

"When it comes to you my love, never" Y/N laughs and Hermione kisses her lips gently

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