Chapter 18 - Detention

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Y/N and Hermione are sitting in the library working on Snape's report that he set out yesterday. The couple were in higher spirits than yesterday, with Y/N not causing any trouble with classes and Hermione getting settled into her role as prefect.

"Godric I hate potions," Y/N says and Hermione chuckles

"It's not like your bad at it," Hermione says and Y/N sighs

"Well yeah I kind of have to be good at it if I want to be an Auror," Y/N says and Hermione stops writing

"What about Quidditch," Hermione asks, "I thought you wanted to make it professionally"

Y/N smiles "I do and especially with me becoming captain I feel like that dream is starting to come true. But I don't know if I want to do Quidditch forever and Tonks really seems to enjoy being an Aruor and it got me thinking more seriously about my life after Hogwarts you know"

Hermione stares at her girlfriend with awe. She loves how the Ravenclaw thinks. How she is logical yet has this impulsive playful nature that attracted the Gryffindor girl from the start.

"You truly are full of surprises Y/N," Hermione says and Y/N smirks

"And so are you 'mione" Y/N says back and leans in to place a kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "I have detention soon"

Hermione sighs "alright, I'll see you tomorrow then"

Y/N nods and cups the Gryffindor's cheek and stares into her honey-brown eyes "Yeah of course" she replies and kisses Hermione once more before packing up her books "Later's gorgeous"

Hermione rolls her eyes and chuckles lightly "bye Y/N"

The Ravenclaw grins as she exits the library and makes her way to Umbridge's office where she will be meeting Harry for their detention.


Y/N spots Harry waiting patiently outside of Umbridge's office. He smiles weakly as he sees the Ravenclaw girl approach.

"Hey you ready," Harry says and Y/N sighs

"Let's just get this over with," Y/N says and Harry nods and the two enter the office.

The teenagers were met with bright pink walls and porcelain plates with various breeds of cats hung up on the wall. Y/N and Harry visibly recoiled at the sight especially when they look at Professor Umbridge staring at the teens making them uneasy.

"Miss Black, Mr Potter. Take your seats" Umbridge says and the two do so at a small table separate from the Professor's desk.

"What exactly are we going to be doing," Y/N asks

"You are both going to be writing lines tonight Miss Black," Umbridge says and the two of them sigh and reach into their bags to grab a quill. "Oh no need for that, you'll be using a special one of mine"

Umbridge hands them both a blood-red quill that looks quite sinister looking. They take out some paper and Harry speaks. "What will you have us write"

"Y/N, you will write out 'I must not tell lies'. And Harry 'I must respect my teachers'" Umbridge says

"How many times," Y/N asks and Umbridge smiles wickedly

"Well, let's say for as long as it takes for the message to sink in." Umbridge replies and Y/N stares at the quill and paper.

"You haven't given us any ink," Y/N says

"Oh, you won't need any ink," Umbridge says and Y/N looks to Harry and he shrugs as they start to write out their lines.

As they write, Y/N feels a itching and burning sensation on her non-writing hand. She ignores at as she continues to write 'I must not tell lies'. She looks over to Harry and to his hand. Spots and small scratches appear start to appear on his hand.

Y/N's hand throbs in pain and she finally looks down to see the words 'I must not tell lies' appear on her hand as well and what she wrote on the parchment written in her blood.

The Ravenclaw glances up at Umbridge who is smiling evily "Yes?" she replies in a sickingly sweet tone

"Nothing" Y/N replies

"That's right." Umbridge replies with her repulsive smile "Because you know, deep down, you deserve to be punished. Don't you, Miss Black and Mr Potter?

The two don't say a word and Umbridge gestures for them to continue writing. As they write, the scaring of the words cuts deeper on her hand. Gritting her teeth, she forces herself to keep going.


The evening continues Y/N and Harry had finished their final line for the night. The words on their hand are not making an attempt to heal any longer and are now bleeding heavily. When Umbridge dismissed them, Harry staggers to his feet looking pale as he exits the office.

Y/N wasn't too far behind him. the cool air of the night is a welcoming change from Umbridges office. The two both walk down the hall together clutching their scarred hands.

"We can't tell the others" Y/N says quietly to Harry "I can't tell Hermione about this, it'll worry her too much"

"But we can't exactly hide it Y/N" Harry replies "we have to sit through this for the whole week. Our friends are bound to find out"

"I know that, but we can't tell them" Y/N says and Harry sighs and nods

"Alright we won't tell them. I also don't want to give Umbridge the satisfaction of us going to the hospital wing to get this sorted" Harry says gesturing to his hand

Y/N nods "yeah neither do I Harry"

The raven-haired smiles weakly and the two make it to the Gyffindor common room first. Harry says his goodbyes and Y/N heads straight up to the Ravenclaw common room.

As she entered the common room, no one was up which Y/N was thankful for. Wasting no time, she went straight to the bathroom to wash her blood stained hand. It stung as the cold water washed over the scarring.

With all the blood now gone, Y/N now had a good look at the scars. The skin was red and inflamed and the scars ran deep. The Ravenclaw hoped that scarring wouldn't be permanent. After washing off the blood, she went to the medicine cabinet and got a bottle of disinfectant and a bandge.

The Ravenclaw put a few drops of dissinfectant on her hand and it stung instantly as it landed on her skin. The Ravenclaw grunts in pain as she cleans the open wound and wraps it up in a few bandages. Y/N then changes out of her robes into her sleepwear and takes a breath she didn't know she was holding. The Ravenclaw prays that her hand will look a little better tomorrow morning.

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