Chapter 20 - Hermione's Birthday

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Y/N wakes up early in Hermione's room. The Ravenclaw girl spends a lot of her time in the prefects room. Y/N spent Friday night and the weekend in Hermione's room where the two can spend quality time together, just the two of them. Hermione and Y/N both love their friends but it's nice to just enjoy their alone time together.

Today however is a very special day. Today being Hermione's birthday. Y/N smiles as she looks over at her sleeping girlfriend. The Gryffindor looks peaceful in her sleep and Y/N snuggles closer to her as she tenderly kisses Hermione's exposed shoulder.

As she felt Hermione stir, Y/N stopped and waited for Hermione to turn around and face her. Her honey-brown eyes stared at the Ravenclaw full of love and awe. Y/N kisses her lips softly as Hermione starts to wake up.

"Good morning Y/N," Hermione says and the Ravenclaw grins

"Happy birthday darling," Y/N says and Hermione grins and pulls her girlfriend closer for a passionate kiss. Both of the girls giggle as Y/N showers Hermione in kisses and the Gryffindor girl isn't complaining. Y/N pulls back and cups Hermione's cheek "do you want your presents now or later"

Hermione looks at her confused "presents? Y/N I was only expecting one-"

"Hey don't worry about that, just me spoil my gorgeous amazing girlfriend alright," Y/N says and pecks Hermione's lips "and besides, one of the presents I bought and the other I well- I made it"

Hermione looks at Y/N curiously "okay now I'm intrigued"

Y/N smiles and gets off the bed and goes to her bag and pulls out two neatly small wrapped gifts. She hands them to Hermione and sits back down on the bed "happy birthday, gorgeous"

Hermione smiles and opens the small cube-shaped gift first. she unwrapped it and opens up the box to reveal and gold pendant necklace. The pendant was a small circular compass and on the back had the words 'always and forever' engraved into it.

Hermione looks at the pendant speechless "Y/N I-"

"Please tell me you like it," Y/N asks a bit nervously and Hermione giggles

"Y/N it beautiful it must have cost you-"

Y/N cuts her off with a kiss catching the Gryffindor by surprise "nope you don't need to know other than the fact that I can afford it. Just let me spoil you just this once"

Hermione sighs and nods "alright, will you put it on for me"

Y/N smiles "of course" and Hermione moves her hair out of the way, giving the Ravenclaw access to her neck. Y/N slips the necklace on and kisses her cheek once she has finished. Hermione turns around to face her girlfriend who grins at her. "It looks beautiful on you"

Hermione blushes and kisses Y/N's lips once more "thank you baby," Hermione says and goes to unwrap the second gift. As she unwraps it, Hermione notices that it is a photo frame and looks at the picture to find it both of Y/N and herself at the Yule Ball last year.

Y/N and Hermione were both facing close to each other staring longingly into each other eyes. Both the girls had grins on their faces and cheeks flushed. The Gryffindor girl smiles at the photo of the two of them.

"Harry took the photo," Y/N says "He gave it to me a while back and I thought it would be a cute birthday gift"

Hermione smiles and hugs Y/N tightly "it's the best gift," Hermione says and Y/N smiles and the two hold each other in their tight embrace


"Happy birthday Hermione" Flo says as she hugs the bushy-haired girl tightly

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