Chapter 27 - A Peaceful Day

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The sun basks on Y/N as she wakes up. She smiles as she recalls the events of last night, their first time together. It was perfect in every way imaginable and was only made better because they both knew that they loved each other. They both said it and the Ravenclaw can't help but think she woke up from a beautiful dream but her naked body in Hermione's bedroom tells her otherwise.

Y/N looks over at her girlfriend's naked form under the sheets. She looks so beautiful in her sleep and the Ravenclaw moves closer to her as she gently touches the soft skin on her back. She can feel Hermione start to wake up and Y/N wraps her arm around her waist and kisses the exposed skin on her shoulder.

"Goodmorning my love" Y/N in a raspy tone as she had only just woken up.

"Goodmorning baby" Hermione replies and wriggles in Y/N's hold as she turns to face her and kisses the tip of her nose.

The Ravenclaw grins and kisses her girlfriend's soft lips. The kiss with tender and loving, neither of them feeling the need to deepen the kiss. "How are you feeling"

Hermione smiles "perfect, did you enjoy it"

"Did I enjoy it" Y/N grins and straddles Hermione as she kisses around her neck and collar bone and slowly goes down to the pale skin of Hermione's stomach. "I think I just found my new favourite dessert last night"

Hermione giggles and sits up before Y/N can kiss further down her body. She gently lifts Y/N's chin who grins at her childishly. "and who said you could have dessert for breakfast."

Y/N blushes and has a mischievous look in her eye. Hermione looks a little scared about what Y/N will do next as the Ravenclaw wraps her arms around the bushy-haired girl and they fall back down on the mattress and start giggling historically.

"You are such a tease Hermione Granger," The Ravenclaw says and Hermione blushes and her honey-brown eyes meet Y/N's

"I love you," Hermione says and cups Y/N's jaw. Y/N smiles and tucks a stray brown lock of hair behind the Gryffindor's ear.

"I love you too" and they both lean in to kiss each other softly and lovingly.

The couple gets changed shortly after to meet their friends in the Great Hall for breakfast. Y/N is dressed in a charcoal grey hoodie and black bomber jacket and jeans. The Ravenclaw had built up a collection of her clothes in Hermione's room from the number of times she has stayed the night.

Hermione dressed in a purple sweater with blue jeans and a dark grey coat over the top. Y/N couldn't take her eyes off her and she started to change the Gryffindor girl caught her starting a few times and she blushes.

Y/N grins and walks over to the bathroom to tame her hair and wash her face in an attempt to wake herself up a little more. Once she returns, the Ravenclaw notices Hermione still staring at herself in the mirror with a puzzled expression.

The Ravenclaw wraps her arms gently around Hermione's waist and rests her chin on Hermione's shoulder. "Why the long face"

Hermione sighs deeply "I don't know. It sounds silly but I feel like everyone will be staring at us and know what happened between us last night"

"And is that a bad thing" Y/N says smirking and Hermione rolls her eyes

"Y/N I'm being serious" Hermione sighs and the Ravenclaw sighs and gently turns the Gryffindor's body to face her.

"They won't know, It's called paranoia 'mione, trust me. We'll be fine" Y/N say reassuringly and Hermione eventually nods

"Okay, but I'm still worried our friends will know," Hermione says

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