Chapter 42 - Occlumency

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Y/N kisses Hermione's neck, sucking on her pulse point. A moan escapes Hermione's lips as she feels like she is in ecstasy. Their naked bodies were covered by the sheets of the Gryffindor's bed.

"Don't stop Y/N" Hermione whines and the Ravenclaw grins as she moves lower down her body.

"Wasn't planning on it" Y/N grins and Hermione's lustful moans fill the room


Y/N's mind is racing, her face covered in a thin layer of sweat. Snape stands with an expression unreadable. Harry sits next to her looking equally exhausted as the Ravenclaw girl.

"Feeling sentimental?" Snape questions and Y/N can't help but feel embarrassed at the thought of Snape intruding on such an intimate memory.

"That's private." Y/N whines wanting nothing more than the potions Professor to stop.

She had skipped a few Occlumency lessons because of her fight with Hermione. She didn't really care or have the energy to go to the lessons. Y/N learnt that Harry had been covering for her and she bought him some sweets from Honeydukes as a thank you to him, but now she has to face Snape's consequences.

"Not to me." Snape says coldly "And not to the Dark Lord, your memory's about miss Granger and yourself can be seen by everyone if you don't improve." Harry starts to snicker as Y/N blushes. Snape eyes Harry with his stoic expression. "Something funny Potter. Every memory you have the dark lord has access to, is a weapon he can use against you. You won't last two seconds if he invades your mind. You're just like your father. Lazy, arrogant."

"Don't say a word against my father." Harry says sternly looking angrily at Snape

"Weak" Snape says and Harry eyes start to narrow

"I'm not weak." Harry says

"Then prove it. Control your emotions. Discipline your mind." Snape says and holds out his wand "Legilimens."

Harry shrieks at Snape's invasion to his mind and his eyes slam shut. After a few seconds so suffering Snape releases his hold on Harry and the raven-haired boy comes back to reality

"Stop it." Harry whines

"Is this what you call control?" Snape snaps and Y/N frowns

"We've been at it for hours." Y/N whines "If we could just rest."

"The Dark Lord isn't resting." Snape says raising his voice "both of you and Sirius Black, are two of a kind. Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well, it may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair. Your blessed father knew that Potter. In fact, he frequently saw to it."

"My father was a great man," Harry shouts

"Your father was a swine." Snape spits back and he points his wand at Harry and Y/N again "Legilimens-"

"-Protego" Harry counters and Snape's eyes go wide with surprise as the two teenagers have seemed to invade his memories.

They are transported to a grassy hill with a tree on top, over looking the black lake. Under a tree sits young Sirius. Next to him are the equally young Lupin, Peter Pettigrew , and lastly James Potter. James is playing with a Snitch, letting it go and catching it again. Sirius huffs

"Put that away, James." Sirius says and James shrugs and does so. "I'm bored. Wish it was full moon."

Lupin snorts. "Easy for you to say."

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