Chapter 45 - I will have order

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Y/N and Harry race up the moving staircase with Hermione and the others following close behind. Her dad was in trouble and she has to do something about it.

"Y/N, are you sure?" Hermione calls and the Ravenclaw nods

"I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley" Y/N says "and Harry saw it too"

"The door I've been dreaming about. Sirius is in the Department of Mysteries and its not a weapon Voldermorts after, its a prophecy, Thats what I saw" Harry says

"My dad said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries" Y/N says and Harry nods both still rushing up the stairs

"Y/N, Harry please, just listen." Flo says causing th two teenagers to stop and look back at their friends "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this?"

"Flo's right" Hermione comments with a  worried expression on her face "What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?"

"What if he is? I'm supposed to just let him die? Hermione, he's my dad I just got him back and I don't wont to lose him again"

"and he's my godfather, and some of the only family I've got left." Harry says

Hermione looks to her girlfriend with sympathy in her eyes and moves to take her hand in hers, The group all move higher up on the staircase. Suddenly, Ron steps up to meet Harry and Y/N's gaze

"Whatever you want to do?" Ron says and Y/N smirks as her friends gather around

"You can count us in" Jorden says gesturing to Flo and Callan who smile and nod. Harry smiles at his friends and thinks of a solution

"We'll have to use the Floo Network." Harry suggests

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance." Hermione says and Callan laughs

"Not all of them" the Slytherin boy says with a mischievous grin and Y/N smirks

"Callan you cheeky bastard" Y/N says and Callan laughs

"Follow me" He says and the others do so "we're going to need a good distraction"

"I know a few people that would be willing to help" Ron says and Cal grins


The group all get changed out of their robes into their casual attire. They meet outside the Gryffindor common room and all follow Cal to Umbridge's office. They had convinced the Weasley twins to cause a distraction to keep Umbridge busy while Luna and Ginny watched the hallway.

"Alohomora" Cal says and unlocks the door. He peeks inside to see if the coast is clear. He nods and everyone moves inside and Cal shuts the door behind him.

"God this place is worse than I remembered," Jorden says and Callan smirks

"Your definitely not the cat type gay then" Cal grins and Jorden playfully punches his arm before joining the others where Harry has thrown floo powder into the fireplace.

"Alert the Order if you can." Harry says "Y/N and I are going"

"Are you two mental? We're going with you." Flo says

"Yeah there's no way your fighting You-Know-Who alone," Ron says

"It's too dangerous," Y/N says and Hermione gently turns her head to face her. The Gryffindor looks into her eyes, full of love and slight concern

"When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together" Hermione says and kisses Y/N's cheek

"That you are" Umbridge's voice seethes and the group all turn around to see her looking at them with an enraged expression

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