Chapter 49 - The Funeral

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Y/N stands in her bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. She wore an all-black suit minus the jacket but kept the vest and tucked in her dress shirt. The Ravenclaw fiddled with the black skinny tie and sighed deeply. Its the early afternoon and the day she had been dreading the most.

Her dad's funeral

She knows that most of the guests have arrived already and are gathering patiently on top of one of the grassy hills near the manor. She hasn't gone past those grassy hills for a very long time and has avoided going. She she was six the last time she visited her mother's gravestone for the first time and now that's where her father's gravestone will be, except there will be no body to bury.

A gentle knock comes from her door "come in" she says and Harry enters the room dressed in all black as well.

"Hermione and her parents are downstairs," Harry says and Y/N nods "Aunt Monica is talking to them"

Y/N smiles "I guess we should be going soon," she says and Harry nods and holds out his hand

"We'll get through this together," the raven-haired boy says.

"Thanks, Harry" Y/N says and hugs him tightly.

The two share a moment before heading downstairs. Y/N spots Hermione and her parents talking to their aunt, they have small smiles on their faces in hopes to show some comfort. It doesn't, it just makes her feel worse.

Hermione notices Harry and Y/N come down the stairs and she has a sympathetic smile on her lips. She walks over to Harry and hugs him tightly, then moves to her girlfriend and hold onto each other a little longer.

"Hey," Y/N says softly

"Hey," Hermione says back "how are you feeling"

"Like I don't want to go," Y/N says and Hermione nods and takes her girlfriend's hands and kisses it tenderly

"I'll be by your side always," Hermione says and Y/N nods.

The Ravenclaw breaks away from Hermione's embrace but joins their hands together. They walk over to greet Hemione's parents who look at her and Harry with sympathy.

"Y/N, Harry we're sorry for your loss," Mrs Granger says and Harry nods

"Thank you Mrs Granger," Harry says politely

"Yes thank you both for coming," Y/N says "I know you both don't usually come to wizard-type events but it means a lot to me and my family that you have"

"Of course we came," Mr Granger says "you mean a lot to my daughter Y/N, and therefore you and your family matter to us"

Y/N's heart warms at this and she doesn't know what comes over her but she hugs Hermione's dad tightly which surprises him but he returns the embrace. The Ravenclaw then hugs Mrs Granger tightly and the older woman smiles

"Thank you" Y/N whispers softly and the two parents smiles warmly their eyes glassy and their smiles warm.

"Always Y/N" Mrs Granger says and Y/N nods and returns back to Hermione's side

"Y/N" Monica calls softly placing a comforting hand on her shoulder "it's time,"

The Ravenclaw nods and they all follow Monica outside the house where they walk across a worn path at the front of the manor. Over the small grassy hill, lies a large willow tree where many guests have gathered for the ceremony. Y/N tenses up knowing that her parent's graves are just a few metres ahead of her. Hermione notices the tension in her girlfriends body and gently squeezes her hand for reassurance.

"It's going to be fine Y/N. Just take some deep breaths. I'll be right beside you" Hermione says and Y/N nods and takes a step

The guests have taken their seats. Harry and Y/N's friends sit in the row behind them and their parents in the next. Members of the Order sit in the front row along with Hermione who stays close to Y/N. A few Hogwarts professors also arrive, McGonagall, Flitwick and Hagrid also come show their support to the Family. Buckbeak also made an appearance as the hippogriff was given to Y/N in her dad's will. However, the Ravenclaw returned him back to his rightful owner Hagrid, making the half-giant happy to have his old friend back.

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