Chapter 14 - Back at Hogwarts

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Y/N and the group arrive at the train station before they enter platform 9 3/4. Moody and Tonks accompany the teenagers minus Jorden who went back to stay with his parents so he could look after Aston and Rue.

Y/N holds Hermione's hand and sticks next to Tonks. Her cousin smiles at her warmly.

"You two look after each other alright," Tonks says and Hermione nods

"We will Tonks" Y/N replies and she smiles

"And try to stay out of trouble" Tonks adds and Hermione laughs

"Yes we will, now that I'm prefect you can't go breaking the rules," the Gryffindor says to her girlfriend.

Y/N laughs "you being prefect gives me all the more reason to break the rules. You wouldn't turn me in"

"Are you sure about that" Hermione says and Y/N just grins wickedly. Suddenly a black raggedy dog barks and walks beside them and Y/N and Harry both know who it is.

"Padfoot are you barking mad" Mad-eye says "you'll blow the entire operation"

The dog doesn't respond but walks into an empty room and shifts into a human form. Y/N and Harry look to each other, then at mad-eyes. He huffs but allows them to go.

Harry and Y/N enter and see Sirius standing there with a warm smile. "Sirius what are you doing here," Harry says

"Dad if somebody sees you" Y/N adds

"I had to see you off didn't I," Sirius says "what's life without a little risk"

Y/N smiles and Harry hugs Sirius tightly and so does Y/N. "I'm gonna miss you dad"

"You'll see me for Christmas" Sirius replies "now you two be good"

Harry and Y/N smile and nod as Sirius prompts them to leave and they head out to the group whilst Sirius changes back into a dog.

Y/N smiles and Tonks taps her on the shoulder "this is where I leave you"

Y/N smiles and hugs her older cousin "bye Tonks, have fun with Remus"

"Yes I will- wait Y/N!" Tonks says as she blushes and the Ravenclaw girl grins. Tonks sighs and waves her off as the Ravenclaw girl walks through the wall to platform 9 3/4


Y/N meets up again with Hermione as they walk towards the Hogwarts Express. They found their friends near Jorden and his family as they put their bags on the train. Y/N zones out as she watches witches and wizards around the station. However, someone through the crowd caught her attention.

A man dressed in a black cloak, and a pasty bald white head stands motionless at the station. Y/N expression shifts her jaw tightening as she realises who's in front of her.


The dark lord seems to be getting closer towards her and Y/N can feel her heart racing. He smiles wickedly and she can hear him evilly laugh in her head. But still, the Ravenclaw girl can't will herself to move.

"Y/N" Callan calls as he places a hand on her shoulder shaking her out of her thoughts "you alright Lionheart"

Y/N looks back to where Voldemort just was only to find him nowhere in sight. However, Draco is staring right at them and Y/N sighs.

"I'm fine, let's just get going," Y/N says and the boy nods and they get on the train

As they find a cabin Y/N and Harry walk ahead. Suddenly spot Draco, Crabbe and Goyle walking towards them

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