Chapter 35 - Rivals

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The Quidditch stadium is bursting with life as the match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin continues. Visibility is low due to the snow and low cloud in the air and players scatter everywhere across the sky.

"And Slytherin is up forty to ten. Jeremy Stretton  with the quaffle!"

Stretton spins through the blizzard, trying desperately to see. Two shapes emerge from the snow. They are Crabbe and Goyale, the slytherin beaters. Both of them take a swing at him but Stretton twists completely around on his broom and the clubs swish harmlessly past. He pushes forward to the Slytherin goals and hurtles the quaffle.

"Blocked by the Slytherin Keeper."

Below, in the stands, there is a groan from the Ravenclaw side. "Bloody hell they we can't catch a break" Ron says looking at the Ravenclaw team and Hermione sighs and looks to her girlfriend who is watching the action take place.

Y/N is in goals as their keeper, Page the Ravenclaw's original keeper was knocked out by a bludger hit by Crabbe. She braces herself as the quaffle about to head her way.

Several Slytherins are in possession of the Quaffle as they toss it between each other evading the Ravenclaw beaters. The Slytherin's bear down on the Ravenclaw goals. They throw the quaffle and Y/N dives but misses. A loud gong sounds. The Ravenclaw crowd groans in response.

"Another ten points to Slytherin The score is now fifty-ten in favor of Slytherin."

Malfoy pulls up to Y/N "well never thought I would see the days you end up keeper Y/N, you should do it more often"

"Shut up Malfoy" Y/N says trying to focus on the match.

Just then, the snitch blasts past Malfoy and he takes off in pursuit. Y/N rockets after him at top speed, ignoring the bite of the snow against her face. She and Malfoy give chase, following the snitch at top speed.

Malfoy is still far closer than the Ravenclaw captain. Then the Snitch banks sharply causing both seekers to  turn with it. Y/N pulls up even with Draco, now side by side. They are inches from the Snitch and they close in with all of their might.

Y/N's hand inches out in front of Draco and closes around the snitch. Draco's fingers scrabble on the back of the Ravenclaw's gloved hand.

The crowd goes wild and the Y/N straightens up and slows down as she holds the snitch high in the air for the crowd to see.

"And Y/N Black has caught the snitch. Ravenclaw win the match 160-50"

Behind Y/N, without warning, Crabbe emerges from the blizzard and smashes a bludger straight at her. Just in time Y/N doges out of the way but it causes her to tumble to the ground.

The Ravenclaw captain slumps forward, and nose-dives into the pitch. She rolls to a stop looking dazed on the snow covered pitch. There is a groan of sympathy from the crowd. The other Ravenclaw players land and make their way to their captain as to make sure she's alright.

"Y/N are you okay?" Samuels says as the chaser helps her to her feet.

"I'm fine" Y/N says as she rubs her back "just feel a little bruised"

Y/N spots Draco ripping into Crabbe yelling at him from across the pitch. Suddenly Samuels and Stretton make their way over to them.

"This doesn't look good Cap" Duncan, one of the beaters says and Y/N looks to the boy and sighs

"Check on Page, I'll deal the the boys" Y/N says and the beater nods

"You fat git what's your deal mate" Samuels says at Crabbe who just grins evilly

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