Chapter 44 - OWL's

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Y/N wakes up slowly, the sun peaking through the curtains. She has no idea where she is. The Ravenclaw feels a warm naked body against her front. She smiles knowing that it's Hermione next to her.

Right she remembers. After the party the couple went back to Hermione's room to continue their own private celebration. Let's just say both of them enjoyed themselves quite a lot.

The Ravenclaw opens her eyes and stares at the exposed skin of Hermione's shoulders that peak from under the sheets. Instinctively, she snuggles closer to her girlfriends naked form and caresses the soft skin as a low hum comes from Hermione.

The Gryffindor shifts so she is facing her girlfriend, her eyes are still closed but snuggled closer into the nook of Y/N's shoulder.

"Morning my love" Y/N says in a raspy tone having just woken up.

"Good morning baby" Hermione says softly "what's the time"

"Just after eight" Y/N replies "and for once can we stay in bed all day"

Hermione hums and smiles against Y/N's bare chest "we have to study"

"Nooo" Y/N whines and Hermione opens her eyes and lifts her head so she is now staring at her whinging girlfriend

"OWL's are coming up soon" Hermione says

"We'll both do fine 'mione" Y/N mumbles "we're both top for our classes"

"Technically I am" Hermione says with a grin and Y/N smirks

"Not in charms your not" Y/N replies and Hermione rolls her eyes

"But in everything else I am" Hermione  says and gently pecks the Ravenclaw's lips  "come on please at least just help me study if you don't want to do anything"

Y/N nods "can we just stay like this five more minutes, then i'll study with you"

Hermione smiles "fine, just five more minutes"

Y/N grins and pulls Hermione closer to her body and starts to close her eyes again. She revels in the feeling and for the first time in a long time, she doesn't feel the constant weight of the world on her shoulders.


Both Hermione and Y/N make it to the library where all her friends are. Flo and Callan are looking through varies textbooks whilst Ron and Jorden engage in quiet conversation with quills in their hands. Harry listens to Flo about a particular concept.

"Hey guys how's the studying going" Y/N says with a smile

"And the lovebirds have finally arrived" Ron says with a cheeky grin

Y/N smirks and giggles whilst Hermione rolls her eyes "what have we covered so far" the bushy-haired girl says

"We covered charms, defensive spells and we are up to potions" Flo says

Y/N and Hermione sit down at the table next to each other with Callan on the other side of Y/N. The Slytherin boy is busily writing down formulas on his parchment and looking at the textbook in front of him.

Y/N looks to Jorden who is on the opposite side of him. The Ravenclaw observes that both their hands are touching underneath the table and Y/N smirks.

"So Cal, anything interesting happen at the party" Y/N says and Callan looks at her friend curiously

"Nothing out of the ordinary" the Slytherin boy replies acting surprisingly level headed.

"So you weren't hanging around any dark corners" Y/N asks and Callan frowns

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