Chapter 34 - Hagrid's back

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Y/N sits in the great hall with Flo. It's been two weeks since break and everyone was just getting settled back into the school term. Jorden joins the two girls with a giddy smile on his lips and sits between the two Ravenclaw's.

"Hey Jord's" Flo says and the Hufflepuff smiles

"Hi Flo, hey Y/N" Jorden replies with a smile. He puts his arms around both of them and sighs deeply "doesn't this remind you of old times"

"What do you mean" Flo asks curiously

"We'll you know before we met the golden trio and our lives got turned upside down" Jorden says and the two Ravenclaw girls laugh

"Yeah I guess your right" Y/N says "but aren't you glad we did"

"Hell yeah" Jorden says and Flo nods

"Wouldn't have it any other way" Flo says and the trio start laughing

Suddenly, Ron and Hermione practically run to the group with wide smiles on their faces. The Gryffindor girl practically jumps into Y/N's arms startling her.

"Blimey Hermione" Y/N says and the Gryffindor girl giggles

"Sorry I'm just excited" Hermione says

"About what" Jorden asks

"Hagrid's back" Ron says

Jorden and Flo stand to their feet "well what are you waiting for" Flo says and everyone grins and follows them out of the castle.

The group run down the hallway when suddenly Callan walks around the corner with a potions book on his hand, writing notes as he walks. Without realising, he crashes right into Jorden and the both fall to the floor.

The Hufflepuff boy lands on top and Cal and he grunts as his weight falls on top of him. Jorden looks embarrassed and the others laugh to the two boys.

"Sorry Cal" Jorden says and gets off the Slytherin boy and helps him to his feet.

Cal brushes himself off and smiles warmly and tucks the potions book under his arm. "It's alright. I should have been looking where I was going" he replies and Jorden grins widely "anyways what's got you guys in such a rush"

"Hagrid's back" the group all say at once and Cal looks confused

"The care of magical creatures Professor" Y/N says and Cal nods understanding

"Right," Cal says and Jorden grabs his hand

"Come on you have to meet him" the Hufflepuff says and they sprint down the hallway hand in hand and the others follow with grins on their faces.

They find Harry on the way heading back up to the castle with Cho, a smile on his face. Ron and Y/N share a look of amusement as they walk up to him.

"Having a nice morning Harry" Y/N calls and the raven-haired boy looks up at her, his face flushed and Cho giggles.

"Shut up you two" Harry calls back and Ron and Y/N laugh historically.

"We have something to tell you" Ron calls and Harry looks confused

"What" Harry snaps

"Hagrid's back" Hermione says with a grin and Harry's lights up and he looks back at Cho

"I'm sorry, I've-" Harry says and Cho nods and Harry joins their friends as they race down to hagrids hut.

As they near the door they hear voices talking and the group slowly sneak up to the side of the hut to know who Hagrid's talking to.

"I will say this one last time." The voice of Dolores Umbridge says "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

"I told you. I've been away for me health." Hagrid replies

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